Wednesday, May 26, 2004

current obsession» james duval (nyahaahaha)
feeling» pissy-pissy and tummy-achey
listening to» "gottes vergessenes kind" ~ mechanical horizon
currently irritated by» myself
currently addicted to» melotron, mechanical horizon
randomness» "spell F-U-N... spell fun...."

Ah, this freaking song is sooo good right now. The guy's kind of mumbling, but whatever. Hmm... I've got a tummyache. [cries] When will I ever be 100%?

I need to work on French homework soon, but I'm too lazy to go the three steps to my bed and take it out. I want to wear a paper bag over my head too. I'm mad at my reflection. It's ugly.

I want to stop being pissy too. I'm getting mad at everything and that makes me mad that I'm getting so mad at everything that shouldn't be making me mad. hehehe...

Hmm... I'm bored. So bored I'm making another whack-ass quiz. [laughs] I'm a pathetic dork. I even took freaking surveys, I was that bored. I want to go to sleep but I'm not tired enough to. Bleh, I feel really shitty.

Reading The Catcher in the Rye is so freaking boring. Don't read that book. It sucks major arse. People said it was good, but... nah. The only good/funny/whatever part was near the end when that drunken teacher dude started petting Holden. Nyaahahahahaha....

Moo, I've been drawing a bunch of these really cutesy chibi-ish stuff lately and I hate it. Even if they are just doodles, it makes me sick. That's not what I do. Well I guess they're decent, but still! That's not the point! I just... would rather draw in my usual style. XD

"hey 'murrey'... that kid ain't mine!"

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