Tuesday, November 22, 2005

holy shit, three posts in less than five hours?!

Feeling better, nothing happened in math so we got out in five minutes!
Listening to the sound of muffled voices
Currently addicted to mmmsalt and potato chips, apparently water because I keep drinking it today
Currently irritated by my insatiable thirst! [shrieks]
Randomness: badgerbadgerbadger....
Today's Cards: see previous previous. XD

Well, I don't know why I keep posting but I'm bored and writing things here is strangely cheering me up. o.O

I'm soooo glad this week is over. Yes, it's over! On a Tuesday! [dances in joy, gives school the finger]

While walking back from my math class to the library (again), some girl was shouting German into her phone, and I was like, "Wow, there are so many Germans here!" And no sooner did I think that when a group of five people comes by and they're speaking loudly in Russian. I'm always soooo amazed by the number of Germans and Russians on campus. I didn't even know there were Germans and Russians in San Diego! [laughs] I told my dad about it once and he's like "Oh yeah, San Diego has a pretty big Russian community," and I'm just sitting there thinking, "WHERE?! Are they all hiding in the universities...?" XDD

Never ceases to amaze me, but I love it. I have some strange language fetish maybe. XD I feel like I should be jealous because I want to learn more languages but oh my god, I just get this shock of pleasure when I hear a language spoken that I'm not used to hearing here. n_n!!!! And TV doesn't count. I mean in real life.

Spanish? Boring, hear it too much, it's ugly the way they speak it here. Tagalog? Ugly, hear it all the time, in my house, don't want to hear it anymore. But things like German, Russian, Chinese, French, Korean...oh my god, I love it because you just don't hear them here! Sometimes I sit in close proximity to some Indian students because them speaking is like music to my ears, even if I don't like the language. XDD

Hmmm...because I feel like it, I'm going to list some of my 'little joys' in life. I think I've written a few down in a letter to Adrienne but I think I should expand on that. Here goes:

  • the language thing I just mentioned (especially when it's some hot German, mmyum! XDD)
  • when someone I have to IM first IMs me first instead. n,n (I may not say anything but when you do it, you can bet your soul I'm sitting at my computer, secretly smiling a lot for it.)
  • waking up with the sun. I love to wake up when the air's just crisp and cool, and the sun's only low on the horizon, peeking through some clouds.
  • when I'm alone in a public place
  • when I receive a letter from Adrienne
  • when I meet and/or talk to someone who actually has things in common with me.
  • five or six perfect hours of undisturbed sleep.
  • tasting something I love but haven't had in so, so long.
  • good hair days (they're rare for me!)
  • really good back rubs, warm hugs, and soft kisses (even more rare there)
  • happy crying
  • of course, my total number one: getting my hair touched. [laughs]
  • getting good cards in my daily tarot readings (yesterday, I think it was, I squealed with delight when I got the Nine of Cups...the wish card!)
  • answering tons of questions on Jeopardy, solving all the puzzles with only three letters up on Wheel of Fortune, and anything similar. XD
  • a good, genuine, asphyxiating (haha), cleansing laugh
  • going to the movies
  • when I fall asleep in the fantasy that I'm being held by someone, though it'd be better if it were actually real! X3
  • finishing all work way early, especially when it's so much earlier than you expected.

I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting, but ah well.
...I'm shutting up now. XD

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