Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Feeling gyaaargh!
Listening to "zen?" resurrection eve
Currently addicted to quizzes, doing nothing, my uber-sexeh fresh4u bag. XP
Currently irritated by not having anything to eat, having to go to school
Randomness: "What kind of weird-ass quiz... [takes]"

Damn, I have to go to school later. Sniffle. Cry. I'm still a bit lost as to where my classes are (I only have one to worry about today anyway) but once I get there I'll probably remember just fine. [shakes fist at RWS] I think I have to wait for my brother a lot but that's okay because he has to wait for me too. BWAHAHAHA!

Why do I have to wait? Because I don't have a caaaar! [cries] I'll learn to drive...someday. Then I can drive to Yaoi Con, just so I can meet Adrienne. [cracks up and wonders if that'll ever happen, however jokingly it was suggested] I don't have much interest in the whole yaoi shebang (nor am I completely uninterested), but in the spirit of yaoi....

Angsty UkeYou are -40% Seme!

Yes. You are the angsty uke. Seldom smiling and
probably persimistic, you are not likely to put
in too much effort to give your seme pleasure.
You probably have an unhappy past which you
tend to brood on whether intentionally or not.
Sometimes your angst tends to add unwanted
weight to a relationship, but it also adds a
certain level of excitement. The relationship
may be against your will... but try to look on
the bright side. if there is a bright side

Most compatible with: Tyrant (for good old SM fun)

Ultimate Yaoi-level selector!
brought to you by Quizilla

Good old S&M fun? WHAA? [laughs] Yes. Apparently I am 'persimistic'. Seriously, does anyone on Quizilla know how to spell?!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Feeling hot, graaaah...and tired.
Listening to TV, something about the meth problem in agricultural regions. haha
Currently addicted to quizzes (doing and making); belus (sexy!)
Currently irritated by being sick x.x
Randomness: nyan!

I love her character most for a reason!!! :D I was expecting I'd probably get a stupid result that made no sense, like Sailor Jupiter or something...but this was right on! ^^

Manga Uranus
You are Sailor Uranus! AKA: Haruka Tenou. The
soldier of air and wind, you love racing and
doing things at a fast pace. You are also very
over-protective of your loved ones, especially
your mate. You may feel oppressed in this
"man's world," but keep going, and
you'll prove them all wrong!

Which Sailor Moon Manga Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


I was semi-expecting Savyna for some reason...but Kalas is my fave so yaaaay!!! <3

You are Kalas! you're the arrogant hero of the
story, the one that ends up in all of this
without even wanting it. you seek revenge and
betray your friends because of that, but deep
inside there's a stong and loyal soul that
makes you the one to fight the evil powers of

Which Baten Kaitos character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, August 22, 2005

another one.

do you type really fast? - no, not really.

does it annoy people who are around you (like in the library)? - actually, even if it's not fast, yeah, it does.

do you/did you like high school? - hell kcufing no.

how old are you? - eighteen.

do you know anyone who has the same birthday as you? if so name them - paul mccartney, but I don't know him personally, of course. [laughs]

favorite pen color - purple ink

what word do you constantly misspell when typing? - beyond. for some reason I always type it beyong.

do you have trees in your yard? - no.

name one comedian that everyone thinks is funny but you absolutely cannot stand - he's not a comedian, but I think ashton kutcher is extreeeeemely annoying.

name one director you hate and tell why - tim burton, because he's overrated and all the little goth kids just love him. also, he apparently knows ONLY johnny depp.

do you like tim burton? - [didn't see this question before she typed the last response, seriously] haha, that's craziness...

what annoys you more than anything? - loud and obnoxious people.

tell me about the weirdest pair of socks you own - nothing too weird, just my goodbye kitty socks.

if you woke up tomorrow morning as the opposite sex, what would you do first? - touch myself. XDDD

did you read fear street books? - yes, a couple, and I might even have one stuffed away with old books somewhere.

how about sweet valley high? - never.

babysitter's club? the boxcar children? - noooooo.

goosebumps? - I read a couple back in elementary.

favorite show on nickelodeon (can be from the late 80's/early 90's when nick was good) - I don't like that channel....never have.

did you watch are you afraid of the dark? - I think I might've a few times...

did zeebo the clown scare you? - w..who?

where do you vacation every summer? - my computer. XD

do you like the beach? - no!

do you tan or burn easily? - tan, but not burn.

do you make up your own words and lingo? if so tell me about it - yes, all the time. I just came up with 'mod' as a 'cool' substitute. I never fail to put three x's in sexxxy, or sexxxerful, etc. also, I've my own made-up language, Irryllunic, for my fictional world.

do you eat lots of tv dinners? - they're disgusting, but when there's nothing to eat, yes, because I can't cook.

favorite hot pocket flavor - [laughs] I don't know.

if you could make one celebrity magically disappear, who would it be? - halle berry (gasp! not ashton kutcher!)

how is life treating you? - alright, I suppose. I've got great friends, a good family, I'm getting by.

do people like you? - apparently.

what do you think it is that makes the "popular" people popular? - the fact that they're obnoxious and push themselves into everyone else's business.

what do you wear the most: jeans, cords, dickies, khakis, skirts, or shorts? - shorts, at home. but everywhere else, jeans.

are you using a pc or mac? - pc.

do you like chunky peanut butter? - sometimes.

what amazes you about the opposite sex? - their one-track minds.

are you in love with anyone? - I don't know.

do you like anyone? - not currently.

if so, who - n/a

why do you like them/why are you in love with them? - n/a

favorite cereal - frosted/apple cinnamon cheerios, or berry berry kix XD

name a movie that makes you cry - oh, I have a few. the red violin, the last samurai, AI

what's something you like about the opposite sex, physically, that your friends think is odd? - I like femme guys, which most of my high school friends thought was really strange. o.O

is it true that only the good die young? - apparently, from everything I hear on the news. it's sad.

if so, are you going to live forever or die soon? - forever, I don't think I'm that great a person.

do you live for today? - I suppose I try to take on a lot of things I love NOW, before I lose my interest, which to me fits as living for today.

how fast can you run? - not very fast. n_n;;;

favorite band from the 60's/70's - the beegees or abba

have any of your friends had kids as teenagers? - no, I don't associate with sluts. XP

did they finish high school? - I've had a few friends who didn't finish high school, but none that had babies. :P

favorite 80's television show - I wasn't around long enough to know.

were you even born in the 80's? - yes. :P

what year? - '87

have you ever taught a little kid a curse word? - ummmyes.

if so which one was it? - does 'bastard' count?

do you think little boys are horrendously ill behaved? - not all of them.

have you ever thrown anything at a moving car? if so, what? - an m&m, a basketball....

name a villian in a movie that scared you when you were a kid - first off, it's 'villain'. and I suppose freddy krueger.

have you seen the original friday the thirteenth? - yes.

the original chucky? - yes.

the original halloween? - yes.

what's your favorite channel? - court tv, bravo, spike tv (haha)

what do you say when you stub your toe off of the corner of the coffee table? - "ahhhhh! fkkkkkk."

what's the highest thing you've ever jumped off of and landed unharmed? - I can't remember.

does it snow where you live? - no.

if yes, do you go sled riding? - no.

have you ever used anything weird, like a frisbee or a trashcan lid, for a sled? - no, only normal things.

how many people do you know who were born in november? - just my brother.

what month has the most people you know born in it? - I dunno, the people I know are all born in different months.

do holidays make you festive? - not really.

magazines you subscribe to - ....none.

do you read the supermarket tabloids? - when my mom gets them.

have you ever smashed somebody's halloween pumpkin? - no.

ever had yours smashed? - no.

do you celebrate christmas? - yes.

if not, do you still watch "how the grinch stole christmas" when it comes on television? - no.

do you think the grinch movie starring jim carrey was a waste of money? - totally.

ever had a hot teacher? - [thinks] no.

if yes, did you flirt with him/her? - no.

how do you treat people you are attracted to? (this is not a stupid question; some people are immature and are mean to those they like) - I'm very sarcastic around them. more than usual. and kid around about them a lot more. in a way, I do that with people I like in general, not just people I'm attracted to. :P

what do you want for your birthday this year? - just passed so I'll tell you what I want for Christmas. :P All five volumes of Les Bijoux.

have you ever egged somebody's house? - no

has someone ever egged yours? - no

do we all go a little mad sometimes? - yes

what pisses you off more than anything in the world? - stupid people

do you still go trick or treating? - no, but I want to.

do you believe in santa claus? - no.

have you ever worked in a supermarket? - no.

how about a restaurant? - no.

if yes, do you agree with me when i say that those are the two worst establishments to work in? - n/a

what color is your bedspread? - brown

do your eyes change colors? - no

do you believe that we walked on the moon? - yes.

what's your opinion of the u.s. retaliation in afghanistan? - ...huh.

do you live by yourself? - no.

have you ever gotten a computer virus? - yes.

if so, what was it and how did you get rid of it? - don't remember.

describe your junior high/middle school gym teacher - I had three, bur coach scott was the best. he made us work.

how do you react when someone is talking to you --up in your face-- and they have really bad breath? - I back away, simple as that.

what was your first date like? - I've never been on a date.

did you go/are you going to the prom? - no, I didn't.

if you've already gone, was it good or bad? explain why - n/a

do you get uneasy when you see a person of a different color than you walking down the same street as you in the middle of the night? - no, unless they look really shady or something.

if yes, do you think that makes you racist? - even though I said no, I hate everyone so I'm not a racist. XD

are you a vegetarian? - no, but I don't like meat if that means anything, which it probably doesn't.

how about vegan? - no.

if no to both, do you think you could be? - yes.

have you ever given up a certain type of food? if so, what was it and why did you do it? - just whatever I deem nasty. [laughs]

spit out a random song lyric for me. make sure you tell me the name of the song and who sings it! - "Schau gibt noch so viel zu tun fur mich...HMM?" Tote Tulpen, by And One

who does the chores around your house? - my grandparents, but they want to.

name one person who annoys you more than anyone else, and tell why - didn't I already answer this...?

what movie could you watch a million times and never get tired of? - Die Hard: With a Vengeance. Hell, I even watched it this morning...for like, the 80,000th time.

what movie have you watched a million times, and you still laugh at the jokes? - Zoolander, and A Very Brady Sequel. XP

what movie do you hope you never see again? - hmmm... [seriously thinks] there are a lot, but for some reason, I'm drawing a blank right now.

have you ever hugged a stuffed animal or pillow and pretended that it was your significant other, or someone you had a crush on, and then someone caught you talking to it, and stroking its soft, fuzzy fur, and laughed at you and told the whole school? - uhhhhno. XD

do you drive? - not yet...but I can.

if so, do you like to drive at night or in the day time? - n/a

has anyone ever called you a bitch? - yes.

has anyone ever called you an asshole? - yes.

are you a bitch/asshole? - I can be, to certain people I dislike.

what's the first thing you do when you get home from school/work? - plop down on my bed and turn on the TV to wait, shower. no wait, use the bathroom. XD

favorite pop tart flavor - strawberry

do you play any musical instruments? if so, what? - nah, I wish.

tell me about the best school-related activity you ever took part in - stagecraft and the plays, etc. we worked on.

have you ever built a snowman? - a very tiny one. [laughs]

did you cry when it melted, or when the kid next door knocked its head off with a shovel? - no, I stepped on it.

what's your religion? - I'm open to many things.

do you try to force it on other people? - fuck no, I hate people who do that.

do you knock on people's doors at 7 a.m. on saturdays, trying to give them a pamphlet and tell them about the lord, or ask random people at the mall if they’ve been saved, yet you think that doesn’t count as forcing religion, you son of a bitch? - [laughs] damn them. XD

what's the best restaurant you've ever eaten at? - there was one but I forgot the name.

have you ever been flipping channels late at night and caught a glimpse of some porn on skinemax? - unfortunately. it was pretty hilarious, though.

if so, did you watch it? don't say no, i know you did - I'll say no, because I didn't. XP

what's the code word or phrase you and your friends use for the word SEX? - none, we call it sex. o.O banging, fucking, what have you. but usually 'sex'. XD

is sex an uncomfortable topic for you? - it can be.

what is the one thing in the world that just looking at it makes you vomit, or come close to it? - my reflecti-- just kidding. vomit!

when other people vomit, does it make you sick? - yes. XD

do your clothes match? - not always, but usually because I stick to certain colors.

what are you wearing right now? - my loungey clothes.

did you ever have those fisher price roller skates that go over top of your shoes? - um... no?

did you have a bike with a banana seat? - not that I know of.

could you ride it? - ..

have you lived in the same house your entire life? - no.

what’s the weirdest thing you’ve lived next to? - a crossdressing man.

who is the ugliest person you’ve ever seen? - jennifer aniston. XD

do you watch talk shows? - only montel.

do you think miss cleo is full of shit? - duh.

if not, have you called her and wasted your money, you idiot? - hahahahhaa...

what are your thoughts on keeping animals in captivity? - I feel pretty bad for them... :/

what do you think of all the “superstores” that are popping up everywhere? (super walmart, super k-mart, super target)? - they're pretty handy, but I feel guilty giving them my money.

what do you think of pop music? - some of it is okay, most of it sounds the same.

tell me something i don’t know - there's a man with a knife behind you.

Feeling bored as all hell
Listening to "illuminati" ~ gackt--er, malice mizer
Currently addicted to surveys, apparently.
Currently irritated by not being able to draw a decent picture.

Something I did at around 1am... :P

f o r m a t i o n
1. name: dawn
2. single or taken: single (it's not that unbelievable, trust me, haha)
3. sex: yes, please! just kidding. physically, female; mentally, who knows.
4. birthday: 18 june
6. siblings: blood - older brother, chris; non-blood (yep) - little sister, kellie
7. hair color: dark brown
8. eye color: dark brown
9. shoe size: somewhere between 7 and 9 women's (US)
10. height: 5'3"

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. who are your best friends?: kel, adrienne, elysa
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no, thank god. unless i have one and don't know... o.O

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: these aren' but you asked. al's comic shop (discount, woo!), best buy (more discounts!), bookstar ( discount. aww.)
2. any tattoos or piercings: no, unless you count my ears, but those are probably closing up. i do want to get another piercing on my left ear, and i've always wanted to get my lip pierced but I don't think it'd look right on me. [pouts]

s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: hell no
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: pantene
3. what are you most scared of?: a zombie outbreak
5. who is the last person that called you?: my mum. [laughs]
6. where do you want to get married?: who gives.
7. how many buddies are online right now?: none, it's bloody 1am
8. what would you change about yourself?: nothing, because i know i couldn't, anyway.

f a v o r i t e s
1. color: white, black, gray, violet, blood red
2. food: pizza! but pasta and bread are good too
3. boys names: kieran, ethan, vincent, asher, krishna, juste, gavin, lucifer, étienne, aurelien
4. girls names: claire, haden (it's a boy name), sasha
5. subjects in school: i prefer to avoid school altogether, but if i must: algebra, biology, astronomy (well, i'm interested in it)... this makes me seem like a math/science freak but i'm honestly not.
6. animals: fennec fox (and foxes in general), serval (coolest fucking cat ever), cheetah
7. sports: rugby, aussie foot

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: my dog, haha
2. smoked?: no, my weak little lungs couldn't take such a disgusting thing.
3. bungee jumped?: no.
4. made yourself throw up?: i think i might've when i swallowed something i shouldn't have, aka something potentially toxic, not that choco cake i regret eating.
5. skinny dipped?: haha no.
6: ever been in love?: maybe...probably not.
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: maybe when i was little.
8. pictured your crush naked?: i might've, when i had a crush [can't remember the last time]
9. actually seen your crush naked?: nnno.
10. cried when someone died?: yes, but only in movies.
11. lied: look up liar in the dictionary and you should see me.
12. fallen for your best friend?: [thinks] haha, no, i don't think so.
13. been rejected?: no.
14. rejected someone?: yes.
15. used someone?: i wouldn't know.
16. done something you regret?: yes, having a boyfriend. [laughs] that was the first and potentially the last. XP

c u r r e n t
clothes: home loungey clothes.
music: "oasis" - gackt
make-up: no--wait, yes, i haven't taken my eyeliner off.
annoyance: how oily my face feels.
smell: air :P
favorite group: group? like, musically? i...don't know, i've been listening to classical lately (gackt is obviously not classical, but you know.)
desktop picture: yue from cardcaptor sakura...i just like his character, i've never been into the manga. :P
book youre reading: nothing currently
in cd player: a CD full of non-english music...
in dvd player: american psycho
color of toenails: natural :P

l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: brother?, mum.
hugged: oh wow... this... is reaching far back. [thinks] jeanette, an old friend from when i was little. this was at comic-con, about a month ago.
you imed: elysa
you yelled at: i honestly can't remember, not seriously yelling, anyway.
you kissed: GARETT HEDLUND! in my dreams. but seriously, i last kissed my mum's cheek...which was around my birfday.

a r e | y o u
understanding: i'd like to think so...but sometimes it can be hard because i don't have much in common with most people.
open-minded: yep, mostly.
arrogant: sometimes, but i'm mostly very modest.
insecure: i used to be very insecure but i've gotten a lot better about it recently.
interesting: people tell me so.
hungry: not really, but now that you say right back.
smart: yes! yes yes yes! well, i'm not a genius, but i'm above average, anyway. talking with me, you probably would think i was the opposite, though. [laughs]
moody: oh, yes. i have emotional triggers, drama movies being one. music is another... different music does different things, you know.
hard working: 99% of the time, no.
organized: only about my stories and characters, etc.
healthy: that's pretty funny, hahahah!
shy: in certain situations.
difficult: i can be.
attractive: i find myself rather ugly, or plain if i'm being nice to myself.
bored easily: oh, definitely.
responsible: ^^;
obsessed: not as much as some people, as my obsession is spread out over many characters and people. usually people just go for one person and focus all their attention on that person. i have to spread the love.
angry: i can get that way when it comes to something i care about. most of the time, i'm rather laid-back.

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: ashton kutcher. santa claus, the damn pedophile. tim burton. people who butcher those fluffy harp seals. sorin (XD)
slap: the president; all the people at my church, or the people who run it anyway. annoying brat kids. goths. fuck you all!
look like: ooh ahh. i dunno. aishwarya rai, maybe.
talk to offline: ico! I'd love to sit and chat with her over a cup of coffee sometime. ^^ and I can't forget adrienne...that would be truly...interesting.
talk to online: kel! :D

r a n d o m
in the morning i am: dreaming of murdering ashton kutcher
all i need is: my stories and characters, and to be in my own little world.
love is: impossible
i dream about: damn strange shit.

o p p o s i t e | s e x
what do you notice first: hair, then face.
last person you slow danced with: no one
worst question to ask: "what's the answer to #3?"
makes you laugh the most: opposite sex? who makes me laugh? what makes me laugh? i don't understand. if it's who, conan o'brien, leno, and the blue collar guys. i dunno them, but hey, you asked. whoever you are.
makes you smile: the same, i suppose.
who do you have a crush on: no one, i'm surrounded by girls right now. out of them, no one as well, if you're going to be anal about it.
who has a crush on you: how the hell would i know?

d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: that'd be sweet, but no. although sometimes i do wait a while, hoping someone i haven't talked to in a while will get on.
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: every second of every day. u.u
wish you were younger: no, this is fine.
cried because someone said something to you?: yeah, but your sentence is off. "do you ever cried...?" wtf.

n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: do these count? my heart broke at the end of reading his dark materials, and the darkangel trilogy, and companions of the night, and in the alchemist-jester story of the tarot café, and when.... .. ..
of hearts i have broken: i dunno?
of guys ive kissed: i'd say one, but i don't think he really counts as a real guy, hahahaaaaooohinsults.
of girls ive kissed: maybe one [laughs] i was little though, so that also doesn't count.
of continents i have lived in: two, asia and north america
of tight friends: three, no wait, four; kel, elysa, adrienne, and i think of ico as one as well, even if she doesn't think of me as the same. ^^;
of cds i own: i am not going to count.
of scars on my body: two that i can readily think of.

f i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
1. do you like fillings these out?: unfortunately, yes.
5. gold or silver: silver
6. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: four brothers. [two thumbs up]
7. favorite cartoon/anime?: cartoons: jackie chan adventures, kim possible; pepper ann and daria when they were on. anime: ranma 1/2...'tis old, but 'tis always good. XD
8. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: saliva. [laughs]
10. who would you love being locked in a room with?: jesus. [laughs more] no, really...i don't know.
11. could you live without your computer?: yes, but i'd feel awfully lonely. :(
12. would you color your hair?: no, probably not, although lately i've been wanting to dye it a bluish-black.
13. could you ever get off the computer?: yes, i always do.
14. habla espano? jesus, you people are following me everywhere!!! i told you, NO I DO NOT HAH-BLAH ES-PAN-YOL! [breathes]
15. how many people are on your buddy list? more than i would think. i'd love just having four or five, but unfortunately i have a few more than that.
16. drink alcohol? nonono never ever.
17: do you treaure something: because i love writing so much, you'd think it'd be my writing...but honestly, i treasure my drawings more than i'd ever treasure gold.
18. do you Digivolve?: FUCK YEAH. no. [laughs] although angemon was teh uber-sexxx.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Feeling bored and unproductive.
Listening to "Remember" ~ BT
Currently addicted to I don't know
Currently irritated by heat
Randomness: remember me near!

HA! To spite you, Kel!
Take my Quiz!
Scoreboard of DOOM.

Feeling crampy-legged
Listening to TV still
Currently addicted to same stuff as last post
Currently irritated by same
Randomness: didjeridu

Google is stupid fun. Full-view this, you can't see anything with this size.

And another survey...I'm wanting to be informative lately.

The Redundant Basics
I. What does the name say on your Birth Certificate?
Dawn Marie Maze (puke! well, it doesn't say puke, know. I wish I didn't have a middle name.)

II. What's the name that all your friends call you by?

III. What day of the year do you blow out the candles? And how many candles were on your last cake?
18 June. I didn't have cake, but eighteen if I did.

IV. Which country authorized your passport?
United States...?

V. What are your Zodiac and Chinese Signs?

VI. In terms of politics, do you sit on the left or the right?
A lot more left.

VII. Look in the mirror…the color of your hair is?
Dark brown.

VIII. Look in the mirror one more time…what color are your eyes?
Dark brown...but a lot browner than my hair.

IX. Hop on the weighing scales! How many pounds did the numbers jump above zero?

X. Stand up straight! How high up is the top of your head from the ground?
5'3" [short]

Home Sweet Home
I. Who are all those other people living in your house?
Mum, dad, brother, Nate, mama, papa (my maternal grandparents)

II. Do you get along with Mom or Dad better?
Mom, because I see her more.

III. What do your parents' friends call them by?
Huh? Their names, you mean? Nenita (Nita) and James (Jim).

IV. Any siblings living outside the house?

V. What's the name of the place you live in currently?
House? [laughs]

VI. You love it there, don't you? Why/Why not?
Hell no, we're renting a cardboard box, practically. It's not even a fixer-upper. It's just shit. [hopes to move]

VII. If you could live absolutely anywhere on the Earth, what locale would you choose?
Switzerland, Iceland, Sweden, Canada (and NOT France...are you surprised?)

VIII. Out of all those who share your blood, immediate or otherwise, what single person would you list as your favorite?
le frère.

IX. Who is the one you wish you didn't share blood with?
no one, I'm alright with everyone.

X. Overall, you like Mom's side of the family more, or Dad's?
I love my mom's dad...but I barely know any of my relatives.

Knowledge Is Power
I. First things first…Private or Public School?
Um...I went to public schools. Am a college chica now.

II. What's its name? Mascot? Colors?
San Diego State University. Aztecs. Red, black, and white.

III. What is/are the class(es) you can't wait to get to?
I dunno...I like science and languages though.

IV. How about the class you consider Bedtime?
English and language arts is always a sure sleeper.

V. The name(s) of your favorite teacher(s)?
From high school: Mr. Gough (the most influential teacher and person I have ever known, and I'm quite grateful to him for many things), Mlle McVicar.

VI. The name(s) of the teacher(s) who put(s) you to sleep?
I dunno, I wasn't paying attention. [laughs]

VII. Are you an English/Art, or a Math/Science person?
Neither...I think I'm a rare Art/Science person. English is okay, and Algebra too, but they're boring.

VIII. What sports do/have you play(ed)?
None. I don't like sports.

IX. When the teacher checks the homework, do you mostly get a "0" or a "100"?
0 because I never did homework.

X. If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be?
I didn't like the stupid people. I hope this changes in college.

Acquaintances & Comrades
I. Who do you consider your best friend?
I don't have A friend, or THE best friends. The closest (people I love, truly, no kidding) are Adrienne, Kellie, and Elysa. Other friends (not mere acquaintances but not uber-close either): Lizzie, Rio, and Ico.

II. Who have you been friends with for the longest amount of time?
Elysa, hands-down.

III. Who knows you the best?
I'd say that Elysa, Kel, and Adrienne all know the most about me. Elysa knows my creative side best, Kel knows my innermost side best, and Adrienne (I don't know what side)

IV. Who never stops talking?
Adrienne, simply because of the comment, email, and written letter volume.

V. Who can you trust the most?
Kel...I can tell her anything and she'll understand.

VI. Who is the smartest?
Kel. [faints]

VII. Who is the best athlete?
Elysa...I guess?

VIII. Who would do anything for you? And who would you do anything for?
Adrienne (hahaha)

IX. Who is the most daring and outrageous?

X. Who isn't afraid to stand up for their beliefs/opinions?
Kel. [sensing a pattern]

XI. Who is the most emotional?
Ooh ahh...I don't really know, all my mates are robots! Um, Kel goes through a variety of emotions, I can never tell what Elysa is feeling, and Adrienne is completely melodramatic (intentionally, though.)

XII. Who is the one who's always laughing?
Kel! Can you say uber-LOL and XDDDD?

XIII. Who has the shortest temper?
Not sure....

XIV. Who is a teachers pet?
Kel, I guess? o.O

XV. Who reads the most?
All of us! But Kel reads some long-ass books...hahaha

XVI. Who is the most beautiful? Handsome?
I don't's all up to you. I think all my friends are beautiful. I'm the one who isn't. XD

XVII. Who is the most talented?
I must go with Ico on this one. [bows to her greatness]

XVIII. Who is the most honest?
Kel and Adrienne, both of them brutally so.

XIX. What about the most dishonest?
None, because they wouldn't be my friends if they were.

XX. Which girl has the best eyes? Which guy has the best eyes?
Once again, Kel. Jesus, she's got these huge green eyes. [envy]

XXI. Which girl has the best hair? Which guy has the best hair?
Ah dunno...?

XXII. Who has the best personality?
All my friends...they're unique people and I love that.

XXIII. Who has the best parents/siblings?
Kel's mom ROCKS.

XXIV. Who flirts the most?

XXV. Who flirts the least?

XXVI. Who is the best with computers?
Not too sure.

XXVII. Who barely knows how to turn on a computer on?
Also not sure, but if I count.... XD

XXVIII. Who do you have the most inside jokes with?
Kel and Adrienne.

XXIX. Who do you go out with & hang out with the most?
[laughs] Ummm...none of them, although Elysa is the only one who actually lives close by, so I'll have to go with her for this one. I followed Liz around in school a lot for a year, though. XP I've only met Kel in person once [sad], and have never met Adrienne, Rio, or Ico.

XXX. Who do you pretend to like but really hate?
ADRIENNE! Just kidding, hahaha. I don't hate any of my friends. They wouldn't be friends if I hated them, eh?

Confidentiality & Beliefs
I. What's your worst fear? Have you ever experienced this fear?
The end of the world/zombies taking over the world. Obviously not.

II. Have you ever acted troubled, just to get attention?
Maybe in middle school...I don't think so, though.

III. Do you believe in God? Jesus? Satan? Heaven? Purgatory? Hell?
Not anymore. Well, I believe in a higher being...I call it Nature. :P

IV. Do you have a secret that you'll take with you to the grave?
I don't think so.

V. Have you ever told anyone you loved them, when secretly you didn't at all?
Yes. I now dislike him immensely and regret keeping the lie up for as long as I did.

VI. (Friends, Religion, Politics, Family, Education, & Relationships) Organize the previous five in order of your personal preference in life:
Friends, Family, Education, Relationships (I suppose that means boyfriend-girlfriend), Religion, Politics (those two tie, really)

VII. If you could change one thing about your physical looks, what would it be?
I can't just change ONE thing. Maybe I'd do something silly like...have nicer hands and feet.

VIII. If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?
To be less goofy and a lot more sophisticated.

IX. Have you ever cried in front of someone, and felt ashamed of it?
Yes...I cry a lot, so this has happened more than once.

X. Have you ever done drugs? Are you on drugs? Do you plan to take drugs?
Never done them, am not on them, never will use them.

The Hills Are Alive, With The Sound Of Music
I. If you had to pick, what's your favorite song at the moment?
I have to go with two, sorry; "Illuminati" by Malice Mizer, and Barber's "Adagio".

II. Do you get most of your music off the Internet, or from the store? Why?
Store...I like having actual CDs and the quality is much's probably just me.

III. Even though you can download music, do you still buy CDs just because of the CD-case, CD itself, booklet, & general authenticity?
Exactly why I'd rather buy CDs.

IV. What lone genre of music do you prefer above all?
Mmmm...very hard. Rock because it's so varied and includes many types. Or classical, simply because it's beautiful.

V. What genre of music would you never be caught dead with?
Degrading hip-hop. I'm not a feminist, and don't mind rap, but seriously now...can you say 'shit-tastic'?

The Small & Silver Screens
I. What's your favorite movie?
Ummm...Collateral, I guess. Anastasia is my favorite animated film.

II. Generally, what genre of movies do you jump at the opportunity to see? (Action, Adventure, Horror, Drama, Romance, Science Fiction):
Fantasy, drama, romantic comedies, period pieces, and adventure flicks. I also like a good action movie every so often.

III. Who is the actress you most admire? Who is the actor you most admire?
Actor? John Malkovich because he can do anything. He's not my favorite or anything, but I have to give him some major credit. Joaquin Phoenix as well. I like Julianne Moore because she's classy.

IV. Do you cry during/after certain movies? If "yes", what was the last movie you remember crying at?
Yes, I cry a lot at movies, especially when someone dies. I don't remember...probably The Last Samurai, when Ken Watanabe's character dies. [laughs] The last time I cried over a TV show was when I was watching Queer Eye a couple weeks back, though. [cracks up] It was sooooo emotional, the one about the high school basketball coach! XD

V. What time of day do you prefer to see movies? (Morning, Noon, or Night)

VI. What is the TV show you never miss?
None really...I guess Forensic Files and Late Night shows.

VII. What is it that you like about it so much?
I don't know.

VIII. What's the one TV show you can't stand?
Stuff on MTV and Nickelodeon.

IX. Do you think you spend more time watching to Television or using the computer?

X. Do you personally think that you spend too much time watching TV?
No, I barely watch TV.

Bon Appetite [xy's note: it's appetit, moron who wrote this.]
I. What's your favorite meal?
Something with pasta.

II. How about your favorite dessert?
Cake and/or ice cream.

III. When only a kid, did you eat your vegetables?
Not really.

IV. Do you still eat vegetables?
Yes, I love veggies.

V. Are you a poor, average, or excellent cook?
Pisspoor, probably. I don't cook. If I tried, I could probably be okay at it.

VI. What type of food do you prefer?
Type? What does that mean? I like pasta and bread, if that's what you mean. I hate meat and fruit.

VII. Pepper or Salt?
Salt!!!! [drools]

VIII. Ketchup or Mustard?
Ketchup! [drools]

IX. Do you prefer going out to breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
Breakfast is the best! But I never eat it!

X. Do you eat to live or live to eat?
Live to eat...well, not really. I just eat out of boredom, to be honest.

All's Fair In Love & War
I. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?
[laughs] No.

II. Are you in love? Or are you using them?
I'm not in love, not in the way you mean.

III. Do you find that most of the time you dislike the people who like you or vice versa?
I think I've disliked the people who've liked me in the past (like in middle school). They were all really nerdy (and not in a cute way).

IV. In terms of relationships, are you loving or manipulative? Both?
I think I can be more manipulative, but if I really love someone I can be a lot better, as long as they love me back just as much.

V. Do you live to love? Or would you rather just love to live?
I'm not a very romantic person.

VI. Do you believe that sex should come before or after marriage? Do you care?
I could care less. Marriage is just...I don't know. It's not a tangible, material thing....why couldn't a couple just say "We're married" when they didn't legally do so? Who really cares?

VII. Do you plan to marry? If so, at what age?
No, I don't.

VIII. Do you plan to have children? If so, how many?
No, I despise children.

IX. Are your parents married, or divorced?
Married, and living in the same house, but more as roommates. They live separate lives.

X. Do you want to have a big, spectacular wedding with everyone you know invited or a small, traditional, get-together with family and close-friends wedding?
If I had to get married, I'd choose the latter.

Feeling bored, apparently
Listening to the TV
Currently addicted to tarot café, conan o'brien, my hair
Currently irritated by my face being so oily
Randomness: kaffaljidhma.

I got this from Elysa....

One on my left elbow; I got it from getting stabbed with a fork. I shit you not.
A calendar, toys, two posters of the Crow, two posters of Gackt, a Labyrinth poster, a poster of The Darkness, and one of HIM (thanks, Elysa!), a wanted poster of Sirius Black (y'know, from PoA movie?)...I have some things I want to put up but can't because we might be moving. My sexy Vega print! [wails]
None, but I like Aussie foot. ^^
The ones I get about zombies taking over Earth.
I used to walk with my mum and brother, but we stopped. I guess lifting a spoon of ice cream to my mouth could count.
Apples; I hate citrus.
Grapes; melons have no taste.
Toughie, they're both very nice. I couldn't choose.
Just about anything if it sounds good. I guess classical, rock (soft rock, 80s rock, j-rock, glam rock...etc.), metal, electronic (synthpop, industrial, dance, etc.), old school, doesn't matter.
In school; I don't make a practice of it.
Not that I know of.
Birthdays of my close friends, yes.
I think noon-ish.
I used to have a bright red birthmark on my forehead. My brother made fun of me and said I shot out of my mom and smacked into a pole when I was born. It faded away though.
Not really, no.
Whatever I do all day? XP
Clearing messages on deviantART and y! Gallery, and then looking through my lonely blog.
Orbit Spearmint (the green one)
Hazelnut milk chocolate.
Sour patch watermelon, green apple flavor candies, starburst jellybeans
Vanilla all the way; I'm not a big chocolate fan.
My boots (I have multiple pairs) and a pair of gloves, I guess? Do those even count? o.O
Echo men's. [in heaven] The best!
Gardenia (Liz Taylor). It's very light.
No...unless a keyboard counts.
Eyes and hair.
Gardenia, fresh water cologne scents, woodsy/soapy manly scents [laughs]
Cello and violins. ^^
"Haha, that was a funny joke." [watching conan]
Not really.
Hell yes, I hate where I live. Must go to Canada or Europe! :P
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Oh wow...I can't pick, so I'll list a couple I'll probably never stop liking: Illuminati by Malice Mizer; Fragrance, Oasis, Mizerable, and Asrun Dream by Gackt (haha); Adagio by Samuel Barber; Remember by BT; Lullaby by the Cure; Jóga by Björk
Blue or red, or both.
Dark brown.
Yes, there are more than a few sitting above my head each night. A cow, 3 bears, a dog, and a ferret.
I don't name my stuffed animals...except for Sheepy and Bearbear. Oddly, I don't sleep with them. They're too cool for me, hahaha.
Vega from Street Fighter. [girlish sigh]
When I was caught play-making-out (not really, but kids, you know, they pretend) with a boy friend...we didn't know what we were doing was 'inappropriate'...we just were copying a movie. [shrugs and laughs]
Anything with lots of style and texture...nothing too short, though. No long girl hair either, unless it REALLY suits them. It only looks good on 2D men, haha.
The things that really get me: a sexy voice and the way he carries himself. Must be a total bishounen, and very unique! Not shorter than me, either, which isn't too hard to accomplish. Obviously, most men do not work out for me, and the ones who do would have nothing to do with me.
Elysa, for sure.
No one...I don't keep male friends for long, and none of my male acquaintances I consider close enough to be friends. I guess I could say my brother is my friend though (aww).
Elysa: 11 September; starts with a C, ends with an A [won't say]
Sunrise...gotta love Dawn. [cheap joke] But seriously, I love the long moments when the sun is rising.
Wherever you can see the sky. ^^
[laughs] Nowhere, no one would ever propose to me.
Same, ahahahaha! [is multi-gendered, apparently]
- Batman Begins
- Four Brothers
- Red Eye
- Sin City
- Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Friday, August 5, 2005

Feeling somewhat refreshed from a one-day computer hiatus. maybe I'll leave devART and IM alone for a while too.
Listening to "Gardenia" ~ Malice Mizer (I haven't heard this in ages, it seems)
Currently addicted to fooling around with other identities...teehee
Currently irritated by boredom
Randomness: jajajaja! kjakjakjakja!

I haven't updated this in a while...erm.

Right now devART and all the projects I want to do for other people are overwhelming me. I don't have the time or patience for it all, and they're only IDEAS of what I want to do, not what I actually WILL do. Just because I say I'm going to do something doesn't mean I will. Hence the title of Procrastinator.

God, what a sexy voice Klaha has. [sings along and ruins it all] XD

I think I might actually be moving out of a drawing mood and back into a writing one, which means HOORAY! for me. [kicks drawing in the eye] I also figured my big problem, or one of my big problems, with continuing my so-called novel is that I...don't really know what happens next. I mean, I know, being the almighty creator of this little world of mine...but there's this sort of vagueness about it all that's really killing me. Also, I want to work in some critiques I've gotten...but I'm unsure whether I should start now or wait until after it's all done with to add/modify (the way I usually do). Ah, the technical parts just murder me. >.<

I have a feeling I'm going to make an ass out of myself really soon. I don't know why (well, a little), but I just feel it.