Saturday, August 16, 2008


It's over.

Friday, August 15, 2008

hoshit it's been a while

Mood: Bored
Listening to Émeraude - Lareine
Watching George Lopez Show. snrrk.
Reading Chronicles of the Grim Peddler - Lee Jeong-Ah
Playing SC4, but craving some Sims
Drinking strawberry melon juice~

Poor, neglected blog. It's almost back to school time, it seems.... I hope this doesn't mean my RP time is up. It's what I live for. [sobs] Well, this is really just a short note, I guess, not even a post. Hahaha.

Calix's Schedule:

Fuck, I need a job. Hahaha. Even more so now that my mom really wants to move out, and since we're going to get a place together, I've gotta help out with the moneys. It's strange that I should be so excited and happy about my parents finally splitting up (for real, it better be final), but really, it's about time. Everyone needs to move on, and I'm happy my brother's marriage/moving out is finally putting that in motion. ♥

Anyway, if I seem to be dead because I never post, just make sure and check out the artblog. I'm always posting there and on deviantART, so if either is active, that obviously means I am too. X3

Ciao for now, fuckers~