Friday, March 23, 2007


Mood: Excited!!!!!!1
Listening to Leeca - Gackt (It's really calming so I've put it on repeat XD)
Watching Without Limits. I don't know, the TV is on, I'm not watching, but that's what's on. [laughs]

God, I'm so fucking nervous. I even have this annoying cramp in my side. I can't explain it, but I'm sure it's because I'm anxious about things. [laughs] Damn it damn it damn it. AHH! [laughs, freaking out, obviously]

I can't wait and I feel like I've tons to do today. I have some vague appointment to get my eyebrows in the afternoon, maybe about 12 or 1, I'm not sure yet. I have to call the lady and ask for a specific time before going. [chase buries her face under blanket] Guess dogs like darkness? [laughs] Anyway, I hope that goes by quickly. I suppose I just feel overwhelmed because I'm so nervous...aaaah. I guess this is just my body's way of preparing. :\

All right, the lady called me back. 12 it is. [laughs] Gotta get ready soooon. Aaah.

I was going to shower now, but I think I'll do that late tonight/early tomorrow morning. I won't get to wash my hair on the train, so yeah. As late as I can possibly manage. [such a woman for planning things like this] DX

Oh god, I just need to shut up about this pointless stuff and go do something productive. [laughs, runs off]

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

MASH fun!

Mood: So-So
Listening to Adagio in G Minor - Albinoni
Playing Mash! :3
Drinking Powar! MIND POWAAAR!

Boredom and easy amusement.

Your husband's name is Adrienne and you have 9 children. You're a Call Girl who drives to work every day in a Yellow Polkadot Vespa.

It's truly a wonderful life when you consider the countless romantic nights you have spent with Adrienne in your shack in Romania.

That one was from last night. My husband has such a masculine name. D:


Your husband's name is Adrienne and you have 35 children. You're a Maid who drives to work every day in a Black Bumper Car.

It's truly a wonderful life when you consider the countless romantic nights you have spent with Adrienne in your shack in France.

Once again, we have a shack. [laughs] I guess we can't afford that many children. D:


Your husband's name is Jake Jackson and you have 28 children. You're a Panhandler who drives to work every day in a Pink Golf Cart.

It's truly a wonderful life when you consider the countless romantic nights you have spent with Jake Jackson in your mansion in Novaya Zemlya.

Yes, at least from all the most horrible choices, I have a mansion in which to hold all twenty-eight of my brain-damaged, disfigured, and nuclear-powered children.

Monday, March 19, 2007

oh noes.

Mood: Ill
Listening to Dakishimete Itai. AGAIN. Why do I always listen to this stupid song?! It's SO retarded, and yet I play it over and over!!! AIUYSGIKIJSFHGV.
Playing with the Candybar dollmaker. :3
Eating Lay's Kettle Cooked. When am I not eating these, right? XD
Drinking Gatorade. Blech! I hate it, but I don't want to get dehydrated. My teeth must be rotting as I type. ):

I stayed home from school today because I feel horrible. ): It seems to be dying down, but bleh. Stomach must've turned inside out or something. I'm scared to eat anything. ><

I got onto the MUU forums again today, after a long absence. Whep! I should be better about logging into places I should be.

I'm having so much trouble sleeping now...I keep thinking about next week and getting really excited and anxious. I'm scared. ):

And there was no real point to this post.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

I got the tickets.

Listening to Dark Overworld - Legend of Zelda: Sound & Drama (this was liek. my favorite song from a game when I was little. It's still one of my faves.)
Reading Longitude - Dava Sobel (I need to do it again for my essay...)
Playing Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Eating avocado ice cream =^•.•^= Hoo yeah! ...D:
Drinking NOT water, for once! Ho ho!

I got the tickets this morning and now I'm scared as hell. [sobs] Even lovely avocado ice cream, which I haven't had in years, isn't enough to make me feel better. I'm trying to concentrate on my paper but that's...really difficult right now. Arrgh. It also would've been nice if the ticket lady didn't fuck it up, but she did. She set the date back to a day later than it was supposed to be. I guess that's good because it's an extra day with Adrienne, but STILL! [laughs] Any weird changes make me nervous! [wails]

[gives ice cream a good long taste] No wonder my lipgloss tastes the way it does. It has avocado in it. D:

Three simple pages of an essay seems impossible right now. [groans] I don't want to do it, because I've no idea what to write. Starting to write is just so difficult. I have some really weak introductory paragraph, but other than that...nothing. This sucks. Kind of hard to write something serious and/or interesting about a silly novel.


Edit: I think I'm allergic to avocado. D:

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I'm nervous....

Mood: Calmly Anxious
Listening to nothing, but I REALLY randomly have I Can't Go For That by Hall and Oates in my head. Seriously. [laughs] NO CAN DO!
Playing WarioWare: Smooth Moves, WarioWare: Touched, and Zelda: Link to the Past. Yep. [occupied?]
Eating nothing yet, but I'm so hungry. :\
Drinking horse piss. What else? D:

Well, I got my silly Carnival speech out of the way for comm! I wasn't too nervous, but my voice was a bit drained and shaky, so it probably sounded that way. Right after I went, Karen went, since she did nearly the exact same thing. How we just happened to pick the same thing is beyond me, but okay! [laughs] The instructor called her a copier. Hahahaha. But she focused hers on the one in Rio, while I focused mostly on Mardi Gras and Venice, so it was good and nothing really was the same.

Now I just need to work on my essay, which hopefully won't be awfully hard or anything. It's only three pages, so I guess that's a big relief. I just have to figure out what to write, which is the difficult part. I think I'm going to address the opposite of what most people might, so at least it'll be different. Maybe I'll get extra points. Ho ho. Or just none at all. ):

I can't believe I'm going to see Adrienne so soon. It hasn't really HIT me yet, but I'm feeling the twinges and it's actually distracting me. D: I'm trying to just focus on getting school out of the way and then worrying about the visit later, but ahh, it's getting to be a bit hard. I'm so scared of what's going to happen. [laughs] I don't want her to hate me, and I keep feeling like the chances of that happening are so high. I don't think I'm very likable--well, likeable, because I hate spelling it like LICKABLE--and that people are nice to me only because they think I'm retarded and pity me. Hahaha. Yes, I'm...ridiculous, but I can't help thinking like this, especially right now.

I just know that I'm going to fully embarrass myself, and with the way I am, it'll happen more than just once or twice. I don't want this to be a disaster, but...ahh. [freaks out, laughs] I'm so scared, but at the same time I'm really excited. I just want to see her so badly. I need my hugs and kisses. D:

On a wholly random note, there's this uber-Japanese guy I see around campus. He looks so out of place, because he has the whole style thing going on that you mostly only see in Japan. Except for his pants. His pants are liek. Skintight. And his legs are SO skinny. It's so weird. Elysa knows who I'm talking about. [laughs] I just was reminded of him, and how seeing those legs makes me laugh. There's ANOTHER guy with even skinnier legs. I've never seen a girl with legs so skinny. They look like bamboo. Maybe Hua Mei will run away from the zoo and bite his legs off. D:

Anyway, getting back to what I was saying.... [laughs]

I need to figure out what clothes and books and whatnot I need to bring. It's more than an entire day just to get there, and I certainly can't stare out the window or sleep the entire time, so...yeah. Too bad I don't have the second Phoenix Wright. That would've been ace. ): Perhaps I'll try and continue Golden Sun. I forgot I was playing it. I also want to get a haircut beforehand but that's probably not happening. Ah well, my hair sucks no matter what I do. [laughs]

This is getting too long so I'll just stop it here. Gotta meet Elysa soon for lunch since I skipped astronomy. XD

[goes to be a nervous wreck for the rest of the day] D:

Friday, March 9, 2007

yes, I'm quite bored. XD

Mood: Amused
Listening to Klaha
Playing The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Drinking dihydrogen monoxide

I got really bored so I fucked around with the Objection! generator at this site. I had an Edgeworth and Wright one, but they were stupid so...just Von Karma. [laughs]
Karuma (Look at that smile!) XD

Too bad, since Edgeworth has the sexiest voice. XD;

Edit: And here are ones Elysa did. Soooooooooo great.
He's too sexy for court.

too. much. WORK.

Mood: Lazy
Listening to Märchen - Klaha
Reading a bunch of crap for history. :D
Playing WarioWare: Touched
Eating pizza
Drinking water

Things what I mun do ere the break of springage:
- speech on Venetian Carnival and Masks (for comm, due next week)
- make a mask for said speech
- homework d'histoire du monde (no big deal)
- essay on Longitude (due the 19th, blaaaaah), which is only three pages (oh, good) but is a hard subject (aw, damn)
- write poems EVERY DAY for writing (excruciating!)
- finish about 10 more short story reviews by monday. Yes, TEN, for crying out loud, when THREE takes me ALL DAY.
- throw a few tests in here and there
- go to my appointment, bleh
- buy ticketses. :D

I feel like I'm missing something very important...oh well. D:

...I wanted to say more but I just don't feel like it. ><