Thursday, November 17, 2005

thursday is suck.

Feeling BOOOOOOOOOOOOORED!!!! [screams, wails, tugs at hair]
Listening to the silent screaming in my head
Currently addicted to AHHHHH
Currently irritated by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BORED!
Randomness: Moo cow moo moo myaa?
Today's Cards: Knight of Wands R, Queen of Swords R, 3 of Swords R (I'm getting this same card, reversed, a lot lately)

Whep, I'm in the library comp lab at school, when I should be sitting in math. I thought the computers here had CD drives, but silly me, they apparently don't! So I was unable to do my project, with the ample time between bio lecture and math, like I had originally intended. Grrrrr! And now I'm sitting here, bored out of my mind, not in the mood to read, wanting to talk to someone, and not having anyone to talk to! [sobs]

Waaaaaa! And after this I have stupid lab, which will be long and boring, and something big is due today...and you guessed it! I DIDN'T DO THAT EITHER. but I don't care.

AIGH! Today is ze super-scukness! Not even good enough to be suck-status. Just total SCUK! Oh, and I've also got a cold coming on.

I just want to go home and relax for the weekend. Bleyah! Man, am I glad I only have class Monday and Tuesday next week. NO LAB! YAY!

Note to All: THURSDAY IS SUCK! (lol.)

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