Monday, September 1, 2008

roleplaying ahoy

Mood: Cheerful
Listening to Girl Meets Girl - SuG
Watching Home Improvement
Reading Eternal Love - Takaoka Mizumi
Drinking Sprite


Calix is an idiot, joining about 0954095405 different roleplay forums, not to mention starting one, right before school starts. Shit. [laughs] School in one day, aaah. I don't know how I'll manage; summer was so long and delicious. All that mansex. Ahhh. I hope I don't fall out of the mood for it because of school, though. That would suck majorly. ]:

WELL ANYWAY I started one so if any yaoi-loving, J-rock-listening-to (o.o) roleplayers out there wanna help me out with expanding this bitch, please join~


Well, more like Maaaanloooove~ ^^