Tuesday, April 18, 2006

you like my volvo?

Feeling like I'd rather be euthanized.
Listening to astronomy physics lecture
Currently addicted to klaha, lupin, watching gary oldman movies (still "o_O")
Currently irritated by albert einstein
Current MSN details: Calix Vincent - By Grabthar's Hammer!
Today's Cards: n/a


Please let me out of here. I was thinking the physics section of astronomy was over with, and by the end of the year we'd be getting into the interesting concepts. But no. Just getting deeper into astrophysics... [yawnfest]

I felt like I had to post something after those two surveys because...well, surveys make a page very ugly. [laughs]

Graaaa, as D-Ren reminded me (grrr xD), my birfday is coming up sooner than I realize. I dunno what I want. Wait, yes ah do. [laughs] Just for my own use, so I know what I want, in ordah:

1. The Devil Does Exist, vol. 1-5
2. Klaha - Nostal Lab
3. Gackt - Diabolos
4. Agatsuma - Eternal Songs
5. Agatsuma - Beyond
6. Yoshida Brothers - III
7. Beyond the Wall, Garth Nix

I won't get any of that though...I'll have to wait until Christmas, probably. The ones that can wait for Christmas are items 2, 3, 5, and 7. The others I'm dying for. [cries] I'm such a spoiled brat! xD

I'll probably look for 2 and 3 over the summer when Comic-Con comes rolling through, so those are no problem. As for item one...waaaa! I can't find it in stores, WHY?!

[kicks a cat] >.<

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