Monday, November 1, 2004

feeling» like i'm gonna buuuuuurst...
listening to» annoying kids
currently addicted to» bathroom... bathroom...
currently irritated by» bladder... bladder...
randomness» bok.. bok bok bok.. bok bok.. BOK!

I gotta go to the bathroom soooooo freaking bad. Of course, you needed to know that. Also, you should need to know that the bathrooms at this whack ass school are icky and filled with people and I can't go when people are arooooouuuuund. GAH, I'm gonna die!


Ahem. Anyway... I need to work on some art homework or something... I was thinking of drawing a miniature portraity thingy of Prince Irrylath in vampyre form from The Darkangel... and then later doing a portrait of Aeriel... and then another one of something. Maybe the Lorelei... [thinketh and stoppeth]

That was useless info, but if it comes out nicely, I might post something on Dev... If I find a working scanner, rawr.

Also have to work on French project... we have to make some travel brochure about a Francophone country. I chose Switzerland. Nice place.

[leaves to find a bathroom]

[comes back, mad]

This really blows. :(
I need to go really bad and if I don't go, I'm going to explode. All the bathrooms are so dirty and people are sitting there talking on their stupid phones and I need to go, aaaaagh. [just dies]

[sniffles] Pooh... I dun wanna go to school anymore cause of this.... It's so stupid but it sucks really badly too... This hurts, graaaawr... [stops complaining]

Pooh. It's going to be like this on Saturday too, rawr. I hate traveling places because of this. Stupid dirty, crowded public restrooms. With the way they look, it's easy to see that people dun even know how to clean up after themselves. Fucking barbarians.

[finally explodes]

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