Thursday, November 24, 2005

ugh, I hate thanksgiving.

Feeling bored as fuck.
Listening to "our diabolikal rapture" - HIM
Currently addicted to deviled eggs. X3
Currently irritated by the lack of more mango juice in the fridge! [weeps]
Randomness: sweater monkeys!
Today's Cards: 4 of Pentacles, Wheel of Fortune, 2 of Cups R

I am so bored! Nothing happened today, just as expected, but at least I didn't have to go to lab today! [big grin] One thing I'm happy about too: I'm cold! I love it, the weather's finally cooling. n_n

Ugh, I'm so annoyed with a select handful of people on the BK forums. They're so juvenile lately. Grr, grow up! They keep bickering and name-calling, and trying to prove how superior they are over everyone else and it pisses me off. Get over yourselves and respect others, for crying out loud. Gah...bunch of fucking kids these days.

Plus, everyone's out doing something fun and having dinner, etc. while I'm stuck at home, bored as ever. Urrrrgh. Thanksgiving always sucks.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

holy shit, three posts in less than five hours?!

Feeling better, nothing happened in math so we got out in five minutes!
Listening to the sound of muffled voices
Currently addicted to mmmsalt and potato chips, apparently water because I keep drinking it today
Currently irritated by my insatiable thirst! [shrieks]
Randomness: badgerbadgerbadger....
Today's Cards: see previous previous. XD

Well, I don't know why I keep posting but I'm bored and writing things here is strangely cheering me up. o.O

I'm soooo glad this week is over. Yes, it's over! On a Tuesday! [dances in joy, gives school the finger]

While walking back from my math class to the library (again), some girl was shouting German into her phone, and I was like, "Wow, there are so many Germans here!" And no sooner did I think that when a group of five people comes by and they're speaking loudly in Russian. I'm always soooo amazed by the number of Germans and Russians on campus. I didn't even know there were Germans and Russians in San Diego! [laughs] I told my dad about it once and he's like "Oh yeah, San Diego has a pretty big Russian community," and I'm just sitting there thinking, "WHERE?! Are they all hiding in the universities...?" XDD

Never ceases to amaze me, but I love it. I have some strange language fetish maybe. XD I feel like I should be jealous because I want to learn more languages but oh my god, I just get this shock of pleasure when I hear a language spoken that I'm not used to hearing here. n_n!!!! And TV doesn't count. I mean in real life.

Spanish? Boring, hear it too much, it's ugly the way they speak it here. Tagalog? Ugly, hear it all the time, in my house, don't want to hear it anymore. But things like German, Russian, Chinese, French, Korean...oh my god, I love it because you just don't hear them here! Sometimes I sit in close proximity to some Indian students because them speaking is like music to my ears, even if I don't like the language. XDD

Hmmm...because I feel like it, I'm going to list some of my 'little joys' in life. I think I've written a few down in a letter to Adrienne but I think I should expand on that. Here goes:

  • the language thing I just mentioned (especially when it's some hot German, mmyum! XDD)
  • when someone I have to IM first IMs me first instead. n,n (I may not say anything but when you do it, you can bet your soul I'm sitting at my computer, secretly smiling a lot for it.)
  • waking up with the sun. I love to wake up when the air's just crisp and cool, and the sun's only low on the horizon, peeking through some clouds.
  • when I'm alone in a public place
  • when I receive a letter from Adrienne
  • when I meet and/or talk to someone who actually has things in common with me.
  • five or six perfect hours of undisturbed sleep.
  • tasting something I love but haven't had in so, so long.
  • good hair days (they're rare for me!)
  • really good back rubs, warm hugs, and soft kisses (even more rare there)
  • happy crying
  • of course, my total number one: getting my hair touched. [laughs]
  • getting good cards in my daily tarot readings (yesterday, I think it was, I squealed with delight when I got the Nine of Cups...the wish card!)
  • answering tons of questions on Jeopardy, solving all the puzzles with only three letters up on Wheel of Fortune, and anything similar. XD
  • a good, genuine, asphyxiating (haha), cleansing laugh
  • going to the movies
  • when I fall asleep in the fantasy that I'm being held by someone, though it'd be better if it were actually real! X3
  • finishing all work way early, especially when it's so much earlier than you expected.

I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting, but ah well.
...I'm shutting up now. XD

random survey to kill utter boredom.

Feeling still blah (see last post)
Listening to nothing
Currently addicted to nyar
Currently irritated by grr
Randomness: "oh, fuck."
Today's Cards: see last post

I was bored, sue me. See previous post for real info...

A Biography of your Life:
What is todays date?:tuesday, 22 november 2005
What is the time right now?:11:40
~First things first~
Full name::Dawn M
Birth Date::18 june 1987
Religion::gave it up; open now
Education Level::currently a college freshman
Heritage::Italian, German, Irish, Cherokee on my dad's side; Filipino and Spanish in my mom's blood
Where do you live?:San Diego, California, USA
Where are you right now?:SDSU library's comp lab
Where do you work?:nowhere, gotta get a car first.
Are you Single?:mmhm
For the Single Guys/Gals:
Are you happy being Single?:yeah, it gets lonely, but eh, I don't need the drama.
Do you have your eye on someone?:actually, yeah...
Are you playing the field?:erm, no.
Taken Guys & Gals
How long have you been in a relationship?:n/a
Are you happy?:n/a
Are you attached or playing the field?:n/a
The Past:
How many Girl/boy friends have you had?:just one, what a mistake. but I learned from it.
Which do you prefer.. Single or taken::single
Do you want to get married?:no
What about kids... Do you want any??:no
--- How many?:I'll defenestrate them all!!! [psycho mode]
Name of Elementry School::I'll go with Boone because I was there longest
--- Mascott:::a raccoon or something [can't remember]
--- Fav. teacher:::Mr. Grabert, I think his name was.
--- Fav. Class:::6th grade class, we had more fun.
--- Fav Activities:::playing four-square, lol
--- Who were your friends?:Elysa, Rhonda, Marcela, Kierra
Name of middle school::AG Bell Junior High
--- mascott:::a trojan warrior. (yes, that got snickers.)
--- Fav. Teacher:::Mr. Pearson, I guess...
--- Fav. Class:::Mr. Pearson's physics class, even though I hate physics, it was fun
--- Did you play any sports?:no, only in PE. x.x
--- What activities did you participate in?:none
--- Who were you close friends?:Michelle, Elysa, Ruthie, Kathy, Claudine
Name of High School::Samuel FB Morse High
--- Mascott::tiger
--- Colors:::gold, blue, white
--- Fav. teacher:::Mr. Gough, Mlle McVicar
--- Fav. Class:::stagecraft and biology--both with Mr. Gough--and French
--- Sports Played:::none, I don't like sports
--- Any activities/clubs:::noooooooope, they sucked.
--- Were you a Jock/prep/outkast/loner/Goth/etc:::loner. still am.
--- Fav thing about this school:::the teachers I got along with
--- What did you despise about this school?:everyone else, the stupid rules.
-Only if you are in college-
What college/University are you attending?:San Diego State University
--- Mascott:::aztecs
--- Colors:::red, black, white (awesome colours)
--- Major:::undecided
--- Minors:::same
--- Are you on a Sports team?:nooope.
--- Do you live on campus::nah, my house is ten minutes away.
--- You like it?:sure, it's all right. way better than HS at least.
Do you live in a broken family?:actually, yes.
How many siblings do you have?:one older brother.
--- Step Siblings?:n/a
--- Half Siblings?:n/a
--- Step Parents?:n/a
Are you guys scattered about or close?:we're not close but we get along all right
Do you have daily traditions?:nope
--- What about holiday traditions?:just Christmas, going out to dinner for birthdays
What is your mom's name?:Nenita/Nita
--- Her Maiden Name?:Alberto (you see the Spanish there)
What is your Dad's name?:James/Jim
What is your earliest memory?:running around the house screaming and my brother laughing at me, making me scream more
What is your favorite memory?:I like to think about Christmas every year
Have you gone to any concerts?:not that I can remember
--- Where was it?:n/a
--- Who did you see?:n/a
Where was your first vacation?:Philippines
Where have you gone on vacations?:Philippines, across the US
What was your favorite vacation?:going cross-country ^^
~Your Future~
Do you want to live in a city?:yeah, probably
How about somewhere rural?:I wouldn't mind the solitude but it's harder to get things.
How about somewhere inbetween?:nah, I'm tired of in-between.
Do you have someplace in mind?:yes
--- What is it?:Europe, somewhere north like coastal Maine or Washington, Canada
What occupation would you like to have?:sniper x3
--- Do you think you will ever obtain this objective?:obviously not. XP
~Political Aspects~
Do you vote?:nope
--- If not, why?:not motivated to, haven't signed up yet.
Do you take an interest in your goverment?:not really, I'm sick of it.
Do you watch/read the news?:not anymore.
Are you a Republican, Democrat, or Liberal?:Uh, I'm very liberal, more left.
~Your Views~
Abortion:::keep it legal.
War:::it sucks but sometimes it's necessary. SOMETIMES, mostly not.
Drugs:::they suck and whoever uses them should die. :D
Russia (I personally want to nuke them):::Russia is...okay? I don't hear much about them.
Terorism:::of course it's stupid.
Premarital Sex:::if the feeling's sincere
Religions:::I'm sick of them.
Hisidic Jews:::wtf. XD
George W. Bush:::I LOVE HIM! for entertainment, at least.
Bill Clinton:::he was our first black president. XDDD
Democracy:::it works. mostly.
The Media:::not to be believed
Todays Standards implimented among the kids of today:::too high
Immigration:get them out! >.<
~What is your Favorite...~
Tv Show:::American Justice, Max X, Forensic Files, Home Improvement, Fresh Prince
Tv Channel:::Court TV x3
Band:::HIM, The Darkness, Travis
Song:::Illuminati - Malice Mizer; Adagio in Strings - Samuel Barber
Cell Phone Brand:::I'm not interested in them
Soft Drink:::Fanta and Sprite
bevarage:::mango-papaya smoothies
Alcoholic Bevarage:::none, I don't drink, and don't want to.
Coputer Brand:::whatever, as long as it doesn't run on lame-ass windows.
Video game:::Castlevania: SotN, Baten Kaitos, Mischief Makers, SMRPG, SSBM, Goldeneye
Game Console:::dunno, GC I guess
Cereal:::Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, lol
Sub:::turkey and swiss
Hot Sandwich:::cheesesteak
Dessert:::brownies topped with french vanilla ice cream and choco syrup...yumyum
City:::a'dunno. o.o
State:::dunno either. o.o
Country:::duh duh dum! Switzerland! [surprise]
Animal:::serval, fennec fox
Shampoo:::Pantene clarifying shampoo
Conditioner:::Pantene for damaged hair/split end repair
Clothing Brand:::BeBop...only pants I like. and in the fall, Old Navy actually serves me justice
Subject:::science, biology-related stuff mostly; foreign language
teacher:::Mr. Gough. [bows down] Great man, I respect him very much.
Eye Color:::green or amethyst o.o
Hair Color:::dark hair
Movie:::too many to name x.x
Condiment:::ketchup! XD
~Preferences - This or That~
IPOD/Cd Player:::iPod but CD player when I don't care
Staples/Tape:::tape solves everything!
Walmart/Kmart:::Wal-Mart, the bastards. I can't help myself.
Target/Kohls:::dunno, don't really go to either.
Macy's/JcPenneys:::same thing
Cash/ Credit:::credit is easier...well, sometimes
Blue/red:::uuurgh! red. [dies]
Black/ white:::white.
Hooded/non hooded:::non-hooded
Aim/Phone:::aim, no phones x.x
Renting/Movie Theatre:::movie theater, it's a better experience.
Short/Long hair:::long
To Love/To fool around:::love
Day and Time done?:same day, it's 12:10 now.
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

wow, I'm depressed?

Feeling so blah.
Listening to some guy in the library has his music on too loud and I hear really bad hip hop through his speakers...from all the way across this room. And it's a huge room.
Currently addicted to liquid
Currently irritated by my mood...grr. go away, already.
Randomness: Gackt honestly thinks he's psychic.
Today's Cards: Page of Cups R, 5 of Swords, 6 of Swords

Uuurgh...lately I haven't been feeling too hot. I'm sure I'm depressed, but I mostly just feel totally indifferent. So indifferent I almost feel as if my heart's finally turned into lead. And that makes me depressed. Or at least it's one of the reasons I probably am. One contributor might be hormones, but those usually don't go out of control so I'm not sure what's up or if those are to blame or what.

Another more certain reason is that I think I like a guy. [sighs]

I told myself I'd keep away from all that crap but you can't really help it when someone comes along and it's But the thing is, I'm fairly sure he doesn't like me at all, so I'm just like, 'Why even bother?' I'm not worth wasting his time on, anyway. u_u

I seem to be really thirsty all the time lately...maybe I'm severely dehydrated or something, ne? It's getting to me finally, I guess. :P

All I know is that I'm craving a nice, sincere hug, and a kiss on the cheek. I think I'd pop right back into a great mood if I got those. Unfortunately, no one's around to do that for me.... This place sucks.

Well, class is going to start at 9:30 so I have to be there by 9:10 if I want my comfy seat in the back of the hall, where I can spread my arms out and be free. I hate the cramped chairs in the lecture halls. I might as well sit on the lap of the person next to me. >.<

OMFG, D-Ren, it's an LJ-esque post, you'll never talk to me ever again!!!1

Friday, November 18, 2005

I love midnight shows.

Feeling sleepy but overall pretty well! ^^
Listening to nothing
Currently addicted to movie!
Currently irritated by this itch on my ankle that just...won't go away!
Randomness: "if the movies keep getting darker, then the last film will probably be rated R."
Today's Cards: haven't read yet

So I saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and WHEE it was the best, totally. It was soooo dark (I can't wait to see how dark the next one gets) but also SO hilarious. [laughs]

The Weasley twins were the best, hands down. So freaking adorable/hot/yum. XD Everything involving the ball is just so funny. I couldn't stop laughing. But yeah, it was also pretty dark, and I looooooved that. Dark fantasy is my thing, so the darker it gets, the more in love with it I grow. No Malfoy but that's okay, he'll get his time. [laughs] The effects and CG were pretty well-done. Nothing looked awkward; I was actually rather surprised. Pretty solid; totally ace.

[throws confetti] Go see it!

p.s. there were no kids. Sweet Lord Luck, how I shall kiss thine lips when we meet! [laughs]

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Harry Pottah Tonight!

Feeling really sleepy all of a sudden--not the best condition to be in today.
Listening to "The Recluse" - Cursive into "Young Boys Go to Studio 54" - Lords of Acid
Currently addicted to talking to people
Currently irritated by this dull headache I have
Randomness: nyar!
Today's Cards: see last post.

Well, we're going to see a midnight showing of ze new Harry Potter so I think it's rather crappy that I'm feeling this sleepy already. Long-ass day at school, no rest...I should go to sleep but I just don't want to for some reason. Maybe because that always just makes me feel more tired when I wake up. :/

Damn, Walk the Line and P&P are coming out tomorrow too. I want to see both! P&P takes first priority though; I can always wait for the oh-so-talented Joaquin Phoenix.

This better be good and all the stupid thirteen-year-olds better pipe down when it starts. MALFOY. I want a Malfoy shirt... ;-;

thursday is suck.

Feeling BOOOOOOOOOOOOORED!!!! [screams, wails, tugs at hair]
Listening to the silent screaming in my head
Currently addicted to AHHHHH
Currently irritated by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BORED!
Randomness: Moo cow moo moo myaa?
Today's Cards: Knight of Wands R, Queen of Swords R, 3 of Swords R (I'm getting this same card, reversed, a lot lately)

Whep, I'm in the library comp lab at school, when I should be sitting in math. I thought the computers here had CD drives, but silly me, they apparently don't! So I was unable to do my project, with the ample time between bio lecture and math, like I had originally intended. Grrrrr! And now I'm sitting here, bored out of my mind, not in the mood to read, wanting to talk to someone, and not having anyone to talk to! [sobs]

Waaaaaa! And after this I have stupid lab, which will be long and boring, and something big is due today...and you guessed it! I DIDN'T DO THAT EITHER. but I don't care.

AIGH! Today is ze super-scukness! Not even good enough to be suck-status. Just total SCUK! Oh, and I've also got a cold coming on.

I just want to go home and relax for the weekend. Bleyah! Man, am I glad I only have class Monday and Tuesday next week. NO LAB! YAY!

Note to All: THURSDAY IS SUCK! (lol.)

Monday, November 14, 2005

I fucking hate fucking post fucking offices.

Feeling disappointed
Listening to "Adagio for Strings, op.11" - Barber
Currently addicted to the BK forums... x.x
Currently irritated by post offices! GRR!
Randomness: "Nice boys don't kiss like that." "Oh yes they fucking do."
Today's Cards: 8 of Wands R, 8 of Swords R, The Sun

I'm so disappointed because I fiiiiiiiinally was going to send out Adrienne's schway overdue letter and when I got there, waited in the longest bloody line ever, they didn't have any padded envelopes! [cries] They had the stupid cardboardy one but my stuff wouldn't have fit inside.... So I was quite pissed but I thought it over a bit, stayed calm, and said, "Never mind, I've had to wait this long, what's another week, or month, or year?" Grr! At least I'm putting my Tarot interpretations to good use. [points to 8 of Wands reversed, is relaxed] The bitch at the counter was the same one who gave me shit last time, so I didn't want to deal with her. Damn, am I a pottymouth today.

I feel terrible though, like it's my fault... [sighs] u_u

On a random note, Terry Maginnis from Batman Beyond is still hot.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

a good day? preposterous!

Feeling okay! ^^
Listening to "love you like I do" - HIM
Currently addicted to talking to peoples, straightening my hair again
Currently irritated by my slight cold
Randomness: "Kyaaar. Pay-terrrr."
Today's Cards: 8 of Wands, 7 of Swords, Ace of Cups

Well, I'm hoping today's a good day, at least. It started out well enough, sans the church part. But waking up early apparently puts me in a better mood. [laughs]

Another thing to put me in a good mood--I got a fairly nice tarot spread this morning! n.n
8 of Wands, 7 of Swords, Ace of Cups...the latter is what makes me sort of antsy and anticipate-y. Apparently a new relationship could be on the way, and the 8 of Wands sort of gives me an "easygoing, easy day, easy everything" image. But the 7 of Swords kind of confuses me in the middle of the other two cards. I'm guessing it could hint at procrastination, because I've got a couple of urgent projects that need doing. After all, I just asked how my day was going to go today. It looks good, and the one yesterday was great too. (is the Wheel of Fortune EVER bad?) [collapses] Must be a good week, or at least I hope so! ^^


The eleventh of November was, of course, my Thomas's birthday, so I want to take a little time out to say Happy Birthday to him, wherever he's waiting right now. n_n