Friday, June 2, 2006


Feeling ok. XD
Listening to "I know (Pinky's Song)" - Donyale Fredericks
Currently addicted to oekaki, crispin glover, pink and orange (two colours I usually dislike)
Currently irritated by my throat (all of a sudden o_o), the heat
Current MSN details: Liliander - MANSEX OK?
Today's Cards: n/a (I do read, I'm serious!) XD

omg, my brother got my tablet working properly on my iBook.

YAYAYYAYAYAYYAY now I can draw in bed and be lazy and fat and bored and fat YAYYAYAAYYAYAYAYYAYAYAYYAYYYYYYYYYYY!Yy1y1y1



In serious news, I want to sell prints at Comic-Con or just...from home, so that I can use the money to start up a website. Cry cry, must have own website!


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