Tuesday, April 18, 2006

you like my volvo?

Feeling like I'd rather be euthanized.
Listening to astronomy physics lecture
Currently addicted to klaha, lupin, watching gary oldman movies (still "o_O")
Currently irritated by albert einstein
Current MSN details: Calix Vincent - By Grabthar's Hammer!
Today's Cards: n/a


Please let me out of here. I was thinking the physics section of astronomy was over with, and by the end of the year we'd be getting into the interesting concepts. But no. Just getting deeper into astrophysics... [yawnfest]

I felt like I had to post something after those two surveys because...well, surveys make a page very ugly. [laughs]

Graaaa, as D-Ren reminded me (grrr xD), my birfday is coming up sooner than I realize. I dunno what I want. Wait, yes ah do. [laughs] Just for my own use, so I know what I want, in ordah:

1. The Devil Does Exist, vol. 1-5
2. Klaha - Nostal Lab
3. Gackt - Diabolos
4. Agatsuma - Eternal Songs
5. Agatsuma - Beyond
6. Yoshida Brothers - III
7. Beyond the Wall, Garth Nix

I won't get any of that though...I'll have to wait until Christmas, probably. The ones that can wait for Christmas are items 2, 3, 5, and 7. The others I'm dying for. [cries] I'm such a spoiled brat! xD

I'll probably look for 2 and 3 over the summer when Comic-Con comes rolling through, so those are no problem. As for item one...waaaa! I can't find it in stores, WHY?!

[kicks a cat] >.<

survey time, bitches.

Feeling supernova'd
Listening to astronomy lecture
Currently addicted to klaha, planning out novels, gary oldman flicks o_O
Currently irritated by my hair. feels yucky and I want to cut it.
Current MSN details: Calix Vincent - By Grabthar's Hammer!
Today's Cards: n/a

Some surveys I filled out yesterday. Thanks to Elysa for sending/posting them. ^^

[Relationship Status] – single.
[Shoe size] – 7 to 9.
[Parents still together] – legally anyway.
[Siblings] – older brother.

[Colors] – white, black, dark gray, blood red
[Number] – 9
[Animal] – serval, fennec fox, barn owl

[Considered a life of crime?] – why d'you think I like GTA? fuck you, it's great. [laughs]
[Considered being a hooker?] – why the hell would anyone want to end up blowing Hugh Grant for a living? xDD

[Been in love?] – sure.
[Made out with JUST a friend?] – no.
[Been in lust?] - that's a very vampiric question. [laughs]
[Used someone] – I have, probably.
[Been used?] – [points to "WELCOME" stamped on head]
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] – [laughs] Hell yeah! It's great fun!
[Held a gun] – I feel like I have, but no, I haven't. Just touched one. [cries]

[Current clothing] – loungey.
[Current taste] – taste? um...what?
[Current hair] – left natural...swooshed back with a headband.
[Current thing I ought to be doing]- checking my school email account and seeing what homework I was supposed to have done on the weekend, mailing D-Ren's letter out. (JESUS GIVE ME A STAMP SOMEONE!!)
[Current cd in stereo] – Romantic Adagios or Yoshida Brothers, I think
[Last movie you saw] – The Scarlet Letter, Scary Movie 4
[Last thing you ate] – tater tots <3
[Believe there is life on other planets?] – sure, the universe is big enough.
[Remember your first love?] – heh, no. [laughs]
[Read the newspaper?] – I don't think I've read a newspaper since I was ten.
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] – yeah.
[Hate yourself?] – not really, no.
[Have an obsession?] – I always do, love. Currently, Klaha and Lupin. (not together xD)
[Collect anything?] – dust? [laughs]
[Close friends?] – Adrienne, Elysa, Kellie...my best friends are better than yours. xDDDDD
[Like your handwriting?] – yes, because it changes at will. and cause it's liek, manly and shite. xD

[First crush] – Vega from Street Fighter, ahahahahhaha.
[you believe in love at first sight?] – no, it's nice in movies, but it doesn't happen.
[you believe in "the one?"] – I used to but now I'm kinda "eeeehhhh".
[Are you a tease?] – no.
[Too shy to make the first move?] – yeah.

[Daydreamer] – I'm in so deep, I'm living in my dreams. xD
[sarcastic] – I guess? That's for other people to work out, I guess.
[Shy] – More like anti-social, and not in some fake emo way, okay?
[Talkative] – when I'm talking to the right people, very.

1. Pierce your nose or tongue:: tongue.
2. Be serious or be funny:: funny...who wants a stick up their ass all day long? no fun.

1. Simple or complicated:: simple AND complicated. ooo. xD
2. What time is it:: 13:18
3. Name:: xy
4. Nickname(s):: nothing anyone else gave me.

1. Where do you want to live:: Vancouver or anywhere in Canada, Romania, Oregon/Northern California
2. How many kids do you want:: none, I hate kids.
3. What kind of job do you want:: something...I like? [laughs]
4. Do you want to get married:: no.

In the last month have you...
1. Bought something:: actually, I don't think I have. oh wait, a scantron. ahahaha.
2. Sang:: yep.
3. Been kissed:: nein.
4. Felt stupid:: only every day!! xD
5. Talked to an ex:: nope, thankfully. What a loser.
6. Missed someone:: yes. ;_;
7. Got drunk:: no.
8. Gotten high:: no.
9. Danced crazy:: along to the Girlfriend video by The Darkness. [laughs] Soooo hilarious.
10. Gotten your hair cut:: no, I wish though.
11. Had sex:: no.
12. Lied:: yes.

1. Slept in your bed:: mememe.
2. Saw you cry: my mum...I was watching this movie about some gay guy who got killed because he was gay, and there was this one sc--oh, anyway. My mum caught me at it and I started cracking up. xD
3. Made you cry:: myself, I made myself cry last night thinking of a story I made up. [laughs]
4. Went to the movies with:: my brother, his girlfriend, her sister; this was last night.
5. Said 'I love you' to you:: Adrienne, albeit jokingly. [laughs]

1. Said "I Love You" and meant it:: sure, maybe. wait. I don't really know, not to a boyfriend though. To friends, yes. If I ever tell a friend I love them, then I really mean it.
3. Been to California:: I LIVE in California.
4. Been to Mexico:: Tijuana, which doesn't count.
5. Been to Australia:: no.
6. Been to Canada:: no. [cries]
7. Been to Europe:: no. [cries an ocean]
8. Wished you were the opposite sex:: uh, ALL THE TIME.
9. Snuck out of your house:: no, why would I need to...?


Date: Monday 17 April 2006
001: Name: xylael
002. Nickname: xy
003. glasses or contacts?: both, glasses preferred
004. Zodiac Sign: Gemini
005. Female or Male: physically female, mentally male.
006. Elementary School: Dewey for a month, Mokapu for three years, Boone for four years
007. iPod: Shuffle, I don't need anything more.
008. How many buddies on your list: 19
009. Screenname: iliriael (well, on MSN)
010. Hair Color: dark brown.
012. Hair Long or Short: short...it needs to be cut shorter though. It's all over the place.
014. Eye Color: dark brown.
015. Are you health freak: [laughs] no way.
016. Height: 5'3"
017. Do you have a crush on someone: nah.
018. Do you like yourself: well enough.
020. Think you’re awesome: sometimes, yeah. xD
021. Piercings: just ears, nothing amazing.
022. Tattoo: no, tattoos are...eugh.
023. Righty or Lefty: right-handed.

___Your 'Firsts'___
024. Surgery: never.
025. First piercing: when I was a sprout.
026. First best friend: Courtney. ;_; <3
027. First Award: probably one of those fake things they give everyone in elementary school.
028. First sport: none, I don't play sports.
029. First pet: Chichi, a little black chihuahua. x3
030. First vacation: to the Philippines. uuuggghhh so hot.
031. First Concert: Could've been The Darkness, but we couldn't go at the last minute. [disappointed face] And I missed The Ten Tenors when they swept through at the end of last year.
032. First crush: Vega from SF. xD

033. Movie: Anastasia, Pride & Prejudice; way too many others to mention.
034. Favorite TV show: American Justice
035. Color: white
036. Music: EBM, classical
039. Drink: Ovaltine xD
040. Body part not on the face on a boy: hair. it's on his head, not his--oh fine. hands.
041. Sport To Play: tennis, but I suck. wait, do swimming and biking count? no? well. damn. I like to watch rugby though.
042. Favorite piece of clothing: my Jareth shirt. ^^
043. Brand Of Clothing: BeBop
044. What do you sleep with: Ringwraiths and Dementors and shit. XDDD
045. Favorite School: none, they were all bad.
046. Favorite Animal(s): serval, fennec fox, barn owl
047. Favorite Books: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Coldfire trilogy, His Dark Materials, Harry Potter series
048. Favorite Magazines: National Geographic

049. Eating: air
050. I'm drinking: generic cola. xD
052. I'm about to: watch Batman Begins. "it's not who I aaaammm" [cracks up]
053. Listening to: "Scape ~with transparent wings~" by Klaha <3
055. Waiting For: my brother so I can watch the damn movie.
056: Watching: Wowowee. Well, I'm not watching but it's on the TV.
057. Wearing: clothes. xD

___Your Future___
058. Want Kids: hell no.
059. Want to Get Married?: no.
060. Careers in Mind? writer, editor, sniper XDDDD

__Which is better with the Opposite Gender__
068. Lips or Eyes: eyes.
069. Hugs or Kisses: hugs.
070. Shorter or Taller: taller.
072. Romantic, Spontaneous: spontaneous.
073. nice stomach or nice arms: stomach?
074. Sensitive or loud: loud, I guess. Sensitive is G-H-E-Y.
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: relationship.
076. Sweet or Caring: I dunno, they're both annoying out of context.
077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: I don't care.

___Have you ever___
078. Kissed a Stranger: no.
079. Drank bubbles: ...yes?
080. Lost glasses/contacts: yeah, I misplace my glasses a lot.
081. Ran Away From Home: no.
082. Broken a bone: nope. ^^
083: Gotten an X-Ray: yes.
084. Broken Someone's Heart: maybe?
086. Turned Someone Down: yes.
087. Cried When Someone Died: mmhm.
088. Cried at school: yes.

___Do You Believe In___
089. God: not anymore.
090. Miracles: no.
091. Love at first sight: no.
093. Aliens: not the kind you mean, no.
094. Magic: OF COURSE MAGIC EXISTS. XDDD No, seriously...I like to believe in it. ^^
095. Heaven: no.
096. Santa Claus: he's a total pedophile. [laughs]
097. Sex on the first date: no, that's whorish. But on the other hand, some people just don't care about that.
098. Kissing on the First Date: no. wait, sure? you know, I really don't care. [laughs]
099. Angels: I like them but I don't believe in them. Not the kind you mean.

___Answer Truthfully___
100. Is There someone You Want To be with right now: "be with"? Like, in a romantic way? No. But I do want to watch movies with Adrienne hardcore right now. [laughs]

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

sorin personality survey!

Feeling aching and tired
Listening to "scape ~with transparent wings" - klaha
Currently addicted to klaha, harry potter, tsugaru-shamisen, agatsuma, yoshida brothers, quizzes, surveys
Currently irritated by my legs...oy, pain!
Current MSN details: Selendrile
Today's Cards: n/a

Here's a survey done in the perspective of my dear Sorin Ciel, bad English and all!! If anyone cares to know a bit more about him, here you are. Enjoy! ^^

Survey for your Original Character! (Over 200 Questions!) =D
Name? (At least first and last, middle is optional.):Sorin Alin Valentin St-Michel
Age, or what age you appear to be?:246; appear in twenties
Do you have a nickname or an alias or some sort?:Sorin Ciel
Hair color?:dark reddish brown
Hair length?:a little under shoulder
Hair texture?:very soft and straight
Any hair accesories?:no, I like it down
Eye color(s)?:steel blue
Gender, or what gender you consider yourself to be?:homme
Birthday?:10 avril 1760
Zodiac sign?:aries
Skin color?:white
Nationality?:Romanian and French
Physique?:small, thin, athletic
If you're a girl, breast size?:hehe
Shoe size?:it doesn't matter!
Face shape?:kind of girlish
Food?:young boys, hehe
Drink?:blood, of course
Book?:Da Vinci Code
Animal?:the serpent
Thing to do in your spare time?:gardening and cooking
Person in the whole world?:my Ellis ^^
Musical genre?:classical, rock
Color?:blood red, black
Kind of sandwich?:I don't like sandwich very much...
Season, as in the weather-seasons?:spring is prettiest
Season, as in to flavor your food?:cinnamon, does that count?
Kind of junk food?:don't eat junk
Healthy food?:fruits
Spicy food?:any thing ^^
Sweet food?:chocolate is very sexy
Fruit?:asian pear
Kind of meat?:don't be naughty, heeheee
Manga?:lots of manga are very good, but I don't read them
Anime?:Vampire Hunter D
Children's book?:I don't know..
Star?:star? not the sun, of course. ;) I think Polaris is nice.
Zodiac sign for the opposite sex?:it doesn't matter.
Dis or Dat
Light or Darkness?:darkness is preferable
Chocolate or Vanilla?:chocolate
Orange juice or apple juice?:orange is too hard on my stomach
Hate or Apathy?:hate I think
Pool or pond?:I don't like water very much
Beach or camping?:I don't think I ever went to the beach before
Sneakers or sandals?:none
Trust or care?:both are good!
The dark, gruesome truth or a painless lie?:lies don't hurt sometimes ;)
Who dies: Your mother/father/sibling or the love of your life?:family...they were no good anyway, hehee
Healthy smoothie or a fast food combo?:healthy is better
Flowers or candy?:chocolate please!
Pen or pencil?:quill pen ^^
City or countryside?:country, I can't live in the city too long
Black or white?:black
Towel or bathrobe?:bathrobe covers more
Beer or wine?:wine
Gold or silver?:silver
Men or Women? (It's okay to say both on this one. ^_~):men, but women sometimes
Jock or Nerd?:I don't know
What hair color do you like most on men?:doesn't matter
What hair color do you like most on women?:brunette women I think are sexy
What is your sexual preference?:preference? I don't understand..
Are you single? If not, who's tugging your heartstrings?:not really, I have Ellison
If so, do you want someone to tug your heartstings? Who?:no-one
What first catches your eye?:everything, my eyes are too good ;)
Turn-ons?:sexy voice, innocent personnality, loyalty
Turn-offs?:overweight, bad teeth
Are you romantic?:I guess I can be
What do you find romantic?:candles, velvet, blood, chains ;)
Would you have sex with someone if you didn't love them?:yes, sometimes you just need
Would you have sex with a total stranger?:yes, I do it all the time
For the people that are attracted to women; Breasts: Big, medium or small?:stupid question
For those that are attracted to men: Does size matter?:more stupid question, hehe
How tall do you like 'em?:not taller than me
Are you a virgin?:of course not
If not, would you say you have a lot of sex?:oh yes.
Do you prefer them older, younger or the same age as you?:younger, I'm older than everyone xDDD
Do you get obsessed?:I can sometimes..
Do you want a talented, egotistic badass of a man or a sweet, caring moron?:I want innocent boys, hehee
Do you want a strong, working woman or a gentle housewife?:depends on mood...
On a man: Three piece suits or baggy t-shirts and slacks?:dress nicely!
On a woman: Dresses and skirts or shirts and pants?:I don't pay attention as long as she looks neat
Have you ever been hurt?:I get over it quick
What do you think about cheating?:*shrug*
Ever broken a heart?:yes...and crushed a heart...and drank from a heart too *grin*
Have you ever developed a crush on a friend?:yes
Have you ever been rejected?:yes
How far would you go for true love?:rather far, I think
How far have you already gone?:I started liking women again, hehehee
Do you think love is a mistake?:it can be some times
Does pain create beauty?:oh yes, very much so
Who are your best friends?:Ellison, Stephen, Krishna
Have any siblings?:one older brother, long dead
Have any enemies?:Lucius deCerna
Are you passive or aggressive?:I don't know
Can you cook?:yes, I love to!
How often do you give compliments or do nice things for others?:not often, I'm not very nice xD
Have you ever lost someone?:yes, of course
Do you have any piercings?:no
Any tattoos?:no
Who understands you best?:Ellis
Do you/have you smoke(d)?:I have, it's disgusting
Drink/drank?:yes, I don't do it very much
Are you doing/Have you done drugs?:no, I have no need
Do you fear death?:some times
What do you fear most?:drowning or being naked, hehee
Who do you fear losing most of all?:Ellis
Ever attempted suicide?:once when I was very small
Do you hold grudges?:if it's a small issue, no
At a party, do you blend in with the crowd or make a scene?:I spend my time alone...
Where do you work?:demon hunter at SOL
Where do you want to work?:no work!
Why?:I like to garden... xDD
Do you like sunny days?:they're ok
Windy?:no, my hair goes every where
Rainy?:ok, good day to stay inside
Snowy?:no, too cold
What do you think is the scariest natural disaster?:flood
Why?:don't like water
Do you want to get married?:no
Do you want to have children?:I can't :)
What will you name those children?:...
Who molested you as a child?:that's very personnal..my older brother if you must know, when I was very young
What is your purpose in life?:extinguishing dark creatures
Can you do a handstand?:I don't know, can I?
Are you a very good fighter?:yes, I can take care of myself
How good are you at hand to hand combat?:pretty good
How good are you are magical combat?:my sword has a little magic..
Are you good with a gun?:a little bit
How about a sword?:expert ^^
Bow and arrows?:not too good :/
Can you fly?:hehe, I wish!
What ONE power and/or ability do you wish you had?:there you go
Do you blow your money or save it for a rainy day?:I save when I can
Which is sexier: Angels or demons?:neither, I dislike both
How about elves or vampires?:vampires, of course! ;)
Are you an angel?:no, they're not very nice
Demon? If so, what kind?:no, I hunt them...
Elf?:no, I don't know any elf
Vampire?:yes, I am...a Master Vampire
What race do you wish you were, then?:some times I wish I was human again
Do you paint your nails?:black some times
Can you draw?:not really
Sing?:very badly!
Dance?:not very well
Are you rich?:a little
How rich?:not too rich, I get by
Are you a proud person?:sure.
Shy, then?:no, just prefer solitude
What would you change about yourself, given the opportunity?:my nose
Why?:it's very ugly x_x
What is your best overall skill?:cooking
Any natural talents?:natural?
What skill did you have to work hardest to acheive?:to be more friendly
What are your thoughts on homosexuality?:what do you think!
Cousin/cousin incest?:don't really think that's too good
Brother/Brother incest?:hate hate hate...
Sister/sister incest?:bad
Brother/sister incest?:bad
Parent/child incest?:even worse
Teacher/student?:I don't think that's so bad...
Significantly older/younger (Like, say, 20 years and up)?:sure, why not
Interspecies relationships?:no thanks..hehehe
Are in in a relationship anything like the aforementioned ones?:yes, older/younger
Are you ashamed?:no, I look so young anyway it doesn't matter
Do you ever allow others to tell you what to do?:if it's good advice
Do you boss others around?:yes, a lot xDD
Do you believe people should be treated differently?:I don't know, some times
Why or why not?:depends on situation
Are you religious?:hahaha, no way, religion hurts people
Do you keep a diary/journal?:no, I did when I was a child
What is your favorite element?:element? fire.
Least favorite element?:water of course...really don't like water at all
Are you or would you consider yourself intelligent?:yes but not with English! haha
What do you regret more than anything?:no regrets! ^^
What are you most glad you did?:killed my brother.
Have you ever saved a life?:a couple times, yeah
Have you ever been saved?:I usually save my self
Are you emotional?:not really
Stoic?:yes, a lot of the time
Optimistic?:yes, I look out for the best case
Kind?:I'm learning to be
Tall?:a little bit
A happy balance?:kind of average
Finishing up...
Overall, are you glad you took this quiz?:no, I think it was sort of boring.
I'll miss you.:oh..? ok?
Will you miss me?:...I guess so...
Will you miss Niko? She's my cat. Look, she's waving with her little paws!:*wave*
Think I'm an idiot?:I'll say no to be nice... ^^;
Want this to be over already?:yes, please...I'm very tired to-day
It's almost over...:ok, good
GOODBYE! =D:au revoir, dears *blow kiss*
Take this survey | Find more surveys
You've been totally Bzoink*d

Sunday, April 9, 2006

comin again to save the mothafuckin day yeah!

Feeling lazy as hell.
Listening to "suicide kiss" - rolly (becauzz dead, issa shine anaiii rooown!)
Currently addicted to harry pottah, galaxy quest, pointless quizzes
Currently irritated by school (what else?)
Current MSN details: Angst Lee
Today's Cards: n/a

So I'm shirking work as usual. I ought to be finishing my stupid rhetoric paper but I'm not in the mood right now. I woke up late, and I'll probably be stuck going to church later even though I really need to get this done. Hm. [kicks church] So fucking useless.

As it says above, I'm really addicted to pointless quizzes right now...so....

[lupin + snape]

You Are A: Turtle!

turtleThese reptiles, famous for their hard outer shells, spent their days roaming for food and relaxing in the water. As a turtle you are not very speedy, nor are you soft and cuddly. You tend to hide in your shell and you aren't much of a sprinter, however you are as cute as you are fascinating.

You were almost a: Kitten or a Mouse
You are least like a: Squirrel or a MonkeyCute Animal Quiz!

I am 55% British, just like
Hugh Grant
Thought you drive a British sports car you are most likely to have a blowout in LA.

Take the Brit Quiz at

Quiz written by Daz

Sex With Nuns
Are You Damned?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

Ironic, isn't it?
Which Survivor of the Impending Nuclear Apocalypse Are You?
A Rum and Monkey joint.

You Are 60% Evil

You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.
Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.

Man I'm bored. xD