Thursday, November 22, 2007

thanksgiving: most boring holiday ever

Mood: Boooooooooored
Listening to Now or Never (Dopamin Remix) - NamNamBulu
Reading The Science of His Dark Materials by whoever it's by. Some kid book. D:
Eating pumpkin pieeee.
Drinking water.

God, Thanksgiving is SO boring.

My family does absolutely nothing. Well, they'll make a few things (two or three) and buy some pie and say, "Go eat." Seriously. We never even have turkey. Hahaha. Might as well be any other day, really. I guess if we had relatives we'd be the ones going to their house for dinner, but we don't. [laughs] I think my mom even went to the casino. Talk about a real family day!

Not even candied yams anymore. [cries] Holidays might as well just not exist here. ]:

Elysa's so lucky for getting to go to Vegas. I don't even like Vegas, but anything's better than Thanksgiving Bore-O-Rama. I'm going to LA tomorrow but cemetery-hopping really isn't my idea of fun (sorry, dad!). I'll probably just be sick and anxious all day from the lovely tour of death. DX My brother said we'll at least eat somewhere nice tomorrow, but I think by that he means Not McDonald's. D:

I can't believe it's not even seven yet. Someone shoooot me. I'm so bored, I'll probably do homework. HOMEWORK!


Shino said...

Ew, I went to my brothers and we just sat on a couch after dinner for like two hours. DDD: Then this guy pissed me off by getting dressed up after dinner, which he ate in an undershirt and gym shorts. The hell?

Calix said...

Seriously. What is WRONG with people. XD

the prince of mansmut said...

Yeah, thanksgiving is a pretty boring holiday. We had a lot of food, but after we ate it we just kinda sat around... I guess it's more fun when there are more people around. We usually have my aunt and uncle, and my sister. We also had my great, great aunt a few years, and her daughter. But yeah, it was just four people this time, and way too much food for four people. D:

Then we just watched old movies because that was what was on TV...[laughs] But it's too bad you couldn't visit me. That would've been nice.

Sorry you had a rotten day. At least it seemed to be better than last year's? :\

Calix said...

Yeah, I guess it would be more fun with more people...I d'know how that works though.

And they never give us any vacation time, so who knows....