Friday, March 7, 2008

how I missed you, computer.

Mood: Icky
Listening to Dream About You - Stevie B ...I really need to make a karaoke-sounding 90s song playlist. u_u;;
Watching A Haunting
Playing PW3...must FINISH!
Eating headache pills D:

(if this posts eighty times, FUCK YOU BLOGGER.)

Well, my power cord replacement came in early [loves when this happens, which is all the time] so I'm on my own computer again, woohoo! HERE I AM AGAIN COMPUTER I LOVE YOU SORRY FOR BEING MEAN SOMETIMES BUT I MISSED YOU D:

[swallows down something for sinus headache] AUGH. My headache went away yesterday but now the horrible pressure is back with a vengeance. I really hope it's my sinuses and not a brain tumor threatening a hemispherical takeover...! I've got the yuckiest feeling right at the bridge of my nose, though, so I'm pretty sure the pain's my sinuses....I hope. D: Maybe a nap's in order! (When am I not sleeping, though?)

Brawl is getting closer...! OMG!!!1 Why am I not freaking out more. Sunday releases are a bit funny, but hey...! I'm not complaining.
"I'm deeply upset that you are not releasing this game on Tuesday. Please knock the date back two more agonizing days. Sakurai has sent his somewhat sincere delay regrets to us about twelve times already. One more delay is not that big a deal anymore."

Some semi-important news: I opened my short story blog to anyone, so we'll see how that goes. Any threat of theft (as if anyone would want to, but you can never tell) or weirdos and it's going back under the covers. D: I really wanna revamp the damn sidebar, because it's getting long and I just need things to be COMPACT. It's easier on my eyes...and my shitty 1024x768 resolution. D:

Being off my computer has put me into a slight writing mood, so I may do a little something here and there. The Contest, I fear, is on hiatus, despite everything I told Adrienne. Ha ha, sorry about that. [scratches neck nervously, hopes she doesn't get beat up] D: But who knows...! That story pops into my head at the most random times, so even if I don't write an actual chapter, I may do a related one-shot or something (which I am kinda craving). You never know with those pesky boys. Valentine likes to worm his way into everything, so. Eh heh heh. D:

We shall see. D:

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

quick post

Mood: Brain Tumor-y
Watching Forensic Files
Reading The Walking Dead - Robert Kirkman; Batman: Child of Dreams - Kia Asamiya

Well, my laptop power cord died so I won't be online (or even on my computer) for quite some time. I'm writing this on reserve battery, which unfortunately didn't charge all the way before the damn thing sparked. I doubt anyone cares, but there you go. I should be getting a new one in next week, so we'll see if it works for me. I really hope it does. I can't last without my computer. No homework, no writing or drawing (at least not easily), and no seme. T_T

At least Brawl is coming out Sunday, so that'll give me something to occupy my time with. Mwahaha! MARTH POWAAAAH!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

whoops, where've I been....

Mood: Bored
Listening to At Least We Tried - Moby/Freedom Bremner...I really love bad karaoke-sounding songs.
Watching maybe Beowulf later. I have a feeling it'll be bad....
Reading about Rolly's sad school days. XD
Playing Sims 2, Dofus
Eating bad easter candy... DX
Drinking cream soda (it seems I drink nothing else these wonder I'm turning into a lard-ass.)

Well! It certainly has been a little bit since I've last blogged! (According to the DJSTFC, it is all I do and I should get a life. Strange, since I rarely ever post.) D:

I've been spending my free time playing Dofus again. Yes, DOFUS! I never really wanted to play it because it was too full of morons and too hard to level up, but since they opened the US/Canada beta test server, I jumped aboard. Come on, five times the experience! My Iop character Miel is already to level 25 in only about three days of combined play time, and I've got an Osa boy at level 15 with about three hours of play (and Osas are soooo slow in battles because of their summons). It's wonderful. [laughs, claps] It's also lovely because the world is so wonderfully uncrowded. You can actually move around without a bunch of retarded assholes crowding you and challenging you/proposing an exchange every two seconds.

Also been playing the Sims 2 since I finally got a CD/DVD drive to make up for the busted one on my laptop. [growls] It's been yeeeears since the game came out and only now can I play it. Pathetic! But fun. [laughs] I made a whole bunch of pretty men (and some girls too, yeah) so I'm thinking about renaming my neighborhood MANLAND. D: I even made the Contest boys, but the one who seems to come around most often is Crispin, sitting in people's ugly houses and being angry at their TV sets as random men in bad clothes stalk him. D:

I even made sims of myself and Adrienne. They like to fuck a lot. u_u;;;

[les dessins]
I've been drawing a bit more lately and taking a break from writing, even though I wrote a tiny bit today. Just got irritated at eternally unfinished Little Red Riding Hood story and so finished it, even though the ending sucks...! I'm considering opening my short story blog to the public, but that kinda scares me with all the thieves out there. :\

Right now I'm working on a pretty "big" project. Just a piece of fanart of Iori Yagami (KOF), randomly enough. I don't know why I put so much effort into it, but it's turning out to be one of my better paintings. I really wanted to get used to painting as opposed to simply coloring lineart, and it's turning out pretty well, I think.

Since then I've added more detail to his lips and taken out the lineart (which was just a guide). Next I've gotta shade his clothes, finish his legs (yes, it's actually a full-body picture...isn't that AMAZING?!), and add other details. It's fun to work on but pretty frustrating. It's really rewarding to work on something and see it turning out better than you expected, though. Makes me want to work more than one day on all my pictures from now on. X3

Man, Iori is so cool. D:

[à l'université]
School's been keeping me fairly busy-ish, especially French. Twenty pages of workbook each week is seriously just way too much for my fragile little non-multitasking brain to take...! But these last two chapters were short and easyish so I hope it continues this trend. I've been noticing that the last chapters in the book have close to no vocabulary, so I wonder what's going on. Maybe it's time for VERBS and GRAMMAR. Yesss. Challenging, but a lot more fun than memorizing weird vocabulary words that have to do with North African cuisine, that's for sure. (Seriously, I don't need or want to know how to make couscous....)

I think midterms are coming up soon, though I technically only have a midterm for mythology (my other classes keep to evenly-placed exam schedules) this semester's going by so fast and yet so unbearably slowly. I just want it to be spring break already. Too bad my seme won't be visiting then. [sniffles] I don't want to wait until summer. It's not faaaair. ):

Anyway, I guess that's enough of my boring life for today...!