Friday, December 14, 2007

soup is good

Mood: Disgusting
Watching AFV
Eating tomato soup
Drinking water

Ugh, I've had the worst morning/day. I wish IBS would just die. [punches it in the stomach] ...ow. [cries] I decided I'd eat some soup to restore some sodium and whatnot, but there wasn't anything but tomato soup. Ew. I never understood why so many people eat tomato soup. I mean. It's just...tomato. I hate tomatoes. Why not just pour ketchup in a bowl and drink it up? Ew.

But I knew I needed it so I heated some up anyway. What a pleasant surprise. Tomato soup isn't bad at all. XD

p.s. Skyflakes are teh shit. Yumyum!


the prince of mansmut said...

Well, DUH! Tomato soup is DELICIOUS. D: Had you never had it before?! Hahaha. It's good with rice, too. Mmmm. Nice and creamy and sweet. Yum. <3
Also good with carackarz.

Calix said...

[laughs] No, I really haven't had it before. Maybe when I was little, but the smell and look of it always made me sick, so I've never eaten it. D:

I like soup but I always stayed away from it. WHYYYYY. It's good. D:

Skyflakes = best crackers in the world. \o/ Go look for a big tin the next time you're somewhere Asian. D: