Saturday, August 20, 2005

Feeling crampy-legged
Listening to TV still
Currently addicted to same stuff as last post
Currently irritated by same
Randomness: didjeridu

Google is stupid fun. Full-view this, you can't see anything with this size.

And another survey...I'm wanting to be informative lately.

The Redundant Basics
I. What does the name say on your Birth Certificate?
Dawn Marie Maze (puke! well, it doesn't say puke, know. I wish I didn't have a middle name.)

II. What's the name that all your friends call you by?

III. What day of the year do you blow out the candles? And how many candles were on your last cake?
18 June. I didn't have cake, but eighteen if I did.

IV. Which country authorized your passport?
United States...?

V. What are your Zodiac and Chinese Signs?

VI. In terms of politics, do you sit on the left or the right?
A lot more left.

VII. Look in the mirror…the color of your hair is?
Dark brown.

VIII. Look in the mirror one more time…what color are your eyes?
Dark brown...but a lot browner than my hair.

IX. Hop on the weighing scales! How many pounds did the numbers jump above zero?

X. Stand up straight! How high up is the top of your head from the ground?
5'3" [short]

Home Sweet Home
I. Who are all those other people living in your house?
Mum, dad, brother, Nate, mama, papa (my maternal grandparents)

II. Do you get along with Mom or Dad better?
Mom, because I see her more.

III. What do your parents' friends call them by?
Huh? Their names, you mean? Nenita (Nita) and James (Jim).

IV. Any siblings living outside the house?

V. What's the name of the place you live in currently?
House? [laughs]

VI. You love it there, don't you? Why/Why not?
Hell no, we're renting a cardboard box, practically. It's not even a fixer-upper. It's just shit. [hopes to move]

VII. If you could live absolutely anywhere on the Earth, what locale would you choose?
Switzerland, Iceland, Sweden, Canada (and NOT France...are you surprised?)

VIII. Out of all those who share your blood, immediate or otherwise, what single person would you list as your favorite?
le frère.

IX. Who is the one you wish you didn't share blood with?
no one, I'm alright with everyone.

X. Overall, you like Mom's side of the family more, or Dad's?
I love my mom's dad...but I barely know any of my relatives.

Knowledge Is Power
I. First things first…Private or Public School?
Um...I went to public schools. Am a college chica now.

II. What's its name? Mascot? Colors?
San Diego State University. Aztecs. Red, black, and white.

III. What is/are the class(es) you can't wait to get to?
I dunno...I like science and languages though.

IV. How about the class you consider Bedtime?
English and language arts is always a sure sleeper.

V. The name(s) of your favorite teacher(s)?
From high school: Mr. Gough (the most influential teacher and person I have ever known, and I'm quite grateful to him for many things), Mlle McVicar.

VI. The name(s) of the teacher(s) who put(s) you to sleep?
I dunno, I wasn't paying attention. [laughs]

VII. Are you an English/Art, or a Math/Science person?
Neither...I think I'm a rare Art/Science person. English is okay, and Algebra too, but they're boring.

VIII. What sports do/have you play(ed)?
None. I don't like sports.

IX. When the teacher checks the homework, do you mostly get a "0" or a "100"?
0 because I never did homework.

X. If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be?
I didn't like the stupid people. I hope this changes in college.

Acquaintances & Comrades
I. Who do you consider your best friend?
I don't have A friend, or THE best friends. The closest (people I love, truly, no kidding) are Adrienne, Kellie, and Elysa. Other friends (not mere acquaintances but not uber-close either): Lizzie, Rio, and Ico.

II. Who have you been friends with for the longest amount of time?
Elysa, hands-down.

III. Who knows you the best?
I'd say that Elysa, Kel, and Adrienne all know the most about me. Elysa knows my creative side best, Kel knows my innermost side best, and Adrienne (I don't know what side)

IV. Who never stops talking?
Adrienne, simply because of the comment, email, and written letter volume.

V. Who can you trust the most?
Kel...I can tell her anything and she'll understand.

VI. Who is the smartest?
Kel. [faints]

VII. Who is the best athlete?
Elysa...I guess?

VIII. Who would do anything for you? And who would you do anything for?
Adrienne (hahaha)

IX. Who is the most daring and outrageous?

X. Who isn't afraid to stand up for their beliefs/opinions?
Kel. [sensing a pattern]

XI. Who is the most emotional?
Ooh ahh...I don't really know, all my mates are robots! Um, Kel goes through a variety of emotions, I can never tell what Elysa is feeling, and Adrienne is completely melodramatic (intentionally, though.)

XII. Who is the one who's always laughing?
Kel! Can you say uber-LOL and XDDDD?

XIII. Who has the shortest temper?
Not sure....

XIV. Who is a teachers pet?
Kel, I guess? o.O

XV. Who reads the most?
All of us! But Kel reads some long-ass books...hahaha

XVI. Who is the most beautiful? Handsome?
I don't's all up to you. I think all my friends are beautiful. I'm the one who isn't. XD

XVII. Who is the most talented?
I must go with Ico on this one. [bows to her greatness]

XVIII. Who is the most honest?
Kel and Adrienne, both of them brutally so.

XIX. What about the most dishonest?
None, because they wouldn't be my friends if they were.

XX. Which girl has the best eyes? Which guy has the best eyes?
Once again, Kel. Jesus, she's got these huge green eyes. [envy]

XXI. Which girl has the best hair? Which guy has the best hair?
Ah dunno...?

XXII. Who has the best personality?
All my friends...they're unique people and I love that.

XXIII. Who has the best parents/siblings?
Kel's mom ROCKS.

XXIV. Who flirts the most?

XXV. Who flirts the least?

XXVI. Who is the best with computers?
Not too sure.

XXVII. Who barely knows how to turn on a computer on?
Also not sure, but if I count.... XD

XXVIII. Who do you have the most inside jokes with?
Kel and Adrienne.

XXIX. Who do you go out with & hang out with the most?
[laughs] Ummm...none of them, although Elysa is the only one who actually lives close by, so I'll have to go with her for this one. I followed Liz around in school a lot for a year, though. XP I've only met Kel in person once [sad], and have never met Adrienne, Rio, or Ico.

XXX. Who do you pretend to like but really hate?
ADRIENNE! Just kidding, hahaha. I don't hate any of my friends. They wouldn't be friends if I hated them, eh?

Confidentiality & Beliefs
I. What's your worst fear? Have you ever experienced this fear?
The end of the world/zombies taking over the world. Obviously not.

II. Have you ever acted troubled, just to get attention?
Maybe in middle school...I don't think so, though.

III. Do you believe in God? Jesus? Satan? Heaven? Purgatory? Hell?
Not anymore. Well, I believe in a higher being...I call it Nature. :P

IV. Do you have a secret that you'll take with you to the grave?
I don't think so.

V. Have you ever told anyone you loved them, when secretly you didn't at all?
Yes. I now dislike him immensely and regret keeping the lie up for as long as I did.

VI. (Friends, Religion, Politics, Family, Education, & Relationships) Organize the previous five in order of your personal preference in life:
Friends, Family, Education, Relationships (I suppose that means boyfriend-girlfriend), Religion, Politics (those two tie, really)

VII. If you could change one thing about your physical looks, what would it be?
I can't just change ONE thing. Maybe I'd do something silly like...have nicer hands and feet.

VIII. If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?
To be less goofy and a lot more sophisticated.

IX. Have you ever cried in front of someone, and felt ashamed of it?
Yes...I cry a lot, so this has happened more than once.

X. Have you ever done drugs? Are you on drugs? Do you plan to take drugs?
Never done them, am not on them, never will use them.

The Hills Are Alive, With The Sound Of Music
I. If you had to pick, what's your favorite song at the moment?
I have to go with two, sorry; "Illuminati" by Malice Mizer, and Barber's "Adagio".

II. Do you get most of your music off the Internet, or from the store? Why?
Store...I like having actual CDs and the quality is much's probably just me.

III. Even though you can download music, do you still buy CDs just because of the CD-case, CD itself, booklet, & general authenticity?
Exactly why I'd rather buy CDs.

IV. What lone genre of music do you prefer above all?
Mmmm...very hard. Rock because it's so varied and includes many types. Or classical, simply because it's beautiful.

V. What genre of music would you never be caught dead with?
Degrading hip-hop. I'm not a feminist, and don't mind rap, but seriously now...can you say 'shit-tastic'?

The Small & Silver Screens
I. What's your favorite movie?
Ummm...Collateral, I guess. Anastasia is my favorite animated film.

II. Generally, what genre of movies do you jump at the opportunity to see? (Action, Adventure, Horror, Drama, Romance, Science Fiction):
Fantasy, drama, romantic comedies, period pieces, and adventure flicks. I also like a good action movie every so often.

III. Who is the actress you most admire? Who is the actor you most admire?
Actor? John Malkovich because he can do anything. He's not my favorite or anything, but I have to give him some major credit. Joaquin Phoenix as well. I like Julianne Moore because she's classy.

IV. Do you cry during/after certain movies? If "yes", what was the last movie you remember crying at?
Yes, I cry a lot at movies, especially when someone dies. I don't remember...probably The Last Samurai, when Ken Watanabe's character dies. [laughs] The last time I cried over a TV show was when I was watching Queer Eye a couple weeks back, though. [cracks up] It was sooooo emotional, the one about the high school basketball coach! XD

V. What time of day do you prefer to see movies? (Morning, Noon, or Night)

VI. What is the TV show you never miss?
None really...I guess Forensic Files and Late Night shows.

VII. What is it that you like about it so much?
I don't know.

VIII. What's the one TV show you can't stand?
Stuff on MTV and Nickelodeon.

IX. Do you think you spend more time watching to Television or using the computer?

X. Do you personally think that you spend too much time watching TV?
No, I barely watch TV.

Bon Appetite [xy's note: it's appetit, moron who wrote this.]
I. What's your favorite meal?
Something with pasta.

II. How about your favorite dessert?
Cake and/or ice cream.

III. When only a kid, did you eat your vegetables?
Not really.

IV. Do you still eat vegetables?
Yes, I love veggies.

V. Are you a poor, average, or excellent cook?
Pisspoor, probably. I don't cook. If I tried, I could probably be okay at it.

VI. What type of food do you prefer?
Type? What does that mean? I like pasta and bread, if that's what you mean. I hate meat and fruit.

VII. Pepper or Salt?
Salt!!!! [drools]

VIII. Ketchup or Mustard?
Ketchup! [drools]

IX. Do you prefer going out to breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
Breakfast is the best! But I never eat it!

X. Do you eat to live or live to eat?
Live to eat...well, not really. I just eat out of boredom, to be honest.

All's Fair In Love & War
I. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?
[laughs] No.

II. Are you in love? Or are you using them?
I'm not in love, not in the way you mean.

III. Do you find that most of the time you dislike the people who like you or vice versa?
I think I've disliked the people who've liked me in the past (like in middle school). They were all really nerdy (and not in a cute way).

IV. In terms of relationships, are you loving or manipulative? Both?
I think I can be more manipulative, but if I really love someone I can be a lot better, as long as they love me back just as much.

V. Do you live to love? Or would you rather just love to live?
I'm not a very romantic person.

VI. Do you believe that sex should come before or after marriage? Do you care?
I could care less. Marriage is just...I don't know. It's not a tangible, material thing....why couldn't a couple just say "We're married" when they didn't legally do so? Who really cares?

VII. Do you plan to marry? If so, at what age?
No, I don't.

VIII. Do you plan to have children? If so, how many?
No, I despise children.

IX. Are your parents married, or divorced?
Married, and living in the same house, but more as roommates. They live separate lives.

X. Do you want to have a big, spectacular wedding with everyone you know invited or a small, traditional, get-together with family and close-friends wedding?
If I had to get married, I'd choose the latter.

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