Friday, March 7, 2008

how I missed you, computer.

Mood: Icky
Listening to Dream About You - Stevie B ...I really need to make a karaoke-sounding 90s song playlist. u_u;;
Watching A Haunting
Playing PW3...must FINISH!
Eating headache pills D:

(if this posts eighty times, FUCK YOU BLOGGER.)

Well, my power cord replacement came in early [loves when this happens, which is all the time] so I'm on my own computer again, woohoo! HERE I AM AGAIN COMPUTER I LOVE YOU SORRY FOR BEING MEAN SOMETIMES BUT I MISSED YOU D:

[swallows down something for sinus headache] AUGH. My headache went away yesterday but now the horrible pressure is back with a vengeance. I really hope it's my sinuses and not a brain tumor threatening a hemispherical takeover...! I've got the yuckiest feeling right at the bridge of my nose, though, so I'm pretty sure the pain's my sinuses....I hope. D: Maybe a nap's in order! (When am I not sleeping, though?)

Brawl is getting closer...! OMG!!!1 Why am I not freaking out more. Sunday releases are a bit funny, but hey...! I'm not complaining.
"I'm deeply upset that you are not releasing this game on Tuesday. Please knock the date back two more agonizing days. Sakurai has sent his somewhat sincere delay regrets to us about twelve times already. One more delay is not that big a deal anymore."

Some semi-important news: I opened my short story blog to anyone, so we'll see how that goes. Any threat of theft (as if anyone would want to, but you can never tell) or weirdos and it's going back under the covers. D: I really wanna revamp the damn sidebar, because it's getting long and I just need things to be COMPACT. It's easier on my eyes...and my shitty 1024x768 resolution. D:

Being off my computer has put me into a slight writing mood, so I may do a little something here and there. The Contest, I fear, is on hiatus, despite everything I told Adrienne. Ha ha, sorry about that. [scratches neck nervously, hopes she doesn't get beat up] D: But who knows...! That story pops into my head at the most random times, so even if I don't write an actual chapter, I may do a related one-shot or something (which I am kinda craving). You never know with those pesky boys. Valentine likes to worm his way into everything, so. Eh heh heh. D:

We shall see. D:


Shino said...

One-shots happen to me all the time with Untitled. Well, not lately, but they used to.

And Blogger didn't want to post my most recent post, and I was hoping it wasn't there six times or whatever. I'd be too lazy to delete them all.

Sandrick said...

Jeez. Finish PW3 already! So you can. not send it to me. D<
I feel like I should wait with AJ, so I probably won't play it yet. Or maybe I will when I get bored, so. ahhahaha

We have just established it's sinuses. [pats] FEEL MY PAIN! I apparently have a lifelong sinus infection. Awesome. D: [avoids touching neck because of it] hahaha

And maybe your other readers will be better about writing comments. Hahaha. ): I knooow, I'm bad. I will get to it. D: Yes, those sidebars are stressful! I know you can have two, one on each side, but that's kinda crowded...

AND BOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. [snuffles in a corner] Better come back soon. >: You had to stop when HE WAS IN THE COUNT'S BEDROOM TOO. You big jerk. Hahahaha. [cries] ):
Now when you pick it up he'll be back in his own bedroom because if REAL time passes, when you go back you won't just continue as if it hadn't! BOO HOO!!!

[runs off, sobs]
I'd write some rolly but it's kinda late. D:

Calix said...

I'm almost done, leave me alone! I was just playing and I'll probably continue after I write this. D: OK?!

I think you should wait but who knows. I'm sure you'll get impatient and play before then. D: It's ok. I'd understand. D:

I think I have a sinus infection, yarr. It's all dry in there, though. Weird. When I take some meds for it, though, it seems to drain and when I blow my nose the pain goes away. Ahhhh. <3

What OTHER READERS?! Hahahahah. I have none. D:

Oh well, just try and think of it this way: Crispin's spending an awful long time in there! Hahaha. Who knows what's going on. D:


Anonymous said...

hey man.
just been googling when i happened to come across some rather insulting things said about Daniel Johns.
im normally highly respectful of others opinions and normally i would just leave it, but not on my life for this one.
To say that his looks are horrific, aged and whatever the hell u and ur friends deranged mind have been claiming, your def wrong. Go get ur eyes checked! and you'll find that thousands of people will agree with me. Besides, who said he had to look pleasing to anyone anyway? Shit man. I hope he never reads your comments.
Have some RESPECT!

Calix said...

"hey man," I closed that post to comments for a reason. Get off my blog and don't comment on other posts that have absolutely nothing to do with it, you stupid fuck. Sorry, stupid fuck with terrible taste. Get your eyes checked, and learn to read—NO MORE COMMENTS ALLOWED.

Shino said...

They're out to get you, Calix.

It's YOU or THEM, and it better be you standing at the end. D:

Calix said...

But of course I will be. [thrusts marthly sword into air!]