Saturday, July 9, 2005

Feeling happy but very sore
Listening to "One Million Miles Away" ~ J Ralph
Currently addicted to devART, CSI
Currently irritated by my neck x_x
Randomness: olegra

Does anyone ever read this?! I don't even read my own blog, for Christ's sake. But anyway, it needs to be updated. Piece of useless, unread crapola. [punches it]

Da da da dum! Ico bought me a 3-month dev subscription!!! Wasn't that nice of her?! I love it...having a subscription is so much easier and faster...I wish I had the money to buy one for some people I know on dev...some people just totally deserve one and don't have one, they're so good!

When I can, I will. ^^ Gotta spead the love.

Arrrgh, my neck is killing me. My pillow just totally killed it. I guess I had it too high up...usually I sleep almost flat. [rubs it] Man, I'm in such a mood to write to someone. I think I'll go make my cheap, personal stationery now, haha.

Because I've got nothing better to do, I'd like to acknowledge some key people (aka friends, which I don't have much of, or people I actually TALK to). I could do this on dev but I already wrote a journal so I'll just do it here, lol. In alphabetical order (ooh, organized. :P)....

My best friend on devART, and certainly the best conversation partner I could ever hope for (no one ever talks these days!). She's a crazy Menshikov-obsessed lunatic and she is très awesome (or whatever the French word for awesome is). Let's go to Germany, dammit. And we both love pretty men, hahaha.

You dirty Canadian!!! Just kidding, Foe, you know I loves you. n_n She's crazy (I think all my friends are, actually) and she's one of the coolest chicks you can ever have the pleasure of knowing. Totally out there. Yes yes.

She's practically the only friend I've got who lives nearby. For being practically the first one to ever make friends with me back in third grade, she gets the longevity award. [laughs] And she's the one who knows the most about my characters and crap, and actually pretends to like them (or maybe she really does?) as I ramble on about them constantly. So much thanks go to her for that. ^^

The writer and wonderful artist, and person who got me a dev subscription! [still super-happy about that, haha] Go check out her dev page, she's got really beautiful things there...and she's such a good writer! I'm really hoping to buy a novel by her one day. ^^

Yes, you shall get a full 'Kellie' as opposed to just 'Kel', okay Marwahahaha? hehehehee...anyway. My little sister...met her through an uber-cool Marth fansite that unfortunately was killed. [cries for beth's page of marth and then composes self] Anyway, Kel is the shit and she tells it how it is...give her video games and her awesomely evil music and she shall be happy. And maybe those choco coins as well.... Plus she draws cool dragons and like, her gay French pilot guy. Yessss.

Okay, you party freak, you get a mention too because as much as I say I dislike you, I love you muchly (not that way, Liz-bian! heheheh) because you're a cool chica. And deep down under that hostile facade you're a nice person. Come on. Admit it. XP

Yes, myself. I am my own friend and I have no choice but to be. So I'll give myself some credit. If I haven't got any friends left, then hell, at least I've still got myself. n_n

I'm really braindead so if I've forgotten anyone...well...sorry. You probably won't be reading this ANYWAY. :P

Comic-Con is next week...probably won't do much of anything there since I haven't got very much money at all. Oh well, just being there is good enough. ^^

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