Monday, January 1, 2007

so I finally changed my calendar.

Mood: Affectionate
Listening to a bunch of people across the street screaming.
Playing Super Princess Peach
Drinking Dr Pepper

I changed my calendar. Instead of looking at galaxies, now I'm looking at [looks] some Chinese guy on a river. D:

So. Um. Yeah.

...Maybe I'll get on deviantART today.



Rosiel said...

Good luck, man! ><

the prince of mansmut said...

Yes, I love Chinese guys on rivers! So hawtt lol.
Daaamn it, I need a calendaaar. [cries] There aren't any NICE ones. Where are they?!

And delete my comments. There are too many, even though I only replied to about fifteen. [nods] But I also left comments on pictures and aaaall that.

Calix said...

I am NOT deleting your comments, damn it. Deal with it. D:

There are nice calendars everywhere...! If you like horses or POTC or retarded kittens. ):

the prince of mansmut said...

Well, if you don't want to, then FINE! Then I'm glad..! [laughs] The only comments I care if you reply to are the ones where I actually talk about art for once! [laughs] But even then...D: Just reply to what you want. [nods]

Yeah, I think I'll get an Orlando Bloom calendar. Then I can draw on his face every month. D:

Calix said...

I will. Don't worry. Someday. :\

Orlando Bloom sucks. I want to kick him in the leg and run away.