Sunday, April 15, 2007

updates that aren't really updates.

Mood: Sick
Listening to Flowers - Pride of Mind (I need more Klaha...! Waa.)
Playing Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All
Eating Rice and my mom's beef and broccoli, which is surprisingly really, really good.
Drinking Sprite

Just figured I'd give this thing a good kick in the ass to get it updated. I have no real news, goes?

[comic coloring]
I have to color my brother's eight-page comic by May 15th (a date I'll get to again...!). The worst thing is, he hasn't given me ANY information on what the colors are. He keeps just telling me to make it up. Coloring is hard enough without having to make it all up by myself. It's not my story and if he keeps this up, people are going to start having purple hair with puke green highlights. Don't think he'd like that, eh! I also can't color a picture very quickly, let alone up to 6 panels a page of full detail and backgrounds, and to do this in a month is stupid. On top of that, he bought me the second Phoenix Wright to make sure I'd feel guilty enough to do it! GRAR.

Did I mention everything important in school is due that same week?

[adrienne's visit]
Adrienne is coming on my deadline date, which I guess I can look forward to as a reward for this torture. [laughs, needs to figure out how to get to the airport] That, and my brother is considering going to Universal soon, and we're planning on taking her along--that is, as long as I finish his eight pages. D< Oh well, even if we don't, we're still going to the zoo. I'm liek. Sooooo excited about that. Even more than I would be if I were just...going. I love the zoo but I really want to go with her. Though she'll probably be bored. ): I really wanna go to the Reptile House. [laughs] I don't like them but...I do. D: It'd be nice to just walk around with her for an entire day, just the two of us, and look at all the animals. <3

Related to her visit, I've gotten everyone in a spring cleaning mood. My brother and I want to throw a lot of shit out next weekend, and my dad said he wants to, too. We have so much ugly, useless shit in my house, courtesy of my grandma, and I want to get rid of it--before she comes back from the Philippines. And that's real soon, so we'd better get on it.

We bought a new DVD shelf yesterday, but it needs to be moved somewhere better. We're going to have to rearrange things and get rid of a lot if we do it, so I hope that starts off a cleaning chain. I desperately want to do this, but I seem to be the only one motivated enough to do anything. I can't stand looking at this junk heap. I wish I lived somewhere nice. ):

I got a haircut yesterday. It's back to the old way it was, when I cut it to its shortest a long, long time back. Which means it's nearly Kellie-short, hahahaha. Aw, now we really do look like sisters! :3 I'm so glad it's not gross and all over my neck. And if it's hot all I have to do is tie it up in the back and it looks cute. [laughs]

I thought I had more to say, and I probably do, but I need to get coloring. So...yeah. [runs off]


Rosiel said...

I can help you clean! Just tell me what to do & I'll do mah best! :3

Anonymous said...

So is that why you haven't logged onto DeviantArt? I understand, but I for one am waiting for another submission from you. I'm sure many watchers are disappointed. Do what you have to do, but please log on and update when you can.

the prince of mansmut said...

I can't help you clean...but I can help you color! :D No. [laughs] I know you won't let me, but blocking color in is fuuuun. And I crave it. Damn you, draw me something (when you can)! D: Your coloring looks nice so far, though. [laughs]

Figured out how to get to the airport yet? [laughs] Why would I be bored? Shush up! And waow, you're really cleaning a lot. Take it easy...!

I still haven't seen your new haircut. Will I even recognize you?! D:

Damn, I need something to color. D<