Monday, August 22, 2005

Feeling bored as all hell
Listening to "illuminati" ~ gackt--er, malice mizer
Currently addicted to surveys, apparently.
Currently irritated by not being able to draw a decent picture.

Something I did at around 1am... :P

f o r m a t i o n
1. name: dawn
2. single or taken: single (it's not that unbelievable, trust me, haha)
3. sex: yes, please! just kidding. physically, female; mentally, who knows.
4. birthday: 18 june
6. siblings: blood - older brother, chris; non-blood (yep) - little sister, kellie
7. hair color: dark brown
8. eye color: dark brown
9. shoe size: somewhere between 7 and 9 women's (US)
10. height: 5'3"

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. who are your best friends?: kel, adrienne, elysa
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no, thank god. unless i have one and don't know... o.O

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: these aren' but you asked. al's comic shop (discount, woo!), best buy (more discounts!), bookstar ( discount. aww.)
2. any tattoos or piercings: no, unless you count my ears, but those are probably closing up. i do want to get another piercing on my left ear, and i've always wanted to get my lip pierced but I don't think it'd look right on me. [pouts]

s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: hell no
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: pantene
3. what are you most scared of?: a zombie outbreak
5. who is the last person that called you?: my mum. [laughs]
6. where do you want to get married?: who gives.
7. how many buddies are online right now?: none, it's bloody 1am
8. what would you change about yourself?: nothing, because i know i couldn't, anyway.

f a v o r i t e s
1. color: white, black, gray, violet, blood red
2. food: pizza! but pasta and bread are good too
3. boys names: kieran, ethan, vincent, asher, krishna, juste, gavin, lucifer, étienne, aurelien
4. girls names: claire, haden (it's a boy name), sasha
5. subjects in school: i prefer to avoid school altogether, but if i must: algebra, biology, astronomy (well, i'm interested in it)... this makes me seem like a math/science freak but i'm honestly not.
6. animals: fennec fox (and foxes in general), serval (coolest fucking cat ever), cheetah
7. sports: rugby, aussie foot

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: my dog, haha
2. smoked?: no, my weak little lungs couldn't take such a disgusting thing.
3. bungee jumped?: no.
4. made yourself throw up?: i think i might've when i swallowed something i shouldn't have, aka something potentially toxic, not that choco cake i regret eating.
5. skinny dipped?: haha no.
6: ever been in love?: maybe...probably not.
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: maybe when i was little.
8. pictured your crush naked?: i might've, when i had a crush [can't remember the last time]
9. actually seen your crush naked?: nnno.
10. cried when someone died?: yes, but only in movies.
11. lied: look up liar in the dictionary and you should see me.
12. fallen for your best friend?: [thinks] haha, no, i don't think so.
13. been rejected?: no.
14. rejected someone?: yes.
15. used someone?: i wouldn't know.
16. done something you regret?: yes, having a boyfriend. [laughs] that was the first and potentially the last. XP

c u r r e n t
clothes: home loungey clothes.
music: "oasis" - gackt
make-up: no--wait, yes, i haven't taken my eyeliner off.
annoyance: how oily my face feels.
smell: air :P
favorite group: group? like, musically? i...don't know, i've been listening to classical lately (gackt is obviously not classical, but you know.)
desktop picture: yue from cardcaptor sakura...i just like his character, i've never been into the manga. :P
book youre reading: nothing currently
in cd player: a CD full of non-english music...
in dvd player: american psycho
color of toenails: natural :P

l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: brother?, mum.
hugged: oh wow... this... is reaching far back. [thinks] jeanette, an old friend from when i was little. this was at comic-con, about a month ago.
you imed: elysa
you yelled at: i honestly can't remember, not seriously yelling, anyway.
you kissed: GARETT HEDLUND! in my dreams. but seriously, i last kissed my mum's cheek...which was around my birfday.

a r e | y o u
understanding: i'd like to think so...but sometimes it can be hard because i don't have much in common with most people.
open-minded: yep, mostly.
arrogant: sometimes, but i'm mostly very modest.
insecure: i used to be very insecure but i've gotten a lot better about it recently.
interesting: people tell me so.
hungry: not really, but now that you say right back.
smart: yes! yes yes yes! well, i'm not a genius, but i'm above average, anyway. talking with me, you probably would think i was the opposite, though. [laughs]
moody: oh, yes. i have emotional triggers, drama movies being one. music is another... different music does different things, you know.
hard working: 99% of the time, no.
organized: only about my stories and characters, etc.
healthy: that's pretty funny, hahahah!
shy: in certain situations.
difficult: i can be.
attractive: i find myself rather ugly, or plain if i'm being nice to myself.
bored easily: oh, definitely.
responsible: ^^;
obsessed: not as much as some people, as my obsession is spread out over many characters and people. usually people just go for one person and focus all their attention on that person. i have to spread the love.
angry: i can get that way when it comes to something i care about. most of the time, i'm rather laid-back.

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: ashton kutcher. santa claus, the damn pedophile. tim burton. people who butcher those fluffy harp seals. sorin (XD)
slap: the president; all the people at my church, or the people who run it anyway. annoying brat kids. goths. fuck you all!
look like: ooh ahh. i dunno. aishwarya rai, maybe.
talk to offline: ico! I'd love to sit and chat with her over a cup of coffee sometime. ^^ and I can't forget adrienne...that would be truly...interesting.
talk to online: kel! :D

r a n d o m
in the morning i am: dreaming of murdering ashton kutcher
all i need is: my stories and characters, and to be in my own little world.
love is: impossible
i dream about: damn strange shit.

o p p o s i t e | s e x
what do you notice first: hair, then face.
last person you slow danced with: no one
worst question to ask: "what's the answer to #3?"
makes you laugh the most: opposite sex? who makes me laugh? what makes me laugh? i don't understand. if it's who, conan o'brien, leno, and the blue collar guys. i dunno them, but hey, you asked. whoever you are.
makes you smile: the same, i suppose.
who do you have a crush on: no one, i'm surrounded by girls right now. out of them, no one as well, if you're going to be anal about it.
who has a crush on you: how the hell would i know?

d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: that'd be sweet, but no. although sometimes i do wait a while, hoping someone i haven't talked to in a while will get on.
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: every second of every day. u.u
wish you were younger: no, this is fine.
cried because someone said something to you?: yeah, but your sentence is off. "do you ever cried...?" wtf.

n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: do these count? my heart broke at the end of reading his dark materials, and the darkangel trilogy, and companions of the night, and in the alchemist-jester story of the tarot café, and when.... .. ..
of hearts i have broken: i dunno?
of guys ive kissed: i'd say one, but i don't think he really counts as a real guy, hahahaaaaooohinsults.
of girls ive kissed: maybe one [laughs] i was little though, so that also doesn't count.
of continents i have lived in: two, asia and north america
of tight friends: three, no wait, four; kel, elysa, adrienne, and i think of ico as one as well, even if she doesn't think of me as the same. ^^;
of cds i own: i am not going to count.
of scars on my body: two that i can readily think of.

f i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
1. do you like fillings these out?: unfortunately, yes.
5. gold or silver: silver
6. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: four brothers. [two thumbs up]
7. favorite cartoon/anime?: cartoons: jackie chan adventures, kim possible; pepper ann and daria when they were on. anime: ranma 1/2...'tis old, but 'tis always good. XD
8. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: saliva. [laughs]
10. who would you love being locked in a room with?: jesus. [laughs more] no, really...i don't know.
11. could you live without your computer?: yes, but i'd feel awfully lonely. :(
12. would you color your hair?: no, probably not, although lately i've been wanting to dye it a bluish-black.
13. could you ever get off the computer?: yes, i always do.
14. habla espano? jesus, you people are following me everywhere!!! i told you, NO I DO NOT HAH-BLAH ES-PAN-YOL! [breathes]
15. how many people are on your buddy list? more than i would think. i'd love just having four or five, but unfortunately i have a few more than that.
16. drink alcohol? nonono never ever.
17: do you treaure something: because i love writing so much, you'd think it'd be my writing...but honestly, i treasure my drawings more than i'd ever treasure gold.
18. do you Digivolve?: FUCK YEAH. no. [laughs] although angemon was teh uber-sexxx.

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