Thursday, November 29, 2007


Mood: Depressed
Watching not this movie.

If you haven't seen trailers for this piece of shit movie (Awake, for those of you who can't read blog titles), good for you. I keep seeing them and I want to punch myself in the eyes repeatedly.

It's not about the movie's the trailers. I hate Jessica Alba. She must be the ugliest slut out there right now. And of course the people who created the trailers just randomly stick in sex scenes with her and Anakin Skywalker between scenes of this guy in surgery. I didn't think sex had anything to do with being aware during surgery, so why the fuck is it the biggest part of the trailers?

Guys are so lame.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

last weeks of the semester

Mood: Frustrated
Watching Home Improvement
Reading Drawing Down the Moon - Margot Adler
Drinking juice

I'm really sleepy right now but I tried to sleep and ended up rolling around uncomfortably. I wonder if my insomnia is coming back, but I have no idea why it would be. Could just be hormones fucking around, but I don't know. I sure don't feel well right now, that's certain.

School's almost over and so finals and final projects are here. I really should be working hard right now, but for some reason I just can't be bothered and I'm not really stressed out about it. I probably will be when I start, though, so maybe I'll just...leave it for next week. [laughs]

I guess the item of most concern is my group speech in comm. To tell the truth, I'm having a bit of a hard time with the topic (still). I don't mind writing the outline for it, but I wish I'd gotten some say in determining the topic...what we're doing really doesn't interest me much, to be honest. I wanted something more fiery, like religious tolerance or something. It's going to be a bleh speech, though...I hope the others can make up for my lack of enthusiasm about it. I hate group projects; my ideas tend to be too different for normal people, which is really kind of sad because I'm not even all that strange.

We had to come up with a "trailer" for our speeches and I realized the only way anything was going to get done was to force my ideas. Wish I would've done that with the topic. Someone (the girl who pretty much self-chose her topic for the group) wanted to gear it towards children and how they're the future....! Awwww! ^_^ ....Ehm, I'm sorry, but even if I didn't hate children, the audience is a college classroom, not a tea table of teenage moms.

I got around to writing a very small draft of a short story for my lit final project today, which I guess is comforting progress. Having something, however short it may be, is better than nothing, especially when it's due in a little over a week. I think all of them are going to have a sort of fantastic theme. Have to tie random stories together somehow.

Went to a author reading today between classes for some lit credit... I didn't really like it. It was the columnist who writes Ask a Mexican. Definitely nothing I'm interested in, but it was the only one that wasn't at 7pm. The questions were amusing but I thought the answers were dull, and he was really distracted. Also seemed to think people in LA and people in San Diego are exactly the same. Bzzt! Wrong! I've got to do another reading to get an A, so I might have to drive back to school on Tuesday night for that. Bleh. Might as well go to the bookstore or something on the way back to make sure it's not a wasted trip.

Anyway, I just hope I can get through this semester with passing grades. And sanity intact. :\


Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Mood: Excited
Watching various things....
Reading Drawing Down the Moon - Margot Adler
Playing Brain Age (54...WAAA XD)
Drinking strawberry melon juice. Yumyum!

After class today I decided to check out a store in La Mesa called Starcrafts. I don't know what I was expecting; perhaps just a weird little bookstore. [laughs]

When I went in, it was soooooo perfect and wonderful. It's a really open space inside, and usually I hate incense but it wasn't so strong (which is why I hate incense and potpourri, yuck!) and smelled really good. Everything was neat and set up in a pleasant way. It didn't seem like it at first, but they have lots of books about all different kinds of Wicca and nature-based religions and such, and specific areas like Tarot, Runes, I Ching, Reiki.... Everything!

They also had a lot of supplies (of course, haha) like crystals and candles of every color. I want to take Elysa there...I really liked it. The music playing was also really pretty...they seem to sell CDs too. I was so distracted I didn't take a good look at all the jewelry, but I'll definitely go back and take a better look at things. The woman running the store was so nice and talked to me about a few things and made some recommendations of books I should take a look at, which I really appreciated. She even said I could just sit there and read if I liked. XD

I wish I had money...I'd love to buy a bunch of books and take some classes there. I need a job! [laughs] The woman told me about gatherings they have.... It sounds like a lot of fun and the people who came in to shop were totally not what I was expecting. One older woman looked like a total Christian...guess it teaches me not to judge people by appearances. [laughs]

I really like it there. Is it wrong to get this excited about a shop? [laughs]

Saturday, November 24, 2007

LA trip

Mood: Okay
Listening to Phoenix Wright Orchestra Album
Eating food. D:
Drinking drink. D:

Well, the day started out badly. I didn't really want to wake up, and I was having this really groovy dream, too. Damn. Didn't get to go to Tea Valley, the land of Brits. ): One of the weirdest dreams I've ever had. Involved a smoking ghost prostitute, toilets, Marge and Lisa Simpson being flushed down toilets, wiimote swimming....

Well the trip there went fine. There were a bunch of annoying Mexican high school tourists at a rest stop so I couldn't use the bathroom without waiting in a line. I wonder where they were going...well, I don't really care. [laughs] Probably Disneyland or something. [typed disneyship, what the fuck]

Then we went cemetery-hopping, which makes me extremely anxious, of course, with all the dead people around. I tried to cheer myself up by reading some of the silly names, but it didn't really help all that much. Then I had to meet my uncle and his wife, and his daughter (who was not my type of person at all).

Then we ran around different cemeteries and of course, my bladder decided to be its usual asshole self. Once the two girls were talking behind me and were like, "Why does Jim [my dad] expect us to go to the bathroom every twenty minutes? We're not old ladies!" Well, I am, and that made me feel bad and embarrassed, so I ran ahead without them. (I don't know why he kept sending them with me when he knows I hate people and especially because I can't use the bathroom when other people are around.)

So the rest of the day I was in a really bad mood, and when we got stuck in traffic in Hollywood, I just cried and eventually got out of the car and walked with my brother the rest of the way to the Chinese Theatre. Made me feel a little better. We saw a lot of the stars on the sidewalk and then a lot of people performing on the street. There was an old guy escaping from chains and a straitjacket, then these seemingly European kids playing music for money...haha.

We went and took pictures of all the different footprints, and some people from way back when had reeeeally small hands and feet. It was cute to see everyone there, though. And it made me feel good when my cousin got attacked by some midget in a Chucky costume. WAHAHA. That's what you get. D<

The shopping center around the theatre is really nice, too. The Sanrio Store didn't have much besides Hello Kitty, but I found this cute Chococat luggage for $98. Too bad! ]: Their Sketchers store had a loooooot of nice shoes, but I didn't get to look inside. :\

Anyway, I'm glad I'm not there anymore. All in all, it was a bad day. >o<

Thursday, November 22, 2007

thanksgiving: most boring holiday ever

Mood: Boooooooooored
Listening to Now or Never (Dopamin Remix) - NamNamBulu
Reading The Science of His Dark Materials by whoever it's by. Some kid book. D:
Eating pumpkin pieeee.
Drinking water.

God, Thanksgiving is SO boring.

My family does absolutely nothing. Well, they'll make a few things (two or three) and buy some pie and say, "Go eat." Seriously. We never even have turkey. Hahaha. Might as well be any other day, really. I guess if we had relatives we'd be the ones going to their house for dinner, but we don't. [laughs] I think my mom even went to the casino. Talk about a real family day!

Not even candied yams anymore. [cries] Holidays might as well just not exist here. ]:

Elysa's so lucky for getting to go to Vegas. I don't even like Vegas, but anything's better than Thanksgiving Bore-O-Rama. I'm going to LA tomorrow but cemetery-hopping really isn't my idea of fun (sorry, dad!). I'll probably just be sick and anxious all day from the lovely tour of death. DX My brother said we'll at least eat somewhere nice tomorrow, but I think by that he means Not McDonald's. D:

I can't believe it's not even seven yet. Someone shoooot me. I'm so bored, I'll probably do homework. HOMEWORK!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

super bishounen generator 2000!!!

Mood: Silly
Listening to lots and lots of Gackt
Eating rice
Drinking capri sun :3

It won't let me get the code for it but I made a really stupid Bzoink quizlet. Go, my minions! Go, and take it! XD

Yeah, I'm pretty bored and might work on a survey next. [laughs]
Got any ideas of what I should make a stupid survey or more quizlet things about?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

my ass hurts.

Mood: Grumpy
Drinking water

No, I didn't get anally raped. Just got back from riding my bike—well, my brother's—at the park. Wasn't so bad like it was the last time I did it. His tires didn't go flat, at least. [really has no idea how that happened to her bike] I guess I'm not as out of shape as I was before...I might be fatter but I've still been walking a whole bunch, so it didn't tire me out. I was glad no one was at the park. I hate how crowded it usually is there. But yes. Exercise, whoopie. [waves flag unenthusiastically]

Anyway, I don't know what I'll do tonight. I guess just sleep early and maybe look for something to read before then.

Also, I got a spam comment on the last post. If I keep getting them, I'm going to have to turn that annoying picture verification crap back on. DX

Friday, November 16, 2007

school makes my brain hurt.

Mood: Tired
Watching American Justice
Reading Maus II - Art Spiegelman
Playing AC: WW
Eating absolutely nothing. T_T
Drinking water

Ahhh. I'm not even all that busy with school at the moment but the little I have to do is exhausting. I have to start working on my Lit final, which takes a lot of thinking and effort. I'm going to write short stories inspired by things we've read in class. I wanted to do a short comic but I don't really have the time for that, and I'd rather not stress myself out too much when I can divide short stories up and moderate my stress levels.

Not so sure what I want to write about yet, though. I know one story will be based on Tarot...probably using the Lunatic deck's Major Arcana for inspiration. I liked the way that the Secret Tarot has a story to go along with both the Major and Minor Arcana, and I wanted to do something along those lines for a Hero's Journey motif. As for the others, I still have to figure them out. I want at least four or five short stories, along with illustrations for each, perhaps more. For the Tarot one, I might include the Lunatic Tarot images, since they're the inspiration, of course. [nods]

We've also got a group persuasive speech for Comm coming up and I'm a little sad because I wasn't able to pick my group. I went to the bathroom and then when I came back everyone was already in groups. Stupid bladder. ]: A lot of people were absent, too, so they were just kind of assigned to random groups. Meh. I don't want to work with people I don't know, because no one's ever interested in the same topics that I am. And yeah, that's how it turned out this time too. They want to do health in America, and I wasn't really able to express the topics I wanted. I wanted to do something about tolerance, or at least SOMEthing sort of different than what everyone else was doing, but I guess once again that I'll have to work around other people's ideas. [sighs]

[rubs shoulder] I got the HPV shot yesterday and GOD. That was so painful! I didn't think any shot hurt that much, but wow. I'm usually not a total wuss about these things (shots, even though I haaaaate needles) but wow. Ow. Hahaha. I don't want to go back. T_T

[random] Japanese boys are creepy! I was walking out of my Bounce Back class today and one of them was leaning against a bench smoking, and he was just squinting at me. His friend was talking to some European man on a bicycle. Haha. I couldn't figure out where he was from, because his accent was soooo thick and his English was horrible. D: But yeah. All the way down one big staircase and past a turn in the road...just being SQUINTED AT. [laughs] Maybe it was my bag? It's just so yellow. D: ...And dirty. ): [wipes it off]

I really want cookies. Maybe I should go make some...but they'll turn out just as horribly as usual. [laughs] Whep...I don't know what else to write! This was really boring, sorry. ]: