Sunday, June 22, 2008

feeling so much better!

Mood: Crampy but good...!
Reading Tarot Café 7
Playing MySims :3
Drinking water

Well! First things first! I've actually gotten better! After three weeks of being virtually bedridden, I actually went out and did things this weekend and didn't feel too awful for it. Maybe my birthday, maybe the full moon ON my birthday, maybe the medication and tons of water! XD But I'm glad I'm still alive. Jeeesus, for the longest there I thought God was plotting slow, agonizing murder. D:

[tarot café]
IS NOW AT AN END. Sob sob sob. But it was excellent. I love Belus sooooo much. He has always been one of my dearest loves, and this volume just cemented his GOD status. He's beautiful. I just wanna eat him for breakfast. Pour some strawberries on him. He's so yummy~

If you don't think that's some damn sexy shit right there, you need a doctor.

DAMN. Way too addicted to RPing right now. Mostly on Surreal*Twilight, but Riku and Flaming-Scorpion convinced me to sign up at this place called Cog, so I did, but it's scary and confusing. Riku is being nice and doing an RP with me so I can get INTO it. Her character's so frightening though. XD;;

S*T is pretty scary itself at the moment. Ahaha. It seems all my roles demand RAPE. This is awesome, but I feel so bad for the poor people. They're always adorable and I love them, and it's just like "Well, too bad, RAPE RAPE RAPE!" XD It's all right. It'll get better later. I hope.
[blames loki] .__.;;

It's tons of fun, though. n__n At the moment my favorite is a J-rock rivalry deal I'm doing with Loki. It's brutally WRONG right now (let's just say her character has a busted nose, a bad headache most likely, and can't even stand, let alone walk). XDDD;; Poor Eiri. Haha. I hope he tries to get revenge on Haruna (my character). He so deserves it. Yes, I wish punishment on my own sick character. XD

Ah, RPing deliciously wrong. X3

Thursday, June 12, 2008

still alive for now.

Mood: Sad
Listening to Hannya - Kaya
Reading The Ladies of Grace Adieu - Susanna Clarke
Playing Hotel Dusk
Drinking water

Can you believe it? I'm still alive. Barely. Going to try and set up an appointment tomorrow and see what bullshit they give me.

Wishing for luck nonetheless.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I must be dying.

Mood: Utterly Horrible.
Listening to Pourriture Noble - Kaya
Eating too sick to eat
Drinking water

Bleh. I really want to go to the emergency room but I know they're not going to help me, as usual. Instead I will lie in bed and die of a perforated intestine, after I puke the entire contents of my colon up. Pleasant.

I really don't know what to do, but I'm not feeling so great at all.

I was fine until the nausea came on. That's never a good sign.