Tuesday, February 12, 2008

short story blog

Mood: Greasy? D:
Listening to Innermost... - Közi
Reading Yoshiki's Picnic. HAHAHAHA.
Drinking water

Well! For some reason school feels harder this semester when I've got same (and less) classes than I had last semester. No fair, I wanna write this time around! I figured I'd make a blog for short stories, because I have lots of shorter stories that I'd like to post somewhere, even if no one else reads them.

If you're interested, I can invite you, but mostly it will just be liek. Two people. I don't trust most people anyway. [laughs]

[Unrequited Love Song]

Currently writing Unrequited, which is BL, soooouuu if you're not into that, too bad. D:

I changed that blog to Velvet Blind, which brought a change of address. Not that it matters to anyone, but. Yeah.


Sandrick said...

GOD FUCK YOU BLOGGER. [kicks something through the window] I HATE WHY-OH-YOU-YOU-YOU-YOU-YOU-YOU-YOU-YOU-YOU!!!
Stop losing my comments when I post them. [cries more than she was already]

Anyway what I said was:
Your classes are more difficult this time? Is mythology hard? Literature classes are a pain in the bum...! [feels ridiculous repeating word for word for no reason at all] Psychology isn't hard, though, is it...? I always get the impression it's just one of those easy classes. [laughs] But guess that depends on the professor..

Is Unrequited really going to be that short? Guess I must be used to The Contest? [laughs] Just seemed it'd be longer than that. D: Do you know what you're gonna write next?
[will have to get around to posting comments on the others]
You: Psh. Yeah, right...!
I weeeeell.

But weeeeiiird. I could've sworn I'd looked for updates on here after Tuesday...[laughs] Maybe I checked ON Tuesday and it was before you posted?!?!?!

It matters to meeee-e-e-e-e! Though I guess velvet blind is a shorter name, so that's always nice? [laughs]

Lookit us and our story blags. lawl. How weird, though. [laughs]

And woo! Ah got linked. Guess I'd better write more for you to read, though. [laughs] Though eleven parts in what, four days? THAT IS NOT BAD OK.
You: PSH. Lookit what I go through with the contest.
Yeah..I dunno how you do it.. But I'm so glad you do! <3

I guess it's ok it got lost...this one's much longer. [laughs]
[COPIES before she posts...]

Calix said...

I guess they are harder... Mythology is hardest but the teacher's okay. Psychology is fairly easy, or would be, if the teacher weren't such a boring lump of donkeypoo. [imitates his nervous laughter] Heuhh. Heuhh.

I guess it will be kinda short. That's what I have planned, anyway. It might SURPRISE ME, though. Maybe Jae-Eun will cry if I don't continue writing his boring story. D:

I d'know how you write that much. I would think that having to write that would be a lot harder than writing normally, but I'm not as creative as you are, so I guess it comes easily to you. [laughs] I am not RANDOM and FUNNY. I will leave that business up to you, and continue writing my crybaby, yawn-inducing stories. D:

Anyway, since I put that map thing up on my page, I can see where the DJSTFC come from! WAHAHAHAHA! [stalker] >D I know it's them, 'cause it always says: "Whatever Happened to Daniel Johns? Just Visited 1 min ago" or something. MWAHAHAHEHEHH.


You're right, never trust anyone over 30.....months.

Stay on groovin' safari,