Monday, August 30, 2004

feeling» okay, i guess
listening to» "unknown (sub rosa mix)" ~ iris
currently addicted to» this song (woooo sooo goood), golden cupcakes (cept for ze stuff in the middle, ew) XD
currently irritated by» my face.. rar. stupid hormones.
randomness» beer bear.

Hmmm... not quite September, but almost there. I've actually been drawing a bit, but it's taking me a lot of effort to do simple things. I guess it's because I'm not used to it after not drawing for such a long time.

Umm... lately I've been drawing my anime-ish character Ryoko. Umm, I dunno what else to say cause I dun want to get into details... she's a Sailor Moon ripoff. XD Just more awesome (and a whole lot less cheesy). n_n d

Rar, my brother is trying to make me take the SATs or whatever. I dun really care. I'm not studying for it or anything if he signs me up. If I take it, I'm just going in very blindly. Yay for Mistress Luck, who tends to be on my side a lot. But I know I'm going to fail miserably anyway because, well, I'm stupid. :P

[insert angry friends screaming at me now]

"But you always say that!"
"You never fail!"

Anyway. I don't care. I just want to take it and get it over with. And if I actually score decently, then my brother will be happy and make me go to SDSU with him during his last year. Which I don't mind, even though it would be weird (we've only been in the same school like... for one year, ever.)

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

feeling» okay
listening to» some japanese song XD
currently addicted to» chocolate covered peanut cluster thingies
currently irritated by» my tummy
randomness» "you sick, sick children. how can you live with yourselves!?"



And clothes and stuff, yeah... and... yeah.... mmm... yeah...


Thursday, August 12, 2004

feeling» righty-tighty!
listening to» "maria" ~ gackt
currently addicted to» being weird..? [shrugs]
currently irritated by» my boobs are the size of watermelons. ack.
randomness» "[throws the chair through the window, jumps on the chair, slips on it, falls.]"


Just came back from seeing Collateral. Oh my, that has got to be my favorite movie now. Soooooo good. I dunno how to explain it. I mean, it was serious and stuff, but a lot of parts just made me laugh. It's... just such a good movie. [cries]

Anyway... I just had to get that out. Tom Cruise is such a badass in that movie. He was like the freaking terminator and shiitake. Moo, I dunno about everyone else, but wow. That movie just rocked.

And a note to all: Thong = Very very bad. Please, don't wear them for everyone's safety and well-being.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

feeling» okie dokie i guess
listening to» "dybbuk" ~ gackt
currently irritated by» i won't even get into that
currently addicted to» uh.. corset tops. i need to find one.
randomness» "Bloorgle."

[eats cake]

feeling» like a cow
listening to» "gardenia" ~ malice mizer
currently irritated by» myself cause i say stupid stuff
currently addicted to» sleeping..?
randomness» "it's a killer kangaroo!"

Hmmm.. I dunno what to say. Just want to update or something.

I'm going to go visit Kel (my little sister if you didn't know) on Saturday... never met before so this should be all wheeee and yay and stuffers like that. Hopefully we get there as early as possible. I dun want to be there for like, 3 hours and then go home.

And since I've managed to get everyone upset with me... remind me to get a journal, Kel. Seriously. You're the only one who isn't upset with me, seemingly. I need to go write a bunch of crap down so I dun keep upsetting people. I've even managed to get someone mad at me or something and she hasn't said anything in days.... So I'm obviously being really stupid.

[sighs] And some people say I'm not a horrible person.

Saturday, August 7, 2004

feeling» bored. bored. bored. board.
listening to» "sora to umi to niji no yume" ~ akiko sugawara
currently irritated by» being so damn bored, my own whiny self
currently addicted to» bust a groove (even if i can't play it), castlevania
randomness» "...bugs the monkeys outta my ass..."

Nothing. To. Do.

I'm so bored I could shoot myself.

I want to doooo something before school starts.

But nooooooo.

I have to stay bored forever.

Why does everyone else get to have fun while I'm stuck here wishing I could?

I mean, it's all well and good if I didn't want to do anything.

But unfortunately, I actually want to do something.

And Kel, I'm whining so I dun want to spill it all out on you.

(just in case you cared about where I was, which you probably didn't.)

So moo.

Moo moo moo.
