Thursday, November 24, 2005

ugh, I hate thanksgiving.

Feeling bored as fuck.
Listening to "our diabolikal rapture" - HIM
Currently addicted to deviled eggs. X3
Currently irritated by the lack of more mango juice in the fridge! [weeps]
Randomness: sweater monkeys!
Today's Cards: 4 of Pentacles, Wheel of Fortune, 2 of Cups R

I am so bored! Nothing happened today, just as expected, but at least I didn't have to go to lab today! [big grin] One thing I'm happy about too: I'm cold! I love it, the weather's finally cooling. n_n

Ugh, I'm so annoyed with a select handful of people on the BK forums. They're so juvenile lately. Grr, grow up! They keep bickering and name-calling, and trying to prove how superior they are over everyone else and it pisses me off. Get over yourselves and respect others, for crying out loud. Gah...bunch of fucking kids these days.

Plus, everyone's out doing something fun and having dinner, etc. while I'm stuck at home, bored as ever. Urrrrgh. Thanksgiving always sucks.

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