Monday, November 22, 2004

Feeling okie. mad cause I have to do this. again. -_-;
Listening to «Auf Achse» Franz Ferdinand
Currently addicted to The Coldfire Trilogy by CS Friedman. Soooo good. x_x
Currently irritated by skool. i dunno y we gotzta go 2 skool 4. im allredy smrat.
Randomness: miau. miyaw. mæow. me-ow.

Okay, starting over. -_-;

I finished Black Sun Rising last night!!! Eeeee, so good. Hesseth is coming along in the second one (When True Night Falls) and that makes me very happyful. [giggles] She rocks. I'm glad Ciani isn't going to be in this next one. I hated hate her. Damien Vryce must be the most awesome priest in history and Gerald Tarrant... Tarrant is just the best. Mwahaha. I'm kinda sad that Zen died. He was actually all right. Ah well. He killed himself, in a way. XD

I had to present something in French today and I SUCKED. Hard. I do just fine when I'm speaking to myself or when I'm not thinking about what I'm saying too hard, but presenting just killed me today. Didn't help that I had no idea what I was going to say. Ah well. It didn't count against me anyway. I'll redeem myself next time. Bwahaha.

In Stagecraft, Angela wasn't around. [sad face] Eugene let Chad and me read this story he was writing. We were reading it out loud and getting waaay confused. We were seriously straining to be nice about it. Well maybe not NICE, but not mean, anyway. It was soooo bad. Bad story, badly written... we had even flipped forward and saw some really nasty detailed sex-type parts and we were like «ooookaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...... . .. ..» and since Eugene wasn't with us when we were walking down the hill to go home we were all talking about how bad it was. It was terrible! Note: If you're going to write a sex scene, make it tasteful (or at least somewhat tasteful) for Christ's sake. XD I don't think my virgin eyes can take any more of «He let out a load of [beep] all over her [beep]... etc., etc....» I was forced to read one of his stories last year. Now I read this and I lost all hope in young writers of today. XD Am I the only semi-decent one left?! [laughs] I have a right to brag about my writing. It's actually intelligible and has a storyline as well as two teensy-weensy, itty-bitty little things called grammar and spelling. Can you say that with me? Grammmmm-mar. Spellllll-ing. Do I need to go slower? Seriously now, kids. -_-;

[breathes, sighs]

Uhm. I think that's it for now. Eeee, can't wait to start When True Night Falls. I haven't gotten a chance to read yet. And I just noticed I used a crapload of italics and even threw some boldface print in there. Must be EMPHASIS DAY!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To be a upright charitable being is to be enduring a philanthropic of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an cleverness to guardianship unsure things beyond your own restrain, that can take you to be shattered in hugely outermost circumstances for which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly outstanding thither the get of the principled life: that it is based on a trust in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a shop than like a sparkler, something rather fragile, but whose extremely item attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.
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