Wednesday, December 26, 2007

blah christmas

Mood: Bored
Watching What Not to Wear
Reading Wicca: A Guide For the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham
Playing NOTHING. ]:
Drinking juice

Weeeell, Christmas was pretty sucky this year. I got a few good things so I probably sound spoiled but a lot of it was just depressing. ]:

- I asked for: Pants that fit. What I got: Pants that were two sizes too small and didn't even button.
- I asked for: A NICE bra in my size. What I got: a hideous granny bra in my size that I could find at any Wal-Mart, which was specifically what I did NOT want.
- Sims 2, which I really wanted but can't even play since my CD drive or something is busted and my brother won't even let me try it on his computer. Woo hoo hoo.
- Danger Girl figures. Cool but I have no place to put them and I can't do anything with them. ]:
- Borders Giftcard. Yay, except my brother got one that was liek $20 dollars more or something. He doesn't read and he already has a lot of money. No fair. I can get liek one and a half books with mine. ):

Things I'm Really Happy About:
- Books. I got two books by Scott Cunningham on Wicca (even though I'm not they have lots of helpful things) and my favorite Ellen Dugan book, Natural Witchery. ^^ They'll give me something to read on the train.
- Phoenix Wright 3 and Hotel Dusk. I can't really play them until I'm on the train, though. ):
- Boots. Finally.

Boo. ]:

Sunday, December 23, 2007

cute minicity thing!

Mood: Sleepy
Watching Fresh Prince

Uhh, I saw this on Shino's blog. Go to our towns and make our people pop out more babies. (Every click increases population by one.) >>

My Town
Shino's Town

Woowoo. D:

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Mood: Pensive
Listening to Kimi no Vanilla - Buck-Tick
Playing Popomundo o.o
Drinking nothing, but I'm way thirsty. DX

I asked a question about my pantheistic beliefs on Yahoo Answers today, because it was something that was bugging me about Paganism and Wicca. Before I went too far into them, I wanted to know if it was the right thing. So I asked. The question's still open, but already I've gotten good answers. My question:

Pagans: Pantheism - Where Do I Belong?
I'm beginning to embrace Paganism (not sure about Wicca because I'm not educated enough about it) but a lot of the traditions and beliefs confuse me. I feel like I'll never find a place, even though I feel that I'm on the right road. I'd rather not go too far until I have a few key things sorted out.

One of the things that makes me think is the concept of God and Goddess, though I feel like Goddess is emphasized (which I don't agree with). I personally believe that the divine/deity/universal spirit (what have you) is in everything, everyone, all throughout the universe...and has no true gender. Well, more of an androgynous figure, really, both male and female. Does that make me something other than Pagan, and does that mean I'll have to turn back and keep searching for another path? Or is this 'valid'?

Someone gave me a link to a site on Scientific Pantheism, and it seems to embody that God aspect of my beliefs (which I'm sure is most important, haha). Really, read it all. It's very interesting. I don't know if that's all I believe, but it's the first thing I've connected with PERFECTLY, not just very strongly. Even if it means I'm not Pagan (I don't think I was ever fully Wiccan, but Pagan was a definite answer), it's enlightening. I don't know what I am, but I'm not going to be frustrated about it. Just going to keep exploring and see what works for me, whether I'm Pagan or Scientific Pantheist, or Pagan AND Pantheist. A lot of pantheistic beliefs seem to be the same as Pagan ones, so I don't know. We'll see. I'll see. o.o

Edit: Searching further on the World Pantheism site, there are lots of Pagan beliefs and customs included, among other pantheistic religions. I think I'm all right with calling myself a Pagan Pantheist. XD I feel like this is IT. It's exciting. ^^

The thing is, too: it's not like I changed my belief or anything, but it's finally got a name, and one that's okay to use (not wrong, not mistaken, etc.). Names are very powerful things...and it's wonderful. I'm very happy. <3 Reading this, I'm really comforted (taken from the FAQ page):

What is the relationship between paganism and pantheism?
There are many points in common between paganism and Pantheism. Most pagans say they are pantheists. They too revere Nature and the Universe and regard them as in some sense unified wholes. They too celebrate solstices, equinoxes and other natural passages. They too have a strong environmental ethic and a deep love of nature.

Many pagans are straight pantheists, using polytheism as a metaphoric way of expressing their reverence for the Universe and Nature. Some people feel the need for symbols and personages to mediate their relationship with nature and the cosmos. There is no harm in this, as long as the symbols help us to connect to Reality and do not block or distort our view of Reality.

Pantheists can also relate directly to the universe and to nature, without the need for any intermediary symbols or deities. The cosmos manifests itself directly to us in nature and the night sky.

However, many pagans are literal polytheists, and believe in magic, reincarnation, and the irrational. Modern pantheists are not polytheists, and do not believe in magic, or disembodied spirits. Most of them do not believe in a personal afterlife, whether through reincarnation or transport to any kind of non-material "heaven."

If by the irrational, people mean a strongly emotional and aesthetic approach to nature and the universe, then we support it just as strongly as any pagan. But we see no conflict in principle between this and science, reason or logic. The findings of science have often been abused to harm nature and humans, but to correct the harm we need better, more ethical science and better public control over science and technology - not an abandonment of science. Without science we would have no hope of saving the earth, and no hope of understanding the universe we live in.

However, if the irrational means abandonment of science, reason and logic, then pantheists reject it. Once these are abandoned, all beliefs are equally valid - including racism, fascism and the wildest superstitions.

Friday, December 21, 2007


Mood: Pensive
Watching A Haunting
Playing Popomundo! X3
Eating Lumpia
Drinking water. Mmmmm! XD

Randomly thinking about empathy again. Sometimes I'm unsure if I'm really an empath or not, but I always come back to knowing I am. It explains so much. I just wish more people knew about it and's not really the easiest thing to explain to people, or explain what it does to me.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, go here.

Some people say: well if that's what an empath is, so am I! So is everyone on Earth, idiot!
No, that's not true. There's sensitivity and there's genuine empathy. It's so much stronger than everyday can't know unless you are one.

I need to learn how to put up a shield (I always read this is the best solution), but I don't think I'm any good at it. Maybe I just have to learn or keep dealing with it, unfortunately. I think maybe unconsciously I've learned to shield certain things, because some things that traditionally bother empaths have stopped bothering me, since I just distance myself from them or I haven't personally experienced them myself. A lot of things still bother me, though. It's hard coping with feeling like shit all the time, and I try to pretend it's not because of empathy, but I'm really beginning to think it is.

Anyway, just something I think about sometimes...don't mind me. [laughs] I might do something more in-depth about Empathy on my Pagan blog, so I'll stop here. I doubt anyone cares. ]:

What Kind of Empath Are You?
created with
You scored as Artist

You are an Artist Empath, one who creates their own reality and infuses the realities of others with your energy & emotions. You are poetic and sensitive. You turn your feelings into creations and share them with the world. Everything you touch turns to song and is freed by the color of your eyes. Your spirit dances with the winds and paints delight in the evening sky. (from the "Book of Storms" by Jad Alexander at







Fallen Angel










And heeey, they're doing a fairly decent representation of Wicca on A Haunting. XD It's strange to see an understanding that it's not Satanic.... Nice work, Discovery Channel! XD Oh wait, never mind, now they're saying Christianity is the only true answer. BAD! DAMN IT! FUCK THIS SHIT! [storms off] XD

"I wouldn't advise anyone to dabble in Witchcraft." Oh shut up and go make love to Jesus. D< Here is Mike Rowe to bring my happy back. D<

Sunday, December 16, 2007

generic blog title #3046

Mood: Okay, USA!
Listening to Transient - Schwarz Stein
Reading Queens 4 - Ha Sung-Hyen. \o/
Drinking juice. Yummy!

I don't really know why I'm posting yet again, but I feel like it, so I can, damn it. D:

Finally posted something non-tarot-y at my tarot blog. [laughs] I'm such a dork but I'm glad the thing's being put to use. [nods] Spells like that are hard, though. I don't have that kinda supply, dood! [shitty witch] ):

Went shopping with my brother this morning. I was considering buying Adrienne INVU but she says she's gonna buy it so I won't bother. If you can't find it, TOO BAD. I'm not buying it for you, bitch. [laughs] Now the problem is...what do I get for her! Oh, I don't know. She's hard to shop for. ]:

I settled on buying myself Queens 4 and The Other Side of the Mirror, which finally came out in English. I love Jo Chen so I figured I'd pick it up...the cover's really shiny. o_O; Didn't get around to reading yet, but I did read Queens and EEEEE! I love that book so much. [laughs] I don't know why, but it's liek my favorite at the moment. So adorable. Gyung-Ju and Pil-Hyun are a "couple" now and they're sooooo fun and cute it's unbelievable. XD Poor Pil-Hyun...being called Gyung-Ju's girlfriend. Aww. [laughs, pinches his cheek] They even slept in the same bed...! I'm surprised Gyung-Ju didn't make a move. D: Probably because poor Pil-Hyun has the biggest crush on teacher Bok-Nam, but she's busy fucking her first love. Waa! I wonder if she'll ever notice how much he likes her.... It's soap opera crazeh. Haha. I love it! D:

I think I'm getting around to really liking Gyung-Ju, too. He makes me laugh. What an asshole. XD I think he traumatized Pil-Hyun by giving him a kiss...and to make things worse, Pil-Hyun's stalker "girlfriend" took a picture of it. Hahaha. I love that book waaaay too much. D:

In other news, I started playing some bizarre browser [typed "bowser"] game called Popomundo. I roped Elysa and Adrienne (also known as Horace Iredell and Ian Stringer, respectively, haha) into playing it, but it's weird and I'm sure they're just as confused as I am. [laughs] The concept: you're a musician and you have to make your band cooler than everyone else's. It's real hard, too. D:

My character is named Dara Thorpe [laughs] and I started a rock group called Vice. Don't ask where I got the name; I was listening to Pride of Mind, okay. [laughs] It's a cute concept but the game's kind of confusing and a little TOO detailed, making it fairly difficult. But I guess that's the point, no? o.o

And Elysa has just brought to my attention this piece of hot sexellence (sorry, Adrienne, it is). Hahaha. Omg. Claire and Leon...?! OMGOMGOMGMMMG I'm going to totally have an orgasm. This is so wonderful. I don't know how I haven't heard about this (I don't keep up with game news anymore) but OMMOMGGGMGMGMmgmmgmg.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [goes insane from happiness]

Friday, December 14, 2007

school is over!

Mood: Relieved
Watching Harry Potter stuffs.
Eating bean and cheese burrito. Mmmm!
Drinking Gatorade. Needta replenish my electrolytes. D:

I took my comm final earlier today. Huzzah! Took me about 35 minutes. o_O; Would've been out of there faster if I didn't have to wait for Lauren to finish so I could get my pencil back. [laughs] But oh well. I'm patient! XD

I'm so glad I don't have to be at school for a long while. Back to sleeping at 7am! Well, maybe not. Hahaha. A week seemed long, so a month should be grrreat. And then I get to go to Adrienne's for most of vacation, yaaaay. :D It's weird, though. I feel like I have to go back to school on monday. It'll hit me fairly soon.

I sold my books back and have some money for once, so hopefully I can buy gifts for people. [laughs] Yay! Even if they're shitty gifts. Haha. Something is better than nothing, damn it! I'd like to make things to go along with them, but I can't really think of what I'd do. I'm also feeling soooo uncreative. DX But now that I have free time, perhaps I can get to work on a few things that I didn't have time for during school, like writing or trying to draw and get my creativity back. [laughs]

Wooohooooooooooo. [dances] Fuck you, school! I WON THIS TIME!

soup is good

Mood: Disgusting
Watching AFV
Eating tomato soup
Drinking water

Ugh, I've had the worst morning/day. I wish IBS would just die. [punches it in the stomach] ...ow. [cries] I decided I'd eat some soup to restore some sodium and whatnot, but there wasn't anything but tomato soup. Ew. I never understood why so many people eat tomato soup. I mean. It's just...tomato. I hate tomatoes. Why not just pour ketchup in a bowl and drink it up? Ew.

But I knew I needed it so I heated some up anyway. What a pleasant surprise. Tomato soup isn't bad at all. XD

p.s. Skyflakes are teh shit. Yumyum!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Mood: So-So
Watching Fresh Prince

Well, I suppose it's official: our study circle is called Syzygy. Sweeeet. [laughs] I really liked the name so I'm glad it'll be put to use. It's interesting, unique, and means something cool. I couldn't resist; it's one of my favorite words/things. XD

I guess for now it's me, Elysa, Julianne, and Naty. I don't really know what we'll be doing yet, but I guess it's called a study circle for a reason. [laughs] I suppose we can all just figure things out as we go along and offer different perspectives on the same idea. I'm not quite sure what I can bring to it besides tarot, but I don't know if I'm good enough for that. :\ I don't really have a particular tradition I like, either. Some people go down the Celtic route, others Egyptian, others Norse.... I guess I'm more of an eclectic witch type. XD

Augh, I need a job so I can buy some good books on witchcraft. Rawr. ]:

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

dear opera

Mood: Indifferent
Watching the news...? I don't know, I never bothered to change the channel.
Reading Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler
Playing AC: WW. I'm suddenly very faithful to this game. I don't know why.
Eating Warheads. x,x
Drinking cream soda. Yum!

Dear Opera,

When our romance first began, it was like love at first sight. It was beautiful and amazing, and you helped me get over Firefox completely. Yet you may be wondering why I write this to you now.... Unfortunately, dear, it has come to an end for us as well. The memories of your initial devotion will always linger with me, and I will say many good things about you, but you too have let me down. Lately you just haven't been the same, and I must move on.

My new love has been right under my nose this whole time. Many people think that Safari is lame, or that he isn't right for me, but they're wrong. He's great! He's reliable and works when I need him to. He might not be much to look at, but he does everything I ask just how I want him to.

I hope you understand. I didn't mean to hurt let me down. It was a lovely four months, but now they've come to an end. Perhaps our paths will meet again, but for now, it's over.

I'm sorry.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

whatever happened to daniel johns?

Mood: Bored
Listening to Stay in the Rain - Klaha
Watching Weird Al videos. I'm not kidding. I'm THAT bored.
Reading Drawing Down the Moon
Drinking cream soda


Listen to the godly sexy Godot. Well, you have to, because I've finally disabled comments on this post, because I'm sick of hearing about you fucking whiny bitches. Also, I am referring you all to the Ass Stick Removal Clinic to help you all with your little...problem. Come on by!

Original post follows below, to spite the Daniel Johns Sweatband Tribute Fan Club:

After seeing him a while back looking like that, I couldn't believe it was the same person. In fact, I still don't believe it is. I don't know how it can be. I JUST CAN'T. And now, after all this time, I am prompted to reexamine this.

Perhaps Daniel Johns was always ugly and I merely imagined he was one of the thirty-two actual pretty men alive in the world, I thought to myself. After all, childhood memories can be vague and disappointing when revisited...!

But this was the man who kick-started my pretty-man-love! I started drawing them left and right partly because of his prettifluence! Could he have always been ugly? Unfortunately, going back and looking at him before, the answer is: no, he was not always this horrifying.

HE WAS SO PRETTY, HE REALLY WAS. [sobs!] What a shame. He's not even thirty yet and he looks like he's nearing forty-five all of a sudden. Terrible. I will just pretend he still exists somewhere in the world, being pretty. And anorexic.

In Memory Of: The Other Daniel Johns. RIP, beautiful man with ratty hair.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

I hate group speeches.

Mood: Stressed
Watching Dirty Jobs
Reading Drawing Down the Moon - Margot Adler
Eating DX

I'm sooooooo stressed and I don't know why. On the surface I feel a little tired, but that's all. Yesterday and the day before I was dizzy and sick, and today I woke up with the most horrendous stomachache in the world, and I know it's all because of stress. Bleeeh. My group is going to fail. WOOHOO! ]:

I really need to be focusing on other things, but unfortunately I can't. GRR.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Mood: Depressed
Watching not this movie.

If you haven't seen trailers for this piece of shit movie (Awake, for those of you who can't read blog titles), good for you. I keep seeing them and I want to punch myself in the eyes repeatedly.

It's not about the movie's the trailers. I hate Jessica Alba. She must be the ugliest slut out there right now. And of course the people who created the trailers just randomly stick in sex scenes with her and Anakin Skywalker between scenes of this guy in surgery. I didn't think sex had anything to do with being aware during surgery, so why the fuck is it the biggest part of the trailers?

Guys are so lame.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

last weeks of the semester

Mood: Frustrated
Watching Home Improvement
Reading Drawing Down the Moon - Margot Adler
Drinking juice

I'm really sleepy right now but I tried to sleep and ended up rolling around uncomfortably. I wonder if my insomnia is coming back, but I have no idea why it would be. Could just be hormones fucking around, but I don't know. I sure don't feel well right now, that's certain.

School's almost over and so finals and final projects are here. I really should be working hard right now, but for some reason I just can't be bothered and I'm not really stressed out about it. I probably will be when I start, though, so maybe I'll just...leave it for next week. [laughs]

I guess the item of most concern is my group speech in comm. To tell the truth, I'm having a bit of a hard time with the topic (still). I don't mind writing the outline for it, but I wish I'd gotten some say in determining the topic...what we're doing really doesn't interest me much, to be honest. I wanted something more fiery, like religious tolerance or something. It's going to be a bleh speech, though...I hope the others can make up for my lack of enthusiasm about it. I hate group projects; my ideas tend to be too different for normal people, which is really kind of sad because I'm not even all that strange.

We had to come up with a "trailer" for our speeches and I realized the only way anything was going to get done was to force my ideas. Wish I would've done that with the topic. Someone (the girl who pretty much self-chose her topic for the group) wanted to gear it towards children and how they're the future....! Awwww! ^_^ ....Ehm, I'm sorry, but even if I didn't hate children, the audience is a college classroom, not a tea table of teenage moms.

I got around to writing a very small draft of a short story for my lit final project today, which I guess is comforting progress. Having something, however short it may be, is better than nothing, especially when it's due in a little over a week. I think all of them are going to have a sort of fantastic theme. Have to tie random stories together somehow.

Went to a author reading today between classes for some lit credit... I didn't really like it. It was the columnist who writes Ask a Mexican. Definitely nothing I'm interested in, but it was the only one that wasn't at 7pm. The questions were amusing but I thought the answers were dull, and he was really distracted. Also seemed to think people in LA and people in San Diego are exactly the same. Bzzt! Wrong! I've got to do another reading to get an A, so I might have to drive back to school on Tuesday night for that. Bleh. Might as well go to the bookstore or something on the way back to make sure it's not a wasted trip.

Anyway, I just hope I can get through this semester with passing grades. And sanity intact. :\


Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Mood: Excited
Watching various things....
Reading Drawing Down the Moon - Margot Adler
Playing Brain Age (54...WAAA XD)
Drinking strawberry melon juice. Yumyum!

After class today I decided to check out a store in La Mesa called Starcrafts. I don't know what I was expecting; perhaps just a weird little bookstore. [laughs]

When I went in, it was soooooo perfect and wonderful. It's a really open space inside, and usually I hate incense but it wasn't so strong (which is why I hate incense and potpourri, yuck!) and smelled really good. Everything was neat and set up in a pleasant way. It didn't seem like it at first, but they have lots of books about all different kinds of Wicca and nature-based religions and such, and specific areas like Tarot, Runes, I Ching, Reiki.... Everything!

They also had a lot of supplies (of course, haha) like crystals and candles of every color. I want to take Elysa there...I really liked it. The music playing was also really pretty...they seem to sell CDs too. I was so distracted I didn't take a good look at all the jewelry, but I'll definitely go back and take a better look at things. The woman running the store was so nice and talked to me about a few things and made some recommendations of books I should take a look at, which I really appreciated. She even said I could just sit there and read if I liked. XD

I wish I had money...I'd love to buy a bunch of books and take some classes there. I need a job! [laughs] The woman told me about gatherings they have.... It sounds like a lot of fun and the people who came in to shop were totally not what I was expecting. One older woman looked like a total Christian...guess it teaches me not to judge people by appearances. [laughs]

I really like it there. Is it wrong to get this excited about a shop? [laughs]

Saturday, November 24, 2007

LA trip

Mood: Okay
Listening to Phoenix Wright Orchestra Album
Eating food. D:
Drinking drink. D:

Well, the day started out badly. I didn't really want to wake up, and I was having this really groovy dream, too. Damn. Didn't get to go to Tea Valley, the land of Brits. ): One of the weirdest dreams I've ever had. Involved a smoking ghost prostitute, toilets, Marge and Lisa Simpson being flushed down toilets, wiimote swimming....

Well the trip there went fine. There were a bunch of annoying Mexican high school tourists at a rest stop so I couldn't use the bathroom without waiting in a line. I wonder where they were going...well, I don't really care. [laughs] Probably Disneyland or something. [typed disneyship, what the fuck]

Then we went cemetery-hopping, which makes me extremely anxious, of course, with all the dead people around. I tried to cheer myself up by reading some of the silly names, but it didn't really help all that much. Then I had to meet my uncle and his wife, and his daughter (who was not my type of person at all).

Then we ran around different cemeteries and of course, my bladder decided to be its usual asshole self. Once the two girls were talking behind me and were like, "Why does Jim [my dad] expect us to go to the bathroom every twenty minutes? We're not old ladies!" Well, I am, and that made me feel bad and embarrassed, so I ran ahead without them. (I don't know why he kept sending them with me when he knows I hate people and especially because I can't use the bathroom when other people are around.)

So the rest of the day I was in a really bad mood, and when we got stuck in traffic in Hollywood, I just cried and eventually got out of the car and walked with my brother the rest of the way to the Chinese Theatre. Made me feel a little better. We saw a lot of the stars on the sidewalk and then a lot of people performing on the street. There was an old guy escaping from chains and a straitjacket, then these seemingly European kids playing music for money...haha.

We went and took pictures of all the different footprints, and some people from way back when had reeeeally small hands and feet. It was cute to see everyone there, though. And it made me feel good when my cousin got attacked by some midget in a Chucky costume. WAHAHA. That's what you get. D<

The shopping center around the theatre is really nice, too. The Sanrio Store didn't have much besides Hello Kitty, but I found this cute Chococat luggage for $98. Too bad! ]: Their Sketchers store had a loooooot of nice shoes, but I didn't get to look inside. :\

Anyway, I'm glad I'm not there anymore. All in all, it was a bad day. >o<

Thursday, November 22, 2007

thanksgiving: most boring holiday ever

Mood: Boooooooooored
Listening to Now or Never (Dopamin Remix) - NamNamBulu
Reading The Science of His Dark Materials by whoever it's by. Some kid book. D:
Eating pumpkin pieeee.
Drinking water.

God, Thanksgiving is SO boring.

My family does absolutely nothing. Well, they'll make a few things (two or three) and buy some pie and say, "Go eat." Seriously. We never even have turkey. Hahaha. Might as well be any other day, really. I guess if we had relatives we'd be the ones going to their house for dinner, but we don't. [laughs] I think my mom even went to the casino. Talk about a real family day!

Not even candied yams anymore. [cries] Holidays might as well just not exist here. ]:

Elysa's so lucky for getting to go to Vegas. I don't even like Vegas, but anything's better than Thanksgiving Bore-O-Rama. I'm going to LA tomorrow but cemetery-hopping really isn't my idea of fun (sorry, dad!). I'll probably just be sick and anxious all day from the lovely tour of death. DX My brother said we'll at least eat somewhere nice tomorrow, but I think by that he means Not McDonald's. D:

I can't believe it's not even seven yet. Someone shoooot me. I'm so bored, I'll probably do homework. HOMEWORK!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

super bishounen generator 2000!!!

Mood: Silly
Listening to lots and lots of Gackt
Eating rice
Drinking capri sun :3

It won't let me get the code for it but I made a really stupid Bzoink quizlet. Go, my minions! Go, and take it! XD

Yeah, I'm pretty bored and might work on a survey next. [laughs]
Got any ideas of what I should make a stupid survey or more quizlet things about?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

my ass hurts.

Mood: Grumpy
Drinking water

No, I didn't get anally raped. Just got back from riding my bike—well, my brother's—at the park. Wasn't so bad like it was the last time I did it. His tires didn't go flat, at least. [really has no idea how that happened to her bike] I guess I'm not as out of shape as I was before...I might be fatter but I've still been walking a whole bunch, so it didn't tire me out. I was glad no one was at the park. I hate how crowded it usually is there. But yes. Exercise, whoopie. [waves flag unenthusiastically]

Anyway, I don't know what I'll do tonight. I guess just sleep early and maybe look for something to read before then.

Also, I got a spam comment on the last post. If I keep getting them, I'm going to have to turn that annoying picture verification crap back on. DX

Friday, November 16, 2007

school makes my brain hurt.

Mood: Tired
Watching American Justice
Reading Maus II - Art Spiegelman
Playing AC: WW
Eating absolutely nothing. T_T
Drinking water

Ahhh. I'm not even all that busy with school at the moment but the little I have to do is exhausting. I have to start working on my Lit final, which takes a lot of thinking and effort. I'm going to write short stories inspired by things we've read in class. I wanted to do a short comic but I don't really have the time for that, and I'd rather not stress myself out too much when I can divide short stories up and moderate my stress levels.

Not so sure what I want to write about yet, though. I know one story will be based on Tarot...probably using the Lunatic deck's Major Arcana for inspiration. I liked the way that the Secret Tarot has a story to go along with both the Major and Minor Arcana, and I wanted to do something along those lines for a Hero's Journey motif. As for the others, I still have to figure them out. I want at least four or five short stories, along with illustrations for each, perhaps more. For the Tarot one, I might include the Lunatic Tarot images, since they're the inspiration, of course. [nods]

We've also got a group persuasive speech for Comm coming up and I'm a little sad because I wasn't able to pick my group. I went to the bathroom and then when I came back everyone was already in groups. Stupid bladder. ]: A lot of people were absent, too, so they were just kind of assigned to random groups. Meh. I don't want to work with people I don't know, because no one's ever interested in the same topics that I am. And yeah, that's how it turned out this time too. They want to do health in America, and I wasn't really able to express the topics I wanted. I wanted to do something about tolerance, or at least SOMEthing sort of different than what everyone else was doing, but I guess once again that I'll have to work around other people's ideas. [sighs]

[rubs shoulder] I got the HPV shot yesterday and GOD. That was so painful! I didn't think any shot hurt that much, but wow. I'm usually not a total wuss about these things (shots, even though I haaaaate needles) but wow. Ow. Hahaha. I don't want to go back. T_T

[random] Japanese boys are creepy! I was walking out of my Bounce Back class today and one of them was leaning against a bench smoking, and he was just squinting at me. His friend was talking to some European man on a bicycle. Haha. I couldn't figure out where he was from, because his accent was soooo thick and his English was horrible. D: But yeah. All the way down one big staircase and past a turn in the road...just being SQUINTED AT. [laughs] Maybe it was my bag? It's just so yellow. D: ...And dirty. ): [wipes it off]

I really want cookies. Maybe I should go make some...but they'll turn out just as horribly as usual. [laughs] Whep...I don't know what else to write! This was really boring, sorry. ]:

Sunday, October 28, 2007

figure skating is so GAY.

Mood: Amused
Listening to 214 - Rivermaya
Reading MAKA MAKA! Haha. No, I'm not, but I wanna. Again. D:
Playing Aminal Crusting.
Eating pizza and cookies o.o
Drinking Sobe

My brother and I were watching the gayest thing this morning. Figure skating. In particular, Daisuke Takahashi, who was in a royal purple Prince Charming jumpsuit, complete with a heart over his left chest. Seriously. I guess Prince wasn't using it today.

He fell on his fat figure skating ass (these guys have the HUGEST legs) twice and he still got in first place. I'm guessing it was the adorable Asia-mullet. Besides, you just can't beat the Japanese in anything, especially not gay ice sports.

Then when his scores were being announced, he held a giant plush banana some rabid fan had dropped down from the stands. My brother was laughing because he was holding it at groin level. There is nothing more ridiculous than a Japanese boy in a purple jumpsuit with a giant banana.

He may be my new strange Olympics obsession, this Daisuke Takahashi. I'm sorry, Aleksei Nemov. Someone had to take your place sometime. I don't care how good you look on a pommel horse. Nothing beats a purple jumpsuit. D:

Note: this is not the same purple jumpsuit. It doesn't even come close to the gay level of the one I saw today.

Friday, October 26, 2007

bad day.

Mood: Bad
Watching some teen idol show. [typed teen idiot, whoops]
Eating mac and cheese
Drinking nothing, and I haven't in a while. Soooo thirsty.

Guh. I was going to go off on some long post about everything that's been rubbing me the wrong way today, but I'm sick of having to complain about the same things over and over.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Mood: IBS painy
Listening to H4Y - Sunshine Blind
Reading Maka-Maka? o.o
Drinking water

Shooshooshooshooshoo: [is the sound blastoise makes putting out fires]

I think we're out of danger at my house. The reservoir and the helicopters using the water there seem to have stopped it. Also, the wind is apparently making it go the opposite way now. I'm glad. It was right at the edge of my area there for a while. DX

But yeah...I'm still kinda cautious. I guess I'll keep checking for updates tonight.

For now, I will just roll around with horrible stomach cramps. Augh, stupid stress all this morning/last night triggered IBS. DX

I don't like fire... ):

Mood: Scared
Watching news

I'm getting really anxious and I'm not going to be able to sleep. I can see the fire, and I'm packing my things in case they ask us to leave. I'm the only one awake in my house, and our phones aren't working for some reason. [scared] I don't know why.

Monday, October 22, 2007

stupid fires

Mood: Wheezy
Watching some police video show, as usual.
Reading Uncle Silas - Joseph Sheridan LeFanu
Playing AMINAL crossing.
Eating cheese and crackas!
Drinking strawberry melon juice

Wellll, I have nothing else to do but complain about the horrible air quality today! There are fires everywhere in San Diego County, apparently, so it's icky outside, and warm and windy. School closed down at one today, and I'm glad, because the air was getting really bad. My asthma is screeeeaming! D:

Guess I will just nap or write. :3

Sunday, October 14, 2007

creepy. D:

Mood: Stomachachey
Listening to Sleepwalking Past Hope - HIM (I wish the whole song were as pretty as the first 20 seconds)
Watching A HAUNTING YYYEEEESSSSSSSSS [puts on xmas list] D:
Reading Richard III
Playing Animal Crossing: WW. I'ano, it's the acorn festival. XD
Drinking choco milk ^^
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

religion test

Mood: Stressed
Watching Cold Case Files
Reading short stories for lit...
Eating chips
Drinking Manzanita Sol

So I took this Belief test out of boredom and it's pretty interesting, I guess. Hmm hmm. The #1 is pretty accurate, I guess. My cult is derived from seventh-day adventists...note how far down that is on the list. XD

01. Neo-Pagan (100%)
02. New Age (91%)
03. Unitarian Universalism (91%)

04. Liberal Quakers (85%)
05. Reform Judaism (78%)
06. Mahayana Buddhism (77%)
07. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (69%)
08. Theravada Buddhism (68%)
09. Bahá'í Faith (66%)
10. New Thought (63%)
11. Jainism (61%)
12. Scientology (60%)
13. Sikhism (58%)
14. Hinduism (57%)
15. Secular Humanism (56%)
16. Taoism (49%)
17. Orthodox Judaism (47%)
18. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (43%)
19. Islam (41%)
20. Orthodox Quaker (41%)
21. Nontheist (31%)
22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (22%)
23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (21%)
24. Seventh Day Adventist (20%)
25. Eastern Orthodox (15%)
26. Roman Catholic (15%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (12%)

Saturday, October 6, 2007

happy birfday

Mood: Crampy and Miserable
Listening to Now or Never - NamNamBulu

It's Adrienne's birthday and yeah, I've said a thousand happy birthdays, so I'll just say that I finally posted six lame-o chapters over at deh kontess blag. Six sucky chapters in a month! Feh! I must've posted ten or eleven the previous month. That just sucks. ):

And now I'm bleeding like a goat.

Everyone: what, goat?
Homonym God: -_-;

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

teeth, writing, and speech

Mood: In Pain
Eating nothing, but I want candy! ):
Drinking nothing. Pooh, should've bought some water. [sobs]

[wisdom teeth]
Bleh, I should really go to the dentist but I'm scared to go to my regular one. She told me all this complicated doctorspeak and I didn't understand, so I couldn't follow her directions on what to do. All I know now is that my jaw is killing me and now my gums are starting to hurt where my teeth are growing in. I just want to get them remoooooved. They hurt. ):

Also, my old, impacted wisdom tooth that was allowed to grow in is bothering me a lot because it grew in sideways. Now it's just drifting outwards, so I'm constantly biting my cheek. Waaargh. I can't not do it unless I puff my cheek out and bite down. ]:

I hope my mom can find a new dentist soon. T_T

[the contest]
Ooorgh. Something I haven't been in the mood for lately because of school. Also, my breaks are being occupied with homework, so I get less time to write anyway. That, and I hate lugging around my stupid, fat laptop eeeevery single day of the week. [needs something tiny for just writing]

But I've been writing as much as I can in the past week, leaving my other little project (a short story) unfinished. I don't like doing that, because I rarely come back to finish those sorts of things, but I want to be able to do something for Adrienne's birthday, even if it's not a real gift, or a particularly good one. :\

The chapters are, for the most part, shorter than previous ones. Those were getting a bit too long, so I've been trying to trim them down for easier reading. I'm only on the fifth new chapter, but I won't post them until I'm satisfied, and I'm definitely not satisfied. I wish there were no need for dialogue, because it's definitely not my strong point. ):

As it is, I can say that something sort of significant does happen, and a main character GETS VOTED OFF! Oh, it's not a reality show.... D: But someone disappears! XD Ooh, can't wait, can you?!
Everyone else: Oh, yes I can.
Me: Well, okay. .__.
Adrienne: I know who gets voted off! I know I know I know!
Me: Or do you?
Music: [menacing]


I need to work on my stupid cultural artifact speech this weekend, because I go on the first speech day. BLEEEEH. I HAVE NO WAY TO SHOW MY VISUAL AIDS. NON-TECHNOLOGICAL VISUAL AIDS BE DAMNED! We can't use computers or videos, because of "time constraints". BLAH! I need a slideshooooow. I don't have the ink or money to make a poster. ):

[just goes to procrastinate in the form of writing]

Sunday, September 30, 2007

cadillac perverts

Mood: Grossed Out
Watching Lost Innocence (some crime stuff...!)
Reading nothing, I finished my lit book. Yays.
Eating some vegetable thingy...cauliflower, carrots, green beans. Mmm!
Drinking Capri Sun D:

I just saw some commercial where a woman's driving a car and says something to the effect of: "When you turn your car on, it should return the favor."

Am I the only one who finds being sexually aroused by a car completely wrong. Ew. D:

Friday, September 28, 2007

I hate outlines but I love writing. :D

Mood: Pensive
Listening to Memories - NamNamBulu
Watching some guy fill his water bottle at the drinking fountain.
Eating 100 Grand. Oops. It's only 9am and here I am with the candy.
Drinking water.

[speech outline horror]
Augh! Last night I hurt my brain trying to finish my cultural artifact speech outline. My week's goal for my academic probation class, scrawled on the "Prioritize It!" notes they gave us:

work on speech tues and thurs + spread work out so no stress.

Well, a fat lot of good that did! I'd been searching for sources since Tuesday, but I guess resources for visual kei and jrock are just about impossible to come by unless you live in Asia. So by Thursday night, I was searching frantically for anything I could use, one source even being a dictionary. Yes, a dictionary. It counts...! I think!

Online resources were there in abundance, but we can only use one for references, and all the ones I found had a "from Wikipedia" stamp somewhere around the article. Arrgh! (We can't use Wikipedia, either.)

And if online resources were hard, don't even get me started on print resources. If I could read in Japanese, this would be no problem, but alas, I cannot. However, I got really lucky with sources by the end of the night, and found two articles that related to my speech. Yessss! Thank god for Tokyopop and their stupid magazine that I can't cite properly because it has no volume/issue number! D:

But anyway, I finished the outline, and hopefully it's good enough. I was soooo stressed last night that I felt like throwing up. I'm glad it's over with. Guess I need to learn how to find sources really early, two speeches ahead, before even the next speech is announced! Hahaha. (That's impossible, by the way, if you didn't catch the...sarcasm or whatever.) D:

[writing group]
Over the past few days I've considered starting a writing group at school. I don't know how to go about doing so, though. I think it'd be an interesting thing to do, meeting once a month or every three weeks—something along those lines. It'd be solely for prose, though (die you poetry! you don't belong in this world!) and I would make a big, big, big note on the first meeting that people will have to be very open-minded. Can't be all surprised at my mansmut! D: Hahaha.

On that subject though, I wonder if it should be more specific than just a "writing group". Perhaps it can be only fantasy, or even more specifically, dark fantasy. Or even just a group for short stories? I have no clue. "Romance Writers' Group!" Augh! [laughs]

I don't know if I'd be able to pull it off, though. But if it's for mostly students and held on campus (perhaps I can ask the library or someplace if they'd let me reserve a room), at least everyone would be on the same page schoolwise; not everyone has a lot of time for writing between schoolwork. But at least being motivated to show off new work every meeting might be something good for some people, even for me.

Being leader of a group is going to be fairly different for me, though. I'll have to be all leaderly and take charge. And ask guiding questions...Hmm. Well, I've done it in discussion groups before. Did it in lit the other week, even. Hahaha. I guess I'll be okay. :3

The part I'm most excited about is putting up grammatically-sound fliers! [laughs, so making elysa help her out with this] D: I might even do a blog (though very sadly, this is something myspace would actually come in handy for) for it that interested people could review and perhaps even a short application I can use to keep the group from being too big (tsch, as if). It'd be good for posting meeting dates and expectations for the next meetings. But once again, I'm not sure how this works. How many fliers do I get printed? I'm sure I could figure out the best places to post them, but really, where are the best places? Should I get bright red paper or somehow go the extra mile and print pretty full-color fliers? I don't really know. How many people is enough?

It's something I'll keep thinking about. Perhaps I can do it next semester if I'm motivated enough.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

not-temporary blog change

Mood: Satisfied
Watching American Justice
Reading Duty and Desire by Pamela Aidan and The Wings of a Falcon by Cynthia Voigt
Drinking juice

Well, I wrote a post talking about a temporary blog change (appearance-wise) but the ugly, plain black background got on my nerves (black background with white text and blood red font is the last thing I want; it's very emo teen). So I just fucked around for three more minutes and came up with this. A few more changes are probably coming...personal touches, that kind of thing. But yes...nothing too big, I don't think. [nods]

Cleaned up sidebar stuff a tiny bit; nothing noticeable. Added some links, deleted some links, edited some. [nods]

Sunday, September 16, 2007

damn you, nicole!

Mood: Sad
Reading Duty and Desire - Pamela Aidan

Something happened to the PostSecret blog. [cries] Unfortunately I don't know how to email Blogger to ePunch them in the nuts. I demand my PS! RAAAAAH!

In other news, I randomly signed up at goodreads.

Yay, it's back. <3

Monday, September 3, 2007


Mood: Hot
Watching The Universe: Saturn
Eating Baby Lucas
Drinking raspberry iced tea

So I finally made a forum that no one will join. D: But I've always planned on making one, so now I can't say I never have. D:

Sexy People Only!

No, kidding, it's open to mostly anyone. Unless I totally just don't like you. D:

Thursday, August 30, 2007

pleeeeease let me get into french.

Mood: Bleh
Watching Fresh Prince
Eating those stick-y things. D:
Drinking capri sun, again

Waaaaaa. I hope I get into French! The teacher was actually really nice and she said I had a good chance of getting in. I hope so. Maybe my major being French will help me out. Wink wink nudge nudge. XD

Ahhhhh. [prays to internet god!] XD

I GOT INTO FRENCH! Woot! I'm so happeh. :D

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Mood: Conflicted
Reading my textbook. D:
Playing Animal Crossing: Wild World
Eating nothing. [stomach grumbles] ><
Drinking Capri Sun :3

[punches adrienne] D:
Russian is hard. D:

Besides that, I thought I'd share an uninteresting fact: I am apparently so lame I get heel blisters while I sit. D: What the fuck. [laughs, rubs feet] I was perfectly fine, then I sit in class for over an hour, get up and walk out, and all of a sudden I'm in agony. What the hell. [laughs]

Other than that, I dearly hope French is still open in case I change my mind about wanting to be CHALLENGED. D:

More like mentally challenged. [cries, is going to fail] I'm just going to catch bugs. At least I can do that relatively well. [slams net into tree, sells to tom nook] D:

Monday, August 27, 2007

first day of school. unfortunately.

Mood: Miserable
Listening to Georgie Boy - Pete Yorn
Eating whatever I don't drop. ):
Drinking AZGT

I can't remember having a worse day.

First on the "Fuck you!" pile, I didn't get any sleep. At all. Not an hour, minute, second—nothing. Just couldn't sleep. Get ready, look amazingly nice for once, go to school, and BAM it's ruined because of the weather (I've never been so sweaty), and walking up hills back and forth like four times. Forgot my inhaler so my asthma was killing me.

I managed to write a check for my parking permit and textbooks, and I was feeling good about myself until I realized she didn't include the cost of the permit. So I had to cross stuff out on the check and it was sloppy and annoying. Kept having to run into bathrooms because it was so hot, and water on your face feels really good when it's hot. Unless it's sweat. DX

Russian teacher was nice, luckily. I don't know if that'll make it any easier to learn. Made a conversational acquaintance in Janet, an older woman who's really nice. Kind of like my Caroline for this year, I suppose. [laughs]

Went to Taco Bell, spent a couple bucks on two burritos, ended up dropping one on the floor. Yay no lunch. Tried to draw, managed a pretty picture, but after that my vision wouldn't stop going double. :\

Got the most horrible stomachache that didn't go away. I was going to live with it but it eventually got so bad that, in combination with everything else, I had to go home. Good thing I went home when I did, though. Almost as soon as I entered the house, my nose started to bleed. Really bad one too...I didn't have the tissuepower for it [laughs] so I just leaned over the sink and doused my nose with cold water until it stopped.

Bleh. I need to get used to school, which was part of the problem, but most of it was just plain bad luck. So many other things went wrong (like people trying to get into the bathroom when they knew I was inside) but bleh. Just bleh.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Mood: AHHHH!
Listening to Oasis - Hyde
Reading The Fate Weaver by Jill M. Phillips
Playing Animal Crossing: Wild World
Eating salad in my mind


My mom is ranting and crying all around the house because she needs to do a resume. We offer to help her and she refuses, saying we won't help her. WHAT. THE. FUCK! [just shoots self]

Monday, August 13, 2007

already quit one RP!

Mood: Irritated
Listening to Luna - Moonspell
Eating salad

Well, on my previous post I mentioned making new friends, like Rane! Never mind. She lost my respect with a single statement on the discussion thread of her RP.

"I know you guys like Yaoi, and all that junk. But, it seriously bothers me. And that's also part of the reason I 'may' or 'may not' quit."

She's very religious, and when any mention of yaoi was brought up in the discussion thread, I told it to stop. (It NEVER came up in the actual RP, because it had nothing to do with anything.) I didn't want to offend her or make her uncomfortable because I respected her beliefs. But with that, she lost the respect.

I said:
"Well, if that's how you're going to be, then fine. We can all find something else to do, or at least I can (I'm not speaking for everyone else, they can do it themselves). I won't lie, I don't like your reasons because I feel it has nothing to do with the actual RP.

I respect your beliefs, but those are ours, and if you can't deal with it, then I guess it's good you're considering quitting the RP. Just so you know, people like this are everywhere, and you can't avoid them forever.

And yes, this very much means I'm quitting this RP, whether you are or not. What a shame; it was a good idea."

Lys is up for use somewhere else now, though. Yippee. Hopefully I can find a good RP home for him. Somewhere deserving. And somewhere tolerant. ]:

Friday, August 10, 2007

obsessed with RPing

Mood: Sick
Listening to MacArthur Park - Dumbledore the First
Watching nothing, but still considering HP.
Eating pizza
Drinking salabat

Ahh! I'm so obsessed with RPing lately. I'm not feeling so well at all, but I keep dragging myself back on because writing is helping me ignore it. I'm feeling write-y, so perhaps it'll get me back into The Contest, which has been sadly ignored for much too long. [pets crispin] I just need to do other things for project attention span is sadly quite short. I'm surprised I even got to chapter nineteen in my story. o_o

But anyway, if anyone is looking for a pretty good RP community with nice people, Surreal * Twilight has become my drug; let it be yours, too. My only sadness is that there aren't as many girls; I'm not as comfortable RPing with guys because they're usually not open to things involving pretty men and yaoi. But this is a really open bunch from what I've seen (I've seen guys playing both girls and gays, and boys who like yaoi), so it's actually fairly cool. ^^

It's helping me get over my depression (I'm really depressed lately) because I'm making new friends there, like Rane, Loki, Tomosaki-san, and Zel. It's a nice place and I'm glad I found it. I'm also really happy that my After School Nightmare RP is taking off. The first day or two, no one was interested, but after a while (and after I posted some pimpage in my sig), people started posting character profiles. By some strange coincidence, Lokichan's character couldn't have been used unless another character had a twin, and mine did, so she jumped in. ^^

Ugh, I'm so sick, too. I don't know how I picked up a cold. Maybe it was from my brother or when I went to the doctor (people coughing all over everything), but every time I go to the doctor I pour on the hand sanitizer like crazy, since they put a huge bottle out everywhere you go. My throat's all sore, which I thought was just my new inhaler, but no...sick sick sick. My grandma made me some salabat (my doctor told me to drink it, even), which is some sort of ginger tea. Really helped with just half a cup of it; it doesn't hurt to swallow anymore. I hate ginger, but it was fresh and she put sugar in, so it actually tasted good, with a nice little spice to it.

Anyway, I'm rambling, and because I'm feeling so gross, guess I'll go watch HP. :3

Someone left the cake out in the rain!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

we're breaking up.

Mood: Triumphant
Watching Fresh Prince...but I'm in the mood for a HP marathon. o.o'
Reading nothing...I finished HP. ]:
Playing Animal Crossing: Wild World
Drinking orange soda

Dear Firefox,

Alas, our relationship has come to an end. You have frozen on me far too many times. I can't open a webpage without you closing up for some unknown reason; why couldn't you just open up to me?! It doesn't matter now. I've found someone else: Opera. Oh, I know you know Opera, so maybe this won't come as such a huge surprise. (It's kind of dirty—I'm writing this on Opera as we speak!) You can't really blame me, though, with the way you've been acting since version 2.0! You...changed. And not for the better. You should have seen this coming with your total buggy-ness. I'm sorry. It's the same as before: I left Internet Explorer for you, and now I leave you for Opera. However, I hope we can still be acquaintances; after all, I need
something to count on when absolutely nothing else works.

Best regards,

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Mood: Crying
Listening to Leeca - Gackt (probably not the best song to listen to right now...)
Reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Playing Animal Crossing: Wild World
Drinking AZGT

I already miss her so much.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Mood: depressed
Listening to my fan.
Reading hopefully HP soon.
Playing anything fun.
Eating nothing...but maybe I'll get some siopao...

I don't really have much to say about comic-con this year... I thought they'd have lots of nice stuff but there was nothing at all that I liked. Bad year. :\

Saturday, July 7, 2007

more stupid shit.

Mood: Normal
Listening to Avec le Temps - Thierry Amiel
Playing Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
Eating caramels
Drinking Sobe

Once again, DUH.

Mingle2 - Free Online Dating35

Friday, July 6, 2007

blog ratings

Mood: Sleepy

Found these on a random blog, and...well, duh. D:

Interestingly enough, my survey-xanga has a steeper rating:

I do like that it said my xanga was rated that...except it only pointed out the words sex, sexy, and dangerous. (Seriously, dangerous?! What the fuck? Oop, my rating just went up!) What about two small lines in that survey I took? "Getting raped in a yaoi scene?" "Rape is always the best! [thumbs-up!]" "Being tentacle raped in a yaoi scene?" "...unless it's tentacle rape." "50-foot long penis attack! DX"


music sucks.

Mood: Bored!
Listening to Angels of Night - Pride of mind
Reading The Tarot Café
Playing Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (I reminded myself of Joachim, so now I have to...)
Eating a pear...mmmm. [drops it] ]:

So I only slept three hours the way I said I would when I went to bed. Blows. I had a bad dream about killing Julian McMahon with a huge, high-tech laser gun thing. That part was cool though...he was killing off The Rock...and all his clones? It was a weird dream. I really wanted to kill him though. I'm glad I got to eventually. D:

But anyway, I turned the tv on to see what was on, and there were all these boring indie music videos on. I see them all the time at night, and gaaaawd, what a yawnfest! No wonder I've been itching to be in a band lately...after sitting through that shit, who wouldn't want to. Where's all the interesting stuff, anyway...? Even groups that used to be fairly interesting seem to have just gotten boring too. Bleh! And what the fuck is the deal with this Amy Winehouse bitch they're giving all this attention lately? God damn, sounds like a retarded goat with strep throat. And she needs to learn how to do her makeup. DX

I wanna make a sexy group. But I need good looks and some musical talent. Oddly enough, I also had a dream I could sing extremely well. Too bad it's not real. ): I definitely hope I'm never forced to sing karaoke ever...I remember I used to do it all the time at a friend's house when I was little. I was pretty good in kid-terms, but now I suck majorly. What happened! [shakes self by the shoulders] D: The thing I find hard about singing is that I can never find songs that appeal to my voice; they never have the right pitch. Damn my stupid boy voice. Not low enough for certain songs, and not high enough for anything else. ]:

Ah well. I must need sleep with all this pointless rambling of mine....

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

fuck you, chestnut!

Mood: Sad
Reading Tarot Café
Playing NOT sotn, since my stupid ps2 doesn't want to work anymore. ]:
Eating Runts :3

My Kobayashi finally lost. I'm sad. ):

I also hate "holidays" because everyone is out doing something and I'm stuck at home, bored. [sighs]

Friday, June 29, 2007

I hate firefox.

Mood: Grumpy
Watching World's Craziest Police Videos XD
Playing Stuntman T_T
Eating cookies
Drinking milk

Ever since it switched to 2.0+ it's pissed me off beyond belief. I'd consider going back to IE if I had Windows, jeeeez. It freezes on me for no reason, at least four times a day. I've lived with it for a while but gah, I just can't stand it anymore. [growls]


Saturday, June 16, 2007

went to universal for mah birfday...

Mood: Fine, but a little tired.
Listening to In the Clouds - Under the Influence of Giants
Playing Dofus
Eating the melted remains of a chocolate chip cookie.
Drinking a drink! :D

I had a good day, yes, except:
1. it was really hot,
2. I looked nice for once and there was no camera! ;3;
3. stuff wasn't working right. D:

We got there pretty early and they'd opened up the whole House of Horrors thing, which was really cute. [laughs] Well, not cute, but it was fun. XD That Nosferatu guy wouldn't stop following me and he kept getting in my face and making some creepy clicky noise. D: Then we got to this Chucky part with not-scary dolls coming out of boxes and my brother was all, "Oooh, real scary." Then we turned the corner and a doll reached out for him and he got scared. Ha ha ha. [laughs] At the end this black chick behind us freaked out and pushed us out of the way to run outside. [laughs] D:

After that we went on Back to the Future, which my brother told me they're shutting down. [cries] I really like it, too, aw. I hope they replace it with something just as cooool. I wanna fly! [sobs] Except it didn't throw all that MIST in my face the way it's supposed to. First mistake of the day...!

Theeen we took the studio tour, which is always a nice sit-down way to relax. My feet never seem to hurt at Universal (so long as my shoes are comfy) because there's always somewhere to SIT. This time for what, 40 minutes? With the most annoying guide, unfortunately. I wanted to kill her. "...starring my future husband, Johnny Depp!" [rolls eyes] D:

We went to some Fear Factor Live show afterwards, and of course the girls totally lost because they totally were fat and sucked. D: Some really retarded-looking guy won...I had the urge to shout "Don't...get...eliminated!" for some reason. D:

We headed down to the lower lot to get onto the Mummy ride (wooohoooo!) and the wait was really quick. Got on, everything was going fine, launch off, make a cute face...! And then it seemed to go a lot faster than usual...then, at the stop before going backwards...! It just STOPPED. No scarab-y effects, no mummy saying anything, NOTHING. We were sitting there staring at the wall for TWO MINUTES. [laughs] Second mistake of the day! We were all just talking about what was going on, laughing it up with the Japanese tourists next to me, and some guy was all, "Well, that was a fun ride!" in such a sarcastic way...then it finally launched backwards without any warning. Hahahaha. In complete darkness, no less! Third mistake! There are supposed to be light effects and whatnot but we were just going backwards in the dark. [laughs] The lighty sun thingy that's supposed to happen at the end didn't happen either! Complete darkness. I was freaking out! I don't want to be on a BROKEN ROLLER COASTER. [laughs] My brother got attacked by a mummy "statue" after we got off..."Oooh, that's new--AHHGHGH!" XD

After that we figured we'd go on Jurassic Park but the line was SOOOO long we just left (ha! straight hair left intact! [pelvic thrust!]) and went back on the Mummy again. "I'm not sure about this...." But it wasn't broken this time. [laughs] I did not make a cute face for the camera this time either. I was too scared it would break again. Perhaps my ugly face broke it the first time. D:

Got too crowded down on the lower lot so we headed back up, ate, watched some Terminator 3D thing that made me laugh because. lol. governator. D: Also of course went to see the Waterworld show...! Everyone wants to see that. Everyone likes...jet skis and bad acting, I guess? [laughs] But uh, yeah. It was funny watching the guy spray people with water as they passed by to get to a seat. What a jerk! [laughs] He even stole some kid's hat and held it up high. Then the kid was jumping for it, and all the while the guy was just spraying the kid in the face. XD Unfortunately I got stuck sitting behind some middle eastern guy who apparently never took a shower in his life. Augh. He smelled so SOUR. I just wanted to puke. D: According to my brother (I don't remember, even though I was just there...haha) an airplane is supposed to show up and crash but we got all the crash effects (sound, fire, shit breaking) plane. D: Fourth mistake. [laughs]

Then I got attacked by Frankenstein's monster and clickystalker again. :D

Even so, it was a good day and I had fun and and and...! I came home to a big box. WOoooOo. But I don't know if I'm allowed to open it yet. ):

[waits] D<

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

tarot gets me through the worst nights.

Mood: Miserable
Listening to my fan.
Reading The Historian - Elizabeth Kostova
Playing Dofus

Heart/Goal: Temperance, 4 of Swords
Peace, Rest
Base/Problem: 3 of Pentacles
Interaction with others
Leave it behind to achieve goal: 4 of Pentacles
Jealousy, Possession, Refusal to change
Happening: 10 of Wands
Overburdened, Need to let go of problems
Take consideration of/beware: 10 of Swords
Martyr complex
Me: 5 of Swords
Helping myself is hurting others
How others see me: 5 of Pentacles
Miserable, Poor
To help me achieve my goal: Queen of Pentacles
Caring, Love, Support
What I have to do to achieve my goal: 8 of Pentacles
Make the effort to change things

Clearest reading I've ever gotten. And I haven't read in ages.

Restarted tarot journal. I'll be devoting that to...tarot readings. Durr.

Monday, June 4, 2007

the contest

Mood: Tired
Listening to Oasis - Hyde
Reading The Historian - Elizabeth Kostova

Yay. <3
The Contest now has its own storyblog instead of taking up all my fucking deviantART space. XD

Friday, May 25, 2007

it's official. I fail at life.

Mood: Shitty
Drinking warm, flat soda

I've just been informed that I'm on academic probation. Nice. Don't know why I even bothered going to college. What a waste of time and money.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

fuck you, jury duty.

Mood: Pissed
Listening to Flowers - Pride of mind
Playing Dofus

I think the California court system can go fuck itself. I was feeling all right about going to jury duty today, because everyone (including the woman on the phone I called the first time I postponed, and the little piece of paper they sent) said, "You'll only be there one day! No problem!" What a big lie! The judge said we'd better be free for at least three to five days, because it was a busy day and the lot of us were going to get picked. What the fuck! I have shit to be doing.

So I wasted my last postponement. I'm about to go in and start yelling that I'm the antichrist just so I'll be eternally excused.

[ ] The same as before - favorable
[ ] More favorable than before
[ ] The same as before - unfavorable
[ ] Less favorable than before

p.s. and I still had to pay $8 for an hour of parking. Ridiculous.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

sooo stressed....

Mood: Stressed and Depressed
Listening to So Much Work (how appropriate...) - Pete Yorn
Reading Something New Under the Sun. Fucking book! [shakes fist at it]
Playing Dofus
Eating pretzels
Drinking water...god I need to pee.

I have so much shit to do right now. I was going to say "it's not even funny" but when was it ever. My mood is so severely affected by stress, and my mood gives me more stress. Grrrr. Vicious cycle.

I'm trying to do aaaaaall my schoolwork and finish coloring my brother's damned comic before the 15th. I can't do all this. Not to mention I have no time to look over things before finals. I have no idea what I'm going to do and I really don't care, I guess. I've failed all my classes anyway, and I see no point in trying this hard, and yet I'm doing it anyway. Fuck school, I have more important things to worry about. [sighs!]

Anyway, I have to end this here because I need to go to my next class. At least it's an entertaining one, if pointless.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

updates that aren't really updates.

Mood: Sick
Listening to Flowers - Pride of Mind (I need more Klaha...! Waa.)
Playing Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All
Eating Rice and my mom's beef and broccoli, which is surprisingly really, really good.
Drinking Sprite

Just figured I'd give this thing a good kick in the ass to get it updated. I have no real news, goes?

[comic coloring]
I have to color my brother's eight-page comic by May 15th (a date I'll get to again...!). The worst thing is, he hasn't given me ANY information on what the colors are. He keeps just telling me to make it up. Coloring is hard enough without having to make it all up by myself. It's not my story and if he keeps this up, people are going to start having purple hair with puke green highlights. Don't think he'd like that, eh! I also can't color a picture very quickly, let alone up to 6 panels a page of full detail and backgrounds, and to do this in a month is stupid. On top of that, he bought me the second Phoenix Wright to make sure I'd feel guilty enough to do it! GRAR.

Did I mention everything important in school is due that same week?

[adrienne's visit]
Adrienne is coming on my deadline date, which I guess I can look forward to as a reward for this torture. [laughs, needs to figure out how to get to the airport] That, and my brother is considering going to Universal soon, and we're planning on taking her along--that is, as long as I finish his eight pages. D< Oh well, even if we don't, we're still going to the zoo. I'm liek. Sooooo excited about that. Even more than I would be if I were just...going. I love the zoo but I really want to go with her. Though she'll probably be bored. ): I really wanna go to the Reptile House. [laughs] I don't like them but...I do. D: It'd be nice to just walk around with her for an entire day, just the two of us, and look at all the animals. <3

Related to her visit, I've gotten everyone in a spring cleaning mood. My brother and I want to throw a lot of shit out next weekend, and my dad said he wants to, too. We have so much ugly, useless shit in my house, courtesy of my grandma, and I want to get rid of it--before she comes back from the Philippines. And that's real soon, so we'd better get on it.

We bought a new DVD shelf yesterday, but it needs to be moved somewhere better. We're going to have to rearrange things and get rid of a lot if we do it, so I hope that starts off a cleaning chain. I desperately want to do this, but I seem to be the only one motivated enough to do anything. I can't stand looking at this junk heap. I wish I lived somewhere nice. ):

I got a haircut yesterday. It's back to the old way it was, when I cut it to its shortest a long, long time back. Which means it's nearly Kellie-short, hahahaha. Aw, now we really do look like sisters! :3 I'm so glad it's not gross and all over my neck. And if it's hot all I have to do is tie it up in the back and it looks cute. [laughs]

I thought I had more to say, and I probably do, but I need to get coloring. So...yeah. [runs off]

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

best spring break ever! <3

Mood: In Pain
Listening to Sacrifice - Atsushi Sakurai. This song is just begging for a repeat-a-thon. D:
Reading The Bhagavad-Gita
Playing nothing, though I should probably get started on the game Adrienne let me borrow before my brother steals the PS2 back....
Eating chips and salsa
Drinking soda. Yeah, wow, not water.

So I got back from visiting Adrienne over spring break on Monday morning. After a full day's rest, I'm (sort of) back to normal, since I didn't get much sleep on the train at all. What, there's no way I'm stepping foot on a plane. Why?
- Afraid of heights
- Too much trouble with what you put in your bags (they don't check on trains)
- Nothing to see out the window
- Too cramped
- Much more expensive, especially on short notice

Anyway. [laughs] On to the good stuff! This is an OBSCENELY LONG post, but I'm still excited about the trip, even if it's over. D:

The Train, Part One
I had to wake up really early on the 24th (a Saturday) because the train left at 6:15. D: It was a pretty nice train, nothing too spacious, though. It only runs from San Diego to...someplace. Maybe Los Angeles? It could be a few more stops after that, but I'm not sure. Nothing really happened on this one, but one thing I found out about trains from both trips: a LOT of hot Japanese guys take trains. D: (And SUPER-creepy Christians, but I'll get to that soon enough.)

In Los Angeles, I switched over to the REAL train, which ran all the way to Seattle, but of course, I was only going to Portland. Only about three stops down, so it's still quite a long trip. [laughs] Not to mention all the fucking delays and stops...! But yes...ahem. D: I sat next to a German girl named Agnes...! [laughs] She was really quiet and nice, while everyone else on the train was either weird or drunk. Like the couple sitting across the aisle. They were both weird and drunk. Unfortunately the guy was going all the way to Seattle and he called all 15 of his friends and family members and complained about how he would never take the train again. Loudly. So annoying. D<

Creepy Christian Encounter #1!
For dinner, I ate with an apparently Christian track-team mother-daughter (plus a friend) group. They were nice, though. I guess. D: They talked about how their pastor's dog drowned in a pool. Apparently it was the second or third time it'd happened. Hmm...makes you think. They probably shouldn't be allowed to buy dogs. God only knows what kinds of strange sacrifices they're making at THAT church. D:

Northern California
Agnes got off in Salinas, aww. We'd spent practically the whole day together so it was sad. ): Sleep was difficult, and we weren't even in Oregon by the time I woke up. The sun was rising when we were in Northern California, and oh. my. god. The prettiest part of the trip! There was a river winding through this forest-covered mountain area, and we went over all these bridges and were traveling right beside it. Since it was early morning, it was still kind of misty, and it was just perfect and beautiful. I regret not bringing a camera. Maybe next time! After that, we passed around Mt. Shasta. HOMG. Biggest fucking mountain I have ever seen. D: I guess it wouldn't look so big if there were other mountains around it, but no. It's itself. And really big. D:

Then we got into Oregon and everything got ugly again. Hahahaha. It got nicer the farther north we went, though. Thank god. D: And then I ate lunch. Here is where the creepy Christian part comes into MAJOR effect. D:

Creepy Christian Encounter #2!
Since seating is so limited in the dining car, I had to sit at a table with another lady, which wasn't so bad, considering I had to sit with three other people the last CCE (Creepy Christian Encounter). She prayed to herself before she ate, which I guess is normal. Nothing scary there...or so I thought.

She told me about her kids (groan) and that she'd come back from visiting her daughter in the hospital. She told me a long story about how she'd had a benign tumor on her kidney and that it weighed ten pounds by the time they cut it out. She said they couldn't detect it by x-ray. So naturally, up until now, I'm still worrying about how I probably have a tumor in my right side, which is causing all my digestive problems and making this nerve in my back go crazy. D:

When I told her I lived in San Diego, she said one of her sons lives in Chula Vista (which, for all one of you who doesn't know, it's liek. Pretty much right under me.). She proceeded to tell me about his horrible ex-wife and how he was divorced, and then went into this long rant about how her other relative or son or someone got a divorce too because he and his fiancée had lived together for ten years before getting married. She said it was living together before marriage that ruined it. I don't see how that...connects. If everything was going well before they got married, wouldn't the logical cause of the trouble be the marriage? Duh. D:

But anyway, she asked the dreaded question! "So, do you have a boyfriend?" God, I wish I'd said yes. Because I didn't say yes, she offered to give me her son's address in Chula Vista so that we could meet. Uhm. WHO SAYS THAT TO A STRANGER. I tried to mask the utter disbelief on my face and I declined the offer as politely as possible, not quite able to hide the laughing. Not only did she offer something SO ridiculous, she did it about three times throughout the time I was talking to her. No, I will NOT marry your 27-year-old loser of a son!

I got out of THAT meal as quickly as possible.

Later that day, after hours and hours of delay, we finally pulled into Portland. I was soooooo nervous. I gathered all my things about ten minutes too early. [laughs] But at least I had them...! I got off the train and...I haven't felt so tingly and panicky in such a long time. Scary, I thought my legs were going to give out when I was walking into the train station. It got even worse when I realized I'd have to go outside to meet her so soon. ):

But then I went outside and I saw her, and she smiled, and everything kind of dissolved and felt all right. I know that's so cheesy, but it's true. [laughs] She has the most wonderful smile, and she's so beautiful. <3 Then we hugged...! I worry I did one of those girl hugs because I was holding too much stuff. :\ And then I talked too much...liek. The entire day/week. [slaps forehead] Stupid me! I'm so retarded and dorky and awkward. I know I made a fool of myself. I don't know what she sees in me. ):

I'm Irish-American!
We got on the bus after that...well, after an awkward car ride with her sister (I kept trying not to look at Adrienne because I didn't want to come off as weird, but it's hard to resist looking at her...hahaha), and another uncomfortable time at the stop. I was laughing a lot at that creepy "Irish-American" guy we met on the bus. Hahahaha. Now I really wish she wouldn't take the bus. [laughs, frowns] Get a license, woman! D< I looked over at him randomly, and he was just staaaaaaaaaaring at her! Ew. Talk to someone ELSE, loser. [throws a rock at him] I guess that's what happens when you're that pretty...! [laughs] Unfortunately. ): And wearing a bright green Ireland jacket, I suppose, hahaha.

First Night
The first night was, yes, awkward. [laughs] I couldn't stop talking...! I really should just learn to shut up, but when I'm nervous, I can't really control it. [wails] Then I went into the kitchen and Adrienne was standing there...with her shirt half-open. Hahahahahaha. I think I completely FROZE, and then stared for the longest time after that...! How can you not notice your shirt is open! [laughs, pets her] Silly. D: I found it really hard to sleep that night...especially because she was in the same room. I feel awkward enough sleeping around other people, but this was HER, and I was already so self-conscious. I was afraid to face her because I didn't want her to stare at me while I slept. Unfortunately, she says she was. How embarrassing. [laughs] :\ Too bad I didn't point out her unbuttoned shirt...! I was about to, but I guess I didn't really want her to know about it so I could keep staring. >D

A Good Week, or, A Wood Geek (for dyslexics/me)
When we got to her house (we'd been at her grandma's before this), it was still rather awkward. For me, anyway. She seemed fairly calm the whole time. Nervous, my ass. D< Except she wasn't saying much, so I felt quite stupid and uncomfortable. Aw. [laughs]

Just Look at the Screen and Cuddle
We watched a few movies, which I mostly liked. I say mostly because a couple were just so fucking weird. D: Well, the rest were weird, too, but...not totally out there. Hahaha. I have to retaliate with Legend for having to watch The Last Unicorn. Legend is...hmm. Hmm! Boring. At least there isn't any singing. [laughs] I don't really it for the plot, because the plot is kind of...not even there. Chopping off unicorn horns? Eternal freeze? Suddenly evil princess? Creepy little people? Huh? But Tom Cruise was damned pretty, and Darkness...homg. It's a visual orgasm. D:

But yes. [coughs] We watched a lot of strange tv, too. Most notably that Christian channel. REXELLA! Too bad we didn't get to watch the rest of that lame movie. [laughs] That was turning out to be really hilarious. :\ "[bad and out-of-place car scenes] You took me to a party with a bunch of preachers?!" Then there was all that PBS...... And Prison Break, of course. Auurrruugh. XD

There was also lots of playing around, which I love. [laughs] I thought I was annoying her, though. :\ But she says no, so who knows. She was trying to...enlighten me. D: I just stole her rings (two of which broke later...sob). She's scarily strong, and I'm pathetically weak. That's just a smutty scene waiting to happen. [laughs, fantasizes] D: And she wouldn't stop tickling me, AHH! I'm not supposed to be ticklish. I figure it's her nails and being able to...ehm, touch places other people shouldn't. D:

We were practically sitting far away from each other for a long time in the beginning, but then she told me to sit on her bed and then everything...started? [laughs] After that, she hugged my feet (:3), so I turned around and we were lying in bed together, just...clinging. I loved that. It was just so natural and comfortable. <3 Another time, she pretty much forced me to lie down so she could give me a back rub. [laughs] Scary! But it was yummy. I gave her one too, but I don't think it was any good, aw. At least I don't do it like guys do! Haha. I also loved not having to sleep alone for once. It felt so good to have someone hold me while I slept. <3 I want more! But I have to wait to cling to her again, aww. It's just such a nice feeling. I move around too much, so I'm sure she can't say the same. XD

And twin beds aren't really so small if you're on top of each other...! [laughs] D:
Adrienne: >D
Innocent Reader(s): D:
Forblaze: [changes pants for the third time]

I kept staring at her mouth the whole time I was there. [laughs] That's...weird, isn't it. I know she noticed, too, because it was just so OBVIOUS. I was doing it for a lot of reasons. First, I was just too scared to look at her eyes. Second, she just has such a pretty mouth. [laughs] Third, I was thinking of how glad I was she has nice teeth. XD And lastly! I reeeeally wanted her to kiss me...! [laughs] But she just wouldn't! I was so sad about that. I even asked her to, and she wouldn't. Aww, that's enough to depress a girl. Hahahaha. Especially when I'd been craving a kiss for so long. ): By the end of the week, I couldn't help it anymore, so I just kissed her. [laughs] I'm not seme, jerk, kiss ME. D: No, hahaha. Quite nice, though. <3 And no bad teeth this time! YAY! XD

Strange that groping should come before kissing, though. HO HO HO. D:
Adrienne: >D
Innocent Reader(s): Didn't need. To. Know. D:
Forblaze: [walks off yet again]

The Train, Part Two
I was so sad to leave. I couldn't stop whining. [laughs, annoying] Worst of all, her dad was there, so I couldn't kiss her. Just a hug. Pooh. ): It was raining that day, but not so hard (until after I left, apparently). I was happy that I'd finally been able to speak to her, to see her, to touch her...but it's hard to leave that. I cried on the train. It hadn't even started moving and already I missed her so much.

Camo Kilt
Going up the narrow stairs they have on the train, I got about halfway up with all my shit when a strange redheaded man in a camo kilt started to come down (Adrienne knows who I'm talking about; she saw him before...! Or at least her dad did, haha). Now, common courtesy says that he should have waited at the top of the steps because he was carrying nothing and I was already halfway up before he got there. But no, apparently he was just determined to get down those steps. So I had to back EVERYthing back down, almost getting knocked over because he would NOT stop rushing downwards, and bowling the people over behind me. I actually said "FUCK!" out loud (and I mean loud) as he pushed past me. I was SO pissed. How rude is that! THe lady behind me helped me get my bag up the stairs again, so at least not everyone is a dumb shitfuck asshole. D<

When I got to my seat, I saw him sitting with a very large (and very black...) family. I think his IQ couldn't have been more than 90. D: I thought he was just annoying them because he was sitting nearby, but no...! A redheaded woman that looked a lot like him (just as creepy-ugly and pale) was apparently married to the huge black guy, and they had about 5 small kids together. It was...scary. [laughs] She didn't act like a total weirdo, though, so her brother was the only angering one. Gah. Jerk. D<

I got put into a window seat (blah), next to a child (blaaah), in a shitty car (blaaaaaah). The kid was taking up the whole seat, so I just left with my backpack and went to the lounge car to sulk. [laughs] Before that, I saw a familiar face from my first trip (now sitting next to camo kilt, oddly enough...!). He joined me in the lounge car later, and we started talking. He was really nice! Said his name was Richard, I think. I don't know anyone who'd name their kid Pritchard or anything, so yeah. D:

We talked about a lot of stuff, and on a really long, boring train trip, that is VERY welcome. I don't usually strike up deep-ish conversations with strangers (who does?), but he was very easy to talk to, and very open. It was fun, and neither of us could really sleep, so we talked for a long time. I told him all about Adrienne, and how we met. [laughs] It's so nice to be able to talk about her openly to people who don't judge. I don't think a lot of people realize that most people are still rather...closed to these sorts of things, and offended by it. It is easy to spot the people who aren't, though, because I usually can converse easily with them.

He asked me for my number...! D: But I don't use phones, and I told him that, and he understood. [laughs] We also talked about body image, and he pretty much said I had a nice body. Ack. I'm surprised Adrienne didn't crash through the window and drop kick him. Hahahaha. But I told him SHE thought I did and I never believe her. He told me to believe her...! And that from a guy's perspective, he didn't like skinny girls, and that he wouldn't be saying that sort of thing just to make me feel better the way that girls do with each other. Makes sense, and is reassuring, I suppose. [laughs] But I still don't like my body, so whep! I guess I try to remember that at least Adrienne thinks it's nice, and that's all that matters. [nods]

After a horrible night's sleep, I talked to him some more, and we got into a lot of weird things, including yaoi, yuri ("That sounds good, I like that" XD), and...furry conventions. Hahahaha. Should've known he'd ask about the uke shirt sooner or later. [laughs] He said he "learned something new"! I'm an educator. XD

He left in Salinas...! What is it about my train buddies and Salinas? [laughs] That was Agnes's stop, too! It's in the middle of dusty cropland. D:

Creepy Christian Encounter #3!
This happened at another meal, this time breakfast. (I did eat with a normal, NOT Christian family the night before, though. I liked them a lot. The grandma even said ASS! Omg. And there were two children that I could actually stand. Probably because they made fun of the kilt guy in front of his face. That takes balls, come on. XD) But for this, I had to sit with three somewhat elderly people, a couple and a lone man. When our food came, the husband requested we say grace. Ehm. [laughs] They all bowed their heads and he thanked God for our meal, while I just kind of...stared at the napkin in my lap. XD

They were nice enough, especially the wife. You could tell she'd been really pretty when she was younger, too. I find that very pleasant for some reason, hahaha. She talked about how much she liked to do Sudoku, and told me I should do a crossword puzzle a day to keep my mind sharp. Seemed to work for her. [laughs] They all asked me about school, and suggested I should try becoming a translator because they all felt it was a very important job. That turned into a discussion about cultures.... At least they were more interesting and not anywhere near as creepy as that crazy Hook-Up-With-My-Son lady. XD

We got to LA about two hours late. As a consequence, my connecting train to San Diego had already left. Everyone on that route had to get on buses. Awww. It was a big bus, but still, it wasn't anywhere near as comfortable/roomy. I was prepared for a long, boring ride, but after a whole train trip of going an average of 40 mph, it felt SO good to be going at LEAST 80 on the empty freeways. He was just speeding down that thing. Everyone was SO happy about it, too. [laughs] One guy even went up to him and said, "I like the way you drive!"

The whole bus ride I at least had Adrienne to keep me company with texting. That was so nice. I would've been so sad and mopey if she hadn't. ): I got into San Diego at about dad picked me up, I went home! I think this is all...! [laughs] It felt nice to be back in bed again, though.

Ending (Yes, Finally.)
I had a wonderful time, and Adrienne was better than anything I'd expected. I tried to be realistic in my expectations, but she would've exceeded them even if I hadn't been realistic. I love her even more than I did before, if that's possible. She's even more beautiful in person. <3

Her house was lovely, and I haven't eaten so well in a long time...! [laughs] Strangely I was only allergic to her dog, and not her cats. I'm not allergic to dogs. I'm allergic to cats. Backwards...! D: I think he's such a cute dog, too, awww. Even if he did get mud all over my only good pair of pants when we went outside. [laughs]

My house brings me nothing but shame, but even so, I'll let her visit if she wants. There'll be nothing to eat, nothing to do, no comfort, nothing pretty to look at. D: I do want to see her again, and I guess I should get over it. I'll cry the entire time because I'll be so embarrassed and ashamed (I wish I were exaggerating)...but I guess she knows how to fix that. >D

Until next time, then. <3
(and hopefully pictures then, too!)