Monday, November 22, 2004

Feeling okie. mad cause I have to do this. again. -_-;
Listening to «Auf Achse» Franz Ferdinand
Currently addicted to The Coldfire Trilogy by CS Friedman. Soooo good. x_x
Currently irritated by skool. i dunno y we gotzta go 2 skool 4. im allredy smrat.
Randomness: miau. miyaw. mæow. me-ow.

Okay, starting over. -_-;

I finished Black Sun Rising last night!!! Eeeee, so good. Hesseth is coming along in the second one (When True Night Falls) and that makes me very happyful. [giggles] She rocks. I'm glad Ciani isn't going to be in this next one. I hated hate her. Damien Vryce must be the most awesome priest in history and Gerald Tarrant... Tarrant is just the best. Mwahaha. I'm kinda sad that Zen died. He was actually all right. Ah well. He killed himself, in a way. XD

I had to present something in French today and I SUCKED. Hard. I do just fine when I'm speaking to myself or when I'm not thinking about what I'm saying too hard, but presenting just killed me today. Didn't help that I had no idea what I was going to say. Ah well. It didn't count against me anyway. I'll redeem myself next time. Bwahaha.

In Stagecraft, Angela wasn't around. [sad face] Eugene let Chad and me read this story he was writing. We were reading it out loud and getting waaay confused. We were seriously straining to be nice about it. Well maybe not NICE, but not mean, anyway. It was soooo bad. Bad story, badly written... we had even flipped forward and saw some really nasty detailed sex-type parts and we were like «ooookaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...... . .. ..» and since Eugene wasn't with us when we were walking down the hill to go home we were all talking about how bad it was. It was terrible! Note: If you're going to write a sex scene, make it tasteful (or at least somewhat tasteful) for Christ's sake. XD I don't think my virgin eyes can take any more of «He let out a load of [beep] all over her [beep]... etc., etc....» I was forced to read one of his stories last year. Now I read this and I lost all hope in young writers of today. XD Am I the only semi-decent one left?! [laughs] I have a right to brag about my writing. It's actually intelligible and has a storyline as well as two teensy-weensy, itty-bitty little things called grammar and spelling. Can you say that with me? Grammmmm-mar. Spellllll-ing. Do I need to go slower? Seriously now, kids. -_-;

[breathes, sighs]

Uhm. I think that's it for now. Eeee, can't wait to start When True Night Falls. I haven't gotten a chance to read yet. And I just noticed I used a crapload of italics and even threw some boldface print in there. Must be EMPHASIS DAY!!!

Friday, November 19, 2004

Feeling slightly nauseous... kettle corn is BADful.
Listening to «The Sacrament» HIM
Currently addicted to Black Sun Rising [clings to book]
Currently irritated by my tummy
Randomness: «Now go food yourself.»

Hmm... haven't blogged in a while. Don't really have very much to say, I guess.
Uhm... that reminded me of this picture on Mrs. MacConnel's desk. XD There's this picture of a orange stripy kitten with its front paws up in the air and making this little cute face and the caption reads: THE MOUSE WAS THIS FREAKEN BIG, I TELL YOU!

So cute. XD

Anywaaaaay... I still don't have a scanner and that bugs me. :P I reeeeally need to get started on my Senior Portfolio too, argh... x_x I have like, 2 more weeks to work on it, basically and I haven't even started. -_-;; Procrastination is a cruel, cruel keeper. XD [shakes fist at it]

Ah well. I'll kick Procrastination's fat stupid arse tomorrow and get working. :P

For now... it's reading time... [clings to book] Sooooo good. XD Senzei died though, which kinda sucks. Just when I was actually starting to like the guy, too. :P I left off on the part where Gerald Tarrant gets screwed over big time in a cave tunnel. Whoops. [says no more, in case some person actually decides to read it, which is doubtful] :P

Anyway... au revoir. [bows and walks off gracefully, or attempts to, anyway]

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Feeling» purrty
Listening to» "all is full of love" ~ björk
Currently addicted to» orange soda :P
Currently irritated by» uh... ants...?
Randomness» qwertyuiop to you!


..oh yeh. In case you didn't know, this is my Tom (yes, he's mine, I made him up, whatever). XD

[clicky meeee]
[and meeee]
[and one in color :P]
And yeh, go look through my gallery for more. He's in there everywhere. XD

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Feeling» icky
Listening to» "Pagan Poetry" ~ Bjork.. well, I have that in my head anyway. What's really playing is crap music from all the other students. -_-;;;
Currently addicted to» nothing
Currently irritated by» feeling icky
Randomness» Swirling... black lilies... totally ripe....

[Don't read this if you don't want to be bored. :P]

Uhm.. short day today, la. It's still only second period though, pooh. Just have another.. oh... 3 hours to go. x_x

I thought it was shorter, but guess not, argh... Well hmmm.. I wanna go home already. My legs are all cramped up and my head is all light... Grawr. Uhm... I dunno what to say or why I even got on to blog in the first place. :P

Swirling... black lilies.. totally ripe... [giggles] I have that line looping in my head, argh. Blah, I was planning on taking a nap when I got home. I'm not sure if I will or not, though. I'll probably be home alone and I have this issue with sleeping while no one else is around. I don't think Chicky counts as a someone. XD

La, I feel like visiting Kel at school. XD Just showing up and following her around. Oooh, awesomeness. Now I just need a car and a couple of hours to get there. :P

Gotta go in 10 minutes, moop.

Obviously, this is a useless post and I'm just here because I'm bored, but I dunno what else to do. I want to do something and I forgot what it was. Blah. It's taken me, like, 5 whole minutes to type those last 2 sentences. XD Just because I'm sitting here and thinking.... Moomoo. I'm just gonna go.

À tout à l'heure. n_n

Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Feeling» blah
Listening to» "Wicked Game" ~ HIM
Currently addicted to» who the hell knows...
Currently irritated by» I don't know... the fact that it's not tomorrow, I suppose...
Randomness» tortimer

Uhm... once again in French... bored out of my mind.

We'll be in here tomorrow too so I dunno... moop. I dunno if changing everything was such a good idea, cause my blog looks all sorts of kcufed up on this comp. If it's like this on my computer when I get home, I'll have to do something about it, I guess. BLAH. I hate messing with this thing. XD

Hrmmmmmm... I don't think I'll be doing anything in any of my classes today anyway... I was drawing a picture of Ryoko in a different style... sans the huge-ass stupido anime-looking eyes.. although the way I did hers are okay in any style. She tends to look the same no matter what, so I guess that's a plus. Even though she has nothing to make her stand out, really. So I dunno what's up with that. I drew her at a weird angle too and kinda blocked myself from continuing. I tend to do that a lot. :P

Umm... well I suppose I'm less angry than I was last night. Still don't have anyone to talk to. Guess I have to wait until I get home and wait for Kel.

Better get going now. [runs off]

Feeling» ready to get my arse into bed
Listening to» "Jóga" ~ Björk
Currently addicted to» soda... soda...
Currently irritated by» not much, actually
Randomness» This blog is now inverted and perverted. Enjoy.

Uhm, obviously I changed shiitake. It's practically the same, but I got bored and changed some colors. The end.

(The title is from the song Jóga, by Björk. I've been listening to it a lot today for some reason.)

Monday, November 8, 2004

feeling» grr. arr. [breathes into a paper bag] I'm breathing, Lizzie, I'm breathing....
listening to» "play dead" ~ bjork... changing to "razorblade kiss" ~ him
currently addicted to» soda... brushing my teeth
currently irritated by» stupid-ass motherfucking posers
randomness» your love is a razorblade kiss

Well I'm doing this over since fucking Blogger lost my post, making me even angrier than I was the first time around.

Why was I angry? Because of people who copy me. I dunno why they do it, but they do. And continually. I just needed to let out how much it irritates me. And if there's one thing that irritates me and pisses me off the most, it's that. I mean, it's okay to pick up a few things here and there, but don't go too far, jeez. Especially when you steal personality from another person and tote it around as your own? That's just wrong. Especially when they get credit for it. Like, «Oh, you know so-and-so? That one dude/chick who does this and that? Yeah, so-and-so.» And it was you who orignally did «this and that».

Yeah, I'm using the little « » quotes now. :P

I figure that I'll most likely have to use them down the line so I better get used to them now. Blah, I've been so out of it lately. Probably just the hormones and the fact that I have no one to talk to about stuff. So yay for Farrin and yay for Kel for being around to talk to. Thanks thanks thanks a million. n_n

Tuesday, November 2, 2004

feeling» eh.
listening to» "don't close your heart" ~ him
currently addicted to» peanut m&m's. XD
currently irritated by» all the stupid people in this class [throws pencils at them]
randomness» twix

Hrm... doing project for and in French right now... la. I'm tired of researching for now. No more Switzerland, aaaaugh! Hrm... I'm tired. Stayed up late watching Pride and Prejudice, and even though it wasn't the right version, it was true to the book and it was alright. Although I think Mr. Darcy's actor had a stick up his arse the whole movie. Yeh, I know he's supposed to be an asshole and all, but sheesh. Overacting there, dude. :P Also, the chick that played Elizabeth... I dunno. She irritated me, then I liked her, then she irritated me again, then... you know. I ended up being more irritated by her than anything else. XD

Anyway. XD

Played San Andreas last night too. Needed a break from the comp, jeez. I hate it I hate it I hate it. Nate was around since it's his game. XD He jacked an airplane then jumped out headfirst. XD

Didn't open the parachute either. Ouchie. XD

Class is almost over. I'm bored out of my head. Going to art next, blah. I dunno what to do in that class, rawr. I'll probably just draw Aeriel's character designs. I had a dream I made a graphic novel out of The Darkangel and it was awesome. I might just do that one day when I'm bored and in a drawing mood. Sounds awesomeful. n_n d

Well I'm out of here. A tout a l'heure. [waves and runs off]

Monday, November 1, 2004

feeling» like i'm gonna buuuuuurst...
listening to» annoying kids
currently addicted to» bathroom... bathroom...
currently irritated by» bladder... bladder...
randomness» bok.. bok bok bok.. bok bok.. BOK!

I gotta go to the bathroom soooooo freaking bad. Of course, you needed to know that. Also, you should need to know that the bathrooms at this whack ass school are icky and filled with people and I can't go when people are arooooouuuuund. GAH, I'm gonna die!


Ahem. Anyway... I need to work on some art homework or something... I was thinking of drawing a miniature portraity thingy of Prince Irrylath in vampyre form from The Darkangel... and then later doing a portrait of Aeriel... and then another one of something. Maybe the Lorelei... [thinketh and stoppeth]

That was useless info, but if it comes out nicely, I might post something on Dev... If I find a working scanner, rawr.

Also have to work on French project... we have to make some travel brochure about a Francophone country. I chose Switzerland. Nice place.

[leaves to find a bathroom]

[comes back, mad]

This really blows. :(
I need to go really bad and if I don't go, I'm going to explode. All the bathrooms are so dirty and people are sitting there talking on their stupid phones and I need to go, aaaaagh. [just dies]

[sniffles] Pooh... I dun wanna go to school anymore cause of this.... It's so stupid but it sucks really badly too... This hurts, graaaawr... [stops complaining]

Pooh. It's going to be like this on Saturday too, rawr. I hate traveling places because of this. Stupid dirty, crowded public restrooms. With the way they look, it's easy to see that people dun even know how to clean up after themselves. Fucking barbarians.

[finally explodes]