Tuesday, April 18, 2006

survey time, bitches.

Feeling supernova'd
Listening to astronomy lecture
Currently addicted to klaha, planning out novels, gary oldman flicks o_O
Currently irritated by my hair. feels yucky and I want to cut it.
Current MSN details: Calix Vincent - By Grabthar's Hammer!
Today's Cards: n/a

Some surveys I filled out yesterday. Thanks to Elysa for sending/posting them. ^^

[Relationship Status] – single.
[Shoe size] – 7 to 9.
[Parents still together] – legally anyway.
[Siblings] – older brother.

[Colors] – white, black, dark gray, blood red
[Number] – 9
[Animal] – serval, fennec fox, barn owl

[Considered a life of crime?] – why d'you think I like GTA? fuck you, it's great. [laughs]
[Considered being a hooker?] – why the hell would anyone want to end up blowing Hugh Grant for a living? xDD

[Been in love?] – sure.
[Made out with JUST a friend?] – no.
[Been in lust?] - that's a very vampiric question. [laughs]
[Used someone] – I have, probably.
[Been used?] – [points to "WELCOME" stamped on head]
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] – [laughs] Hell yeah! It's great fun!
[Held a gun] – I feel like I have, but no, I haven't. Just touched one. [cries]

[Current clothing] – loungey.
[Current taste] – taste? um...what?
[Current hair] – left natural...swooshed back with a headband.
[Current thing I ought to be doing]- checking my school email account and seeing what homework I was supposed to have done on the weekend, mailing D-Ren's letter out. (JESUS GIVE ME A STAMP SOMEONE!!)
[Current cd in stereo] – Romantic Adagios or Yoshida Brothers, I think
[Last movie you saw] – The Scarlet Letter, Scary Movie 4
[Last thing you ate] – tater tots <3
[Believe there is life on other planets?] – sure, the universe is big enough.
[Remember your first love?] – heh, no. [laughs]
[Read the newspaper?] – I don't think I've read a newspaper since I was ten.
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] – yeah.
[Hate yourself?] – not really, no.
[Have an obsession?] – I always do, love. Currently, Klaha and Lupin. (not together xD)
[Collect anything?] – dust? [laughs]
[Close friends?] – Adrienne, Elysa, Kellie...my best friends are better than yours. xDDDDD
[Like your handwriting?] – yes, because it changes at will. and cause it's liek, manly and shite. xD

[First crush] – Vega from Street Fighter, ahahahahhaha.
[you believe in love at first sight?] – no, it's nice in movies, but it doesn't happen.
[you believe in "the one?"] – I used to but now I'm kinda "eeeehhhh".
[Are you a tease?] – no.
[Too shy to make the first move?] – yeah.

[Daydreamer] – I'm in so deep, I'm living in my dreams. xD
[sarcastic] – I guess? That's for other people to work out, I guess.
[Shy] – More like anti-social, and not in some fake emo way, okay?
[Talkative] – when I'm talking to the right people, very.

1. Pierce your nose or tongue:: tongue.
2. Be serious or be funny:: funny...who wants a stick up their ass all day long? no fun.

1. Simple or complicated:: simple AND complicated. ooo. xD
2. What time is it:: 13:18
3. Name:: xy
4. Nickname(s):: nothing anyone else gave me.

1. Where do you want to live:: Vancouver or anywhere in Canada, Romania, Oregon/Northern California
2. How many kids do you want:: none, I hate kids.
3. What kind of job do you want:: something...I like? [laughs]
4. Do you want to get married:: no.

In the last month have you...
1. Bought something:: actually, I don't think I have. oh wait, a scantron. ahahaha.
2. Sang:: yep.
3. Been kissed:: nein.
4. Felt stupid:: only every day!! xD
5. Talked to an ex:: nope, thankfully. What a loser.
6. Missed someone:: yes. ;_;
7. Got drunk:: no.
8. Gotten high:: no.
9. Danced crazy:: along to the Girlfriend video by The Darkness. [laughs] Soooo hilarious.
10. Gotten your hair cut:: no, I wish though.
11. Had sex:: no.
12. Lied:: yes.

1. Slept in your bed:: mememe.
2. Saw you cry: my mum...I was watching this movie about some gay guy who got killed because he was gay, and there was this one sc--oh, anyway. My mum caught me at it and I started cracking up. xD
3. Made you cry:: myself, I made myself cry last night thinking of a story I made up. [laughs]
4. Went to the movies with:: my brother, his girlfriend, her sister; this was last night.
5. Said 'I love you' to you:: Adrienne, albeit jokingly. [laughs]

1. Said "I Love You" and meant it:: sure, maybe. wait. I don't really know, not to a boyfriend though. To friends, yes. If I ever tell a friend I love them, then I really mean it.
3. Been to California:: I LIVE in California.
4. Been to Mexico:: Tijuana, which doesn't count.
5. Been to Australia:: no.
6. Been to Canada:: no. [cries]
7. Been to Europe:: no. [cries an ocean]
8. Wished you were the opposite sex:: uh, ALL THE TIME.
9. Snuck out of your house:: no, why would I need to...?


Date: Monday 17 April 2006
001: Name: xylael
002. Nickname: xy
003. glasses or contacts?: both, glasses preferred
004. Zodiac Sign: Gemini
005. Female or Male: physically female, mentally male.
006. Elementary School: Dewey for a month, Mokapu for three years, Boone for four years
007. iPod: Shuffle, I don't need anything more.
008. How many buddies on your list: 19
009. Screenname: iliriael (well, on MSN)
010. Hair Color: dark brown.
012. Hair Long or Short: short...it needs to be cut shorter though. It's all over the place.
014. Eye Color: dark brown.
015. Are you health freak: [laughs] no way.
016. Height: 5'3"
017. Do you have a crush on someone: nah.
018. Do you like yourself: well enough.
020. Think you’re awesome: sometimes, yeah. xD
021. Piercings: just ears, nothing amazing.
022. Tattoo: no, tattoos are...eugh.
023. Righty or Lefty: right-handed.

___Your 'Firsts'___
024. Surgery: never.
025. First piercing: when I was a sprout.
026. First best friend: Courtney. ;_; <3
027. First Award: probably one of those fake things they give everyone in elementary school.
028. First sport: none, I don't play sports.
029. First pet: Chichi, a little black chihuahua. x3
030. First vacation: to the Philippines. uuuggghhh so hot.
031. First Concert: Could've been The Darkness, but we couldn't go at the last minute. [disappointed face] And I missed The Ten Tenors when they swept through at the end of last year.
032. First crush: Vega from SF. xD

033. Movie: Anastasia, Pride & Prejudice; way too many others to mention.
034. Favorite TV show: American Justice
035. Color: white
036. Music: EBM, classical
039. Drink: Ovaltine xD
040. Body part not on the face on a boy: hair. it's on his head, not his--oh fine. hands.
041. Sport To Play: tennis, but I suck. wait, do swimming and biking count? no? well. damn. I like to watch rugby though.
042. Favorite piece of clothing: my Jareth shirt. ^^
043. Brand Of Clothing: BeBop
044. What do you sleep with: Ringwraiths and Dementors and shit. XDDD
045. Favorite School: none, they were all bad.
046. Favorite Animal(s): serval, fennec fox, barn owl
047. Favorite Books: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Coldfire trilogy, His Dark Materials, Harry Potter series
048. Favorite Magazines: National Geographic

049. Eating: air
050. I'm drinking: generic cola. xD
052. I'm about to: watch Batman Begins. "it's not who I aaaammm" [cracks up]
053. Listening to: "Scape ~with transparent wings~" by Klaha <3
055. Waiting For: my brother so I can watch the damn movie.
056: Watching: Wowowee. Well, I'm not watching but it's on the TV.
057. Wearing: clothes. xD

___Your Future___
058. Want Kids: hell no.
059. Want to Get Married?: no.
060. Careers in Mind? writer, editor, sniper XDDDD

__Which is better with the Opposite Gender__
068. Lips or Eyes: eyes.
069. Hugs or Kisses: hugs.
070. Shorter or Taller: taller.
072. Romantic, Spontaneous: spontaneous.
073. nice stomach or nice arms: stomach?
074. Sensitive or loud: loud, I guess. Sensitive is G-H-E-Y.
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: relationship.
076. Sweet or Caring: I dunno, they're both annoying out of context.
077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: I don't care.

___Have you ever___
078. Kissed a Stranger: no.
079. Drank bubbles: ...yes?
080. Lost glasses/contacts: yeah, I misplace my glasses a lot.
081. Ran Away From Home: no.
082. Broken a bone: nope. ^^
083: Gotten an X-Ray: yes.
084. Broken Someone's Heart: maybe?
086. Turned Someone Down: yes.
087. Cried When Someone Died: mmhm.
088. Cried at school: yes.

___Do You Believe In___
089. God: not anymore.
090. Miracles: no.
091. Love at first sight: no.
093. Aliens: not the kind you mean, no.
094. Magic: OF COURSE MAGIC EXISTS. XDDD No, seriously...I like to believe in it. ^^
095. Heaven: no.
096. Santa Claus: he's a total pedophile. [laughs]
097. Sex on the first date: no, that's whorish. But on the other hand, some people just don't care about that.
098. Kissing on the First Date: no. wait, sure? you know, I really don't care. [laughs]
099. Angels: I like them but I don't believe in them. Not the kind you mean.

___Answer Truthfully___
100. Is There someone You Want To be with right now: "be with"? Like, in a romantic way? No. But I do want to watch movies with Adrienne hardcore right now. [laughs]

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