Sunday, August 20, 2006


Feeling swell! xD
Listening to "fire fire!" - um jammer lammy soundtrack
Currently addicted to pastel colours, eyeliner, sweets
Currently irritated by fucking god damn insomnia. ><;
Current MSN details: it's always the same now. [laughs]
Today's Cards: n/a

It's a bit of a rush, and a bit of a dash!
Ahaha, this song is too cute.

But ahem! I haven't liek, blogged in liek, 4evr!!!! LOL!!!! I haven't been busy. Just blank. Completely and utterly blank. But I think it's all coming back to me now...! Whatever it is...! (What the fuck am I talking about?!)

Nothing, as usual.

I slept at 7am after the yuckiest-feeling shower ever and woke a half hour before noon...gah. Not being able to sleep is really getting annoying. I was trying to go back to sleep, but I couldn't, because I was too busy RANDOMLY GIGGLING. Augh. [laughs] Who the fuck wakes up suddenly and goes, "eheheheheeee!"?! I do, apparently.

You: but why?
Me: heh.

So, my brother and I are on a mission to get our parents to want to move. Did that make sense? I think. Who cares. Anyway, we're looking at some houses because we're sick and tired of renting this shitty excuse for a house (which, in its current state, is probably a health hazard of some sort). I really hope we move soon, because then I can sort of 'start over' somewhere else that isn't this loser 'house' in this loser neighbourhood, get a job, all that. So sick of this place, seriously.

GOD no one reads this anyway so here's the end. [laughs] Oh wait no, survey.

For The Slightly More Intelligent Survey Whore
.Basics (As irritating as they may be).
The name you wish you had?:Calix
Your inner age?:246
The place you wish to be at?:on my seme.... >.>
Your ideal family?:liek, NONE.
Your ideal career?:CAGE FIGHTER.
The cult you belong to? (In other words, religion):none...! I cut myself away mentally...! and it really IS a cult..!
(Don't take the 'cult' thing too harshly)
Your weight minus all that belly flab?:F-A-T...! [sobs]
Your -natural- hair color?:dark brown
.Back to the Past.
Your childhood aspirations?:be a sniper or be in TEAM ROCKET!
Your favorite teacher?:Mr Edwin Gough. [bows to him]
Domestic enviroment?:uh, just the same as it is now.
First kiss?:no comment. >.>
Most memorable pet?:CHICHI! go chichi go! go chichi go! heheh.
Most memorable year?:uh, 1987, because I was born and the world was exposed to my awesomeness...!
Happy child vs. depressed child?:way too hyper. way too annoying.
First taste of alcohol?:NEVERRRR. well, I have, but I don't remember when. I was SMALL. alcohol is nasty.
First time behind bars? (if any at all):in a shopping cart, going down that hill...!
Place of birth?:same as Gackt. well not EXACTLY but...yeah. SAME ISLAND. [laughs]
.Your Opinions On... .
George Bush:good entertainment?
Left wing politicians:pussies.
Reality TV:Hogan Knows Best is the only one I really like. <3
School uniforms:okay, if they're nice ones. [had shitty uniform]
Catholics:[makes face]
Lawyers in general:they need to focus more on justice than the word of the law.
The PETA:[hangs self, in bloodstained fur]
Salad dressing:salad is...myeh.
High school chemistry:[thinks of lumberjack shirt and mr martin]
Racism:fun! xDDD
The bible:snorefest.
sPeLiNg LyK dIs:LoL sO fUnNiE!~
Harry Potter:YESSSSS.
Suicidal teens:[kills them herself, speeding up the process]
Obesity:how can you let yourself get that way, you fucking cow?!
The pope:I'd hit it!
Vegetarians:the total ones who deprive themselves are disgusting.
Meat vs Veggies:well, anything but BEEF.
Liberal vs Conservative:liberal
Time vs Money:time is sexy!
Wisdom vs Love:wisdom IS love!
Cats vs Dogs:DOGS. harharhar.
Computer vs Television:computer...human contact!
Le Tigre vs Death Cab :D:ew, LE TIGRE?! god, no. [laughs]
Physical illness vs Mental illness:mental. kick punch, issawl in the mind!
Outdoors vs Indoors:inside, plz.
Fantasy vs Reality:FANTASY LAND!
What color are your socks?:all of them are black.
Do you love me?:no, sorry. I know it's hard...! [pats]
Can you paint the sky purple?:it already IS. human eyes just see it as blue. I shit you not. [laughs]
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