Tuesday, April 11, 2006

sorin personality survey!

Feeling aching and tired
Listening to "scape ~with transparent wings" - klaha
Currently addicted to klaha, harry potter, tsugaru-shamisen, agatsuma, yoshida brothers, quizzes, surveys
Currently irritated by my legs...oy, pain!
Current MSN details: Selendrile
Today's Cards: n/a

Here's a survey done in the perspective of my dear Sorin Ciel, bad English and all!! If anyone cares to know a bit more about him, here you are. Enjoy! ^^

Survey for your Original Character! (Over 200 Questions!) =D
Name? (At least first and last, middle is optional.):Sorin Alin Valentin St-Michel
Age, or what age you appear to be?:246; appear in twenties
Do you have a nickname or an alias or some sort?:Sorin Ciel
Hair color?:dark reddish brown
Hair length?:a little under shoulder
Hair texture?:very soft and straight
Any hair accesories?:no, I like it down
Eye color(s)?:steel blue
Gender, or what gender you consider yourself to be?:homme
Birthday?:10 avril 1760
Zodiac sign?:aries
Skin color?:white
Nationality?:Romanian and French
Physique?:small, thin, athletic
If you're a girl, breast size?:hehe
Shoe size?:it doesn't matter!
Face shape?:kind of girlish
Food?:young boys, hehe
Drink?:blood, of course
Book?:Da Vinci Code
Animal?:the serpent
Thing to do in your spare time?:gardening and cooking
Person in the whole world?:my Ellis ^^
Musical genre?:classical, rock
Color?:blood red, black
Kind of sandwich?:I don't like sandwich very much...
Season, as in the weather-seasons?:spring is prettiest
Season, as in to flavor your food?:cinnamon, does that count?
Kind of junk food?:don't eat junk
Healthy food?:fruits
Spicy food?:any thing ^^
Sweet food?:chocolate is very sexy
Fruit?:asian pear
Kind of meat?:don't be naughty, heeheee
Manga?:lots of manga are very good, but I don't read them
Anime?:Vampire Hunter D
Children's book?:I don't know..
Star?:star? not the sun, of course. ;) I think Polaris is nice.
Zodiac sign for the opposite sex?:it doesn't matter.
Dis or Dat
Light or Darkness?:darkness is preferable
Chocolate or Vanilla?:chocolate
Orange juice or apple juice?:orange is too hard on my stomach
Hate or Apathy?:hate I think
Pool or pond?:I don't like water very much
Beach or camping?:I don't think I ever went to the beach before
Sneakers or sandals?:none
Trust or care?:both are good!
The dark, gruesome truth or a painless lie?:lies don't hurt sometimes ;)
Who dies: Your mother/father/sibling or the love of your life?:family...they were no good anyway, hehee
Healthy smoothie or a fast food combo?:healthy is better
Flowers or candy?:chocolate please!
Pen or pencil?:quill pen ^^
City or countryside?:country, I can't live in the city too long
Black or white?:black
Towel or bathrobe?:bathrobe covers more
Beer or wine?:wine
Gold or silver?:silver
Men or Women? (It's okay to say both on this one. ^_~):men, but women sometimes
Jock or Nerd?:I don't know
What hair color do you like most on men?:doesn't matter
What hair color do you like most on women?:brunette women I think are sexy
What is your sexual preference?:preference? I don't understand..
Are you single? If not, who's tugging your heartstrings?:not really, I have Ellison
If so, do you want someone to tug your heartstings? Who?:no-one
What first catches your eye?:everything, my eyes are too good ;)
Turn-ons?:sexy voice, innocent personnality, loyalty
Turn-offs?:overweight, bad teeth
Are you romantic?:I guess I can be
What do you find romantic?:candles, velvet, blood, chains ;)
Would you have sex with someone if you didn't love them?:yes, sometimes you just need
Would you have sex with a total stranger?:yes, I do it all the time
For the people that are attracted to women; Breasts: Big, medium or small?:stupid question
For those that are attracted to men: Does size matter?:more stupid question, hehe
How tall do you like 'em?:not taller than me
Are you a virgin?:of course not
If not, would you say you have a lot of sex?:oh yes.
Do you prefer them older, younger or the same age as you?:younger, I'm older than everyone xDDD
Do you get obsessed?:I can sometimes..
Do you want a talented, egotistic badass of a man or a sweet, caring moron?:I want innocent boys, hehee
Do you want a strong, working woman or a gentle housewife?:depends on mood...
On a man: Three piece suits or baggy t-shirts and slacks?:dress nicely!
On a woman: Dresses and skirts or shirts and pants?:I don't pay attention as long as she looks neat
Have you ever been hurt?:I get over it quick
What do you think about cheating?:*shrug*
Ever broken a heart?:yes...and crushed a heart...and drank from a heart too *grin*
Have you ever developed a crush on a friend?:yes
Have you ever been rejected?:yes
How far would you go for true love?:rather far, I think
How far have you already gone?:I started liking women again, hehehee
Do you think love is a mistake?:it can be some times
Does pain create beauty?:oh yes, very much so
Who are your best friends?:Ellison, Stephen, Krishna
Have any siblings?:one older brother, long dead
Have any enemies?:Lucius deCerna
Are you passive or aggressive?:I don't know
Can you cook?:yes, I love to!
How often do you give compliments or do nice things for others?:not often, I'm not very nice xD
Have you ever lost someone?:yes, of course
Do you have any piercings?:no
Any tattoos?:no
Who understands you best?:Ellis
Do you/have you smoke(d)?:I have, it's disgusting
Drink/drank?:yes, I don't do it very much
Are you doing/Have you done drugs?:no, I have no need
Do you fear death?:some times
What do you fear most?:drowning or being naked, hehee
Who do you fear losing most of all?:Ellis
Ever attempted suicide?:once when I was very small
Do you hold grudges?:if it's a small issue, no
At a party, do you blend in with the crowd or make a scene?:I spend my time alone...
Where do you work?:demon hunter at SOL
Where do you want to work?:no work!
Why?:I like to garden... xDD
Do you like sunny days?:they're ok
Windy?:no, my hair goes every where
Rainy?:ok, good day to stay inside
Snowy?:no, too cold
What do you think is the scariest natural disaster?:flood
Why?:don't like water
Do you want to get married?:no
Do you want to have children?:I can't :)
What will you name those children?:...
Who molested you as a child?:that's very personnal..my older brother if you must know, when I was very young
What is your purpose in life?:extinguishing dark creatures
Can you do a handstand?:I don't know, can I?
Are you a very good fighter?:yes, I can take care of myself
How good are you at hand to hand combat?:pretty good
How good are you are magical combat?:my sword has a little magic..
Are you good with a gun?:a little bit
How about a sword?:expert ^^
Bow and arrows?:not too good :/
Can you fly?:hehe, I wish!
What ONE power and/or ability do you wish you had?:there you go
Do you blow your money or save it for a rainy day?:I save when I can
Which is sexier: Angels or demons?:neither, I dislike both
How about elves or vampires?:vampires, of course! ;)
Are you an angel?:no, they're not very nice
Demon? If so, what kind?:no, I hunt them...
Elf?:no, I don't know any elf
Vampire?:yes, I am...a Master Vampire
What race do you wish you were, then?:some times I wish I was human again
Do you paint your nails?:black some times
Can you draw?:not really
Sing?:very badly!
Dance?:not very well
Are you rich?:a little
How rich?:not too rich, I get by
Are you a proud person?:sure.
Shy, then?:no, just prefer solitude
What would you change about yourself, given the opportunity?:my nose
Why?:it's very ugly x_x
What is your best overall skill?:cooking
Any natural talents?:natural?
What skill did you have to work hardest to acheive?:to be more friendly
What are your thoughts on homosexuality?:what do you think!
Cousin/cousin incest?:don't really think that's too good
Brother/Brother incest?:hate hate hate...
Sister/sister incest?:bad
Brother/sister incest?:bad
Parent/child incest?:even worse
Teacher/student?:I don't think that's so bad...
Significantly older/younger (Like, say, 20 years and up)?:sure, why not
Interspecies relationships?:no thanks..hehehe
Are in in a relationship anything like the aforementioned ones?:yes, older/younger
Are you ashamed?:no, I look so young anyway it doesn't matter
Do you ever allow others to tell you what to do?:if it's good advice
Do you boss others around?:yes, a lot xDD
Do you believe people should be treated differently?:I don't know, some times
Why or why not?:depends on situation
Are you religious?:hahaha, no way, religion hurts people
Do you keep a diary/journal?:no, I did when I was a child
What is your favorite element?:element? fire.
Least favorite element?:water of course...really don't like water at all
Are you or would you consider yourself intelligent?:yes but not with English! haha
What do you regret more than anything?:no regrets! ^^
What are you most glad you did?:killed my brother.
Have you ever saved a life?:a couple times, yeah
Have you ever been saved?:I usually save my self
Are you emotional?:not really
Stoic?:yes, a lot of the time
Optimistic?:yes, I look out for the best case
Kind?:I'm learning to be
Tall?:a little bit
A happy balance?:kind of average
Finishing up...
Overall, are you glad you took this quiz?:no, I think it was sort of boring.
I'll miss you.:oh..? ok?
Will you miss me?:...I guess so...
Will you miss Niko? She's my cat. Look, she's waving with her little paws!:*wave*
Think I'm an idiot?:I'll say no to be nice... ^^;
Want this to be over already?:yes, please...I'm very tired to-day
It's almost over...:ok, good
GOODBYE! =D:au revoir, dears *blow kiss*
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