Saturday, December 8, 2007

whatever happened to daniel johns?

Mood: Bored
Listening to Stay in the Rain - Klaha
Watching Weird Al videos. I'm not kidding. I'm THAT bored.
Reading Drawing Down the Moon
Drinking cream soda


Listen to the godly sexy Godot. Well, you have to, because I've finally disabled comments on this post, because I'm sick of hearing about you fucking whiny bitches. Also, I am referring you all to the Ass Stick Removal Clinic to help you all with your little...problem. Come on by!

Original post follows below, to spite the Daniel Johns Sweatband Tribute Fan Club:

After seeing him a while back looking like that, I couldn't believe it was the same person. In fact, I still don't believe it is. I don't know how it can be. I JUST CAN'T. And now, after all this time, I am prompted to reexamine this.

Perhaps Daniel Johns was always ugly and I merely imagined he was one of the thirty-two actual pretty men alive in the world, I thought to myself. After all, childhood memories can be vague and disappointing when revisited...!

But this was the man who kick-started my pretty-man-love! I started drawing them left and right partly because of his prettifluence! Could he have always been ugly? Unfortunately, going back and looking at him before, the answer is: no, he was not always this horrifying.

HE WAS SO PRETTY, HE REALLY WAS. [sobs!] What a shame. He's not even thirty yet and he looks like he's nearing forty-five all of a sudden. Terrible. I will just pretend he still exists somewhere in the world, being pretty. And anorexic.

In Memory Of: The Other Daniel Johns. RIP, beautiful man with ratty hair.


the prince of mansmut said...

That is pretty sad. Hahaha. I'm sorry. That really sucks, but I guess that's just what happens. D:
He looks like a druggie trucker or something. Hahaha.

Whoa, he's not even thirty?! Maybe he's balding, so he just let himself go. And decided it was time for a new headband assortment.
Don't judge a man by the color of his sweatband.
...Or his tacky dragon tattoos.

Calix said...

[laughs, cries] The sad part is...he really seems to have a sweatband collection. Every new picture I see of him, there it is. [sobs] It's horrid!

I guess it's what happens when you marry Natalie Imbruglia.

But seriously, if you're gonna marry a pretty woman, shouldn't you look better instead of worse...?!

Anonymous said...

How can you be so cruel? He was a lovely person. The pressure of fame may have made him susceptible to many insecurities that lead him to want to feel anything but "pretty". And you are probably some dork fuck-face with no understanding of what he went through, so re-examine yourself before commenting on others. He's doing the best he can and I just hope for your sad sake he doesn't read your b.s because he does not deserve such superficial judgement by you.

Calix said...

Wow. Get a life, asshole. D:

Calix said...

p.s. Get some balls and post as something other than anonymous.

Dirty Bird said...

Are you kidding??? He looks awesome. His look is ever evolving. Grow Up

Calix said...

Yes, sweatbands are just the most awesome thing ever.

Why are these people taking this so seriously. D:

Anonymous said...

OMG I totally agree! I thought he was one of the most beautiful men in the whole world before! Then I saw his 'new look' and was horrifyed! I didn't think it was him either. =(
I don't even like his body anymore, I know that's like, morally wrong, but I preferred him anorexic with his pretty face and lovely hair. Even SilverChair's new music is worse! I'll still listen to the old stuff (Like Ana's song and Black Tangled Heart) and pretend they're still like that and he still looks like that. =( x

Calix said...

Oh, someone agrees for once? [laughs]

Well, I never really listened to them but from the little I've heard, the style is really different and now it's really bad. D:

I guess people grow up and move on but I guess he's already in the "aging un-gracefully" 30. D:

Anonymous said...

i just found this randomly and i really have to say, i think you're awful. daniel is as beautiful as ever and gets more and more talented. saying that you liked him better anorexic is sad and disgusting. you know that he was extremely sick, right? could have died? anorexia is REAL. reading your blog literally made me sick to my stomach. you're a teeny bopper, plain and simple. an idiot who liked silverchair because daniel johns is like SOOO HOT, omg. i will love silverchair, daniel, ben, and chris until my dying days, no matter what they look like. i'll admit i'm a little biased-- this is a subject near and dear to my heart. they've been my favorite band for over 10 years. i've seen sc 4 times and have loved them for literally as long as i can remember. as for daniel's looks (which makes up about 1% of why he's so amazing), he's gorgeous. i saw them a couple of months ago and had the privilege of actually seeing him close up, and let me tell you-- i couldn't even speak because i was overwhelmed by how beautiful he was (chris and ben, too). so seriously, just get a life. you made me sick, hope you're happy.

Calix said...

My god, seriously. Why does no one know how to take a joke. It's funny how you people assume so much about me. Teeny-bopper. That's new. [laughs] I'm the furthest thing from.

I never listened to Silverchair, so you're also quite wrong there. I didn't ever think they were very good. Not now, not before. D:

I am happy, thanks for hoping so intently for me. <3 I hope you get over that sickness of yours...! ^^

Anonymous said...

so you all like the anorexic Daniel. can you not see how much better he is doing. En the looks, well poeple grow up. haven't you changed sinds you were 20?

I can only say good work daniel I still like every thing about you after all these years.

Love Jennie

Calix said...

Well poeple-Jennie, learn to spell. I have not changed "sinds" I was twenty, as I am still twenty. D:

Love Calix, Lord of Awesome

Calix said...

Seriously, is this the Daniel Johns Sweatband Fan Tribute Club (members: 3) coming to send me their love?

Shino said...

omg i haet u so much daniel johns is the most amazin musican evurrrr u r probly sum nerd lolololololol. cant u c dat my insecurity in myself and my inability to accept others' (possibly) serious thoughts about other people iz just an attempt to look kewl. i hop ur hapy imma guna cut meself naow

Calix said...

ur coment relaly turnd my lyfe around shinio, iam seein te lyte nwo. i will NEVR mak fun of poeple w/analexia evr agian. iam jus so sorrie dan johnston 4 makin fun 4 u. plz 4giv thsi teeney-boper dork fuckfase, mr johnsen.

iam gona cut myslef 2 nwo.

Anonymous said...

Haha...this is hilarious! I love it.

Anonymous said...

i feel much better, thanks. i had a good laugh after reading your profile. dolls? masks? harry potter? HAHAHAHAH! as if your blog about daniel johns didn't exhibit your poor taste enough. and how come you don't have a picture of yourself up? i tend to notice that ugly people have the easiest time calling other people ugly. hmm. go watch harry potter. get crazy with your bad self, honey. and as for "you people assume so much about me" -- you blog for the whole world to see. you post your opinions. people are going to assume things about you, it's bound to happen. you're basically asking for it. my advice to you is this: get a life. stop blogging for a few days and live a little. in the real world. lol.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a hot scruffy MAN now - which he is ... still the same beautiful face and eyes.

He just is not a harmless little boy anymore...

Calix said...

i feel much better, thanks. i had a good laugh after reading your profile. dolls? masks? harry potter? HAHAHAHAH! as if your blog about daniel johns didn't exhibit your poor taste enough. and how come you don't have a picture of yourself up? i tend to notice that ugly people have the easiest time calling other people ugly. hmm. go watch harry potter. get crazy with your bad self, honey. and as for "you people assume so much about me" -- you blog for the whole world to see. you post your opinions. people are going to assume things about you, it's bound to happen. you're basically asking for it. my advice to you is this: get a life. stop blogging for a few days and live a little. in the real world. lol.

Uh, "lol", I do live in the real world, and obviously I'm not the one with too much time on my hands, as I don't go around the internet looking for evil Daniel Johns insulters and commenting them to death. You obviously need to find a hobby yourself, and I have quite a few hobbies. Ever hear of Japanese BJDs? Probably not. They're not for little girls. They're beautiful and customizable, and artists can turn them into unique pieces of art. Ever hear of the Venetian Carnival and have any idea what goes into making intricate, beautiful masks? I'm sure not. You make assumptions about me and I guess I'll make some about you: you don't seem very cultured and you've obviously got a narrow mindset if you think dolls, masks, and yes, even Harry Potter are for little kids. Just because a person is an adult doesn't mean they can't indulge in fantasy. If you don't, you must live a pretty boring life. I mean, you've really got to get that stick out of your ass.

As for being ugly, I've posted many pictures of myself. That's all up to you to decide, and for others. Real mature of you taking personal jabs at someone, hiding behind your screen.

I couldn't care less what you thought of me. I couldn't care less about you.

See a doctor about that stick and learn to take a joke. And get a life for Christ's sake.

Sandrick said...

Holy shet... If I feel like my blog needs some attention, I guess I'll just write a post about how Daniel Johns looks like a trucker who fell out of the 80s! maybe i will also start only capitalizing things when i feel the need to STRESS or EMPHASIZE. i could also go visit blogs of people i don't know and call them ugly.
"you like harry potter? HO FUCK you must be so fucking UGLY. HAHAHAHAH!"

Anonymous said...

ok, first of all, I'm from germany, so please excuse my bad English... - but I have to ask: In which world are you living? - maybe the reason is you all are Americans, because you think about anorexia in such a silly way, that I don't know, whether I should be shocked, or like I sad, excuse this because you come from America...
In our state anorexia is a sickness, which has to be fought. Sometimes in a therapy for several years, sometimes in a mental hospital 'bout serveral month.
I am anorexic (?) and try to fight against it since 3 years, and I know how hard this is..., but sometimes I feel, that many Americans think this sickness is a gift also like bulimarexia, because you get thin and don't have to do much for this... (and I only read those comments from people of your nation yet...).
Well that's my opinion, and you, calix, sometimes try to think before writing

well that's all, have a nice day, Aleks, Bavaria, Germany

Calix said...

Obviously you can't read. The post isn't even about anorexia. It's about his looks and how he's changed over the years. It's not even a serious post, for the FIFTY MILLIONTH TIME.

Anorexia is a sickness here, as it is everywhere else. Germany isn't special. I have no idea why anyone would consider it a gift, American or not; if anyone does, then they must be sick.

Don't bring nationality into this—it has absolutely nothing to do with anything.

Anonymous said...

What the hell are you talking about? Daniel looks great! He's finally healthy, happy and I don't know what you're talking about. He looks his age....

Daniel has and always will be a talented, great looking man.