Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Feeling strangely alright for once
Listening to some song about sailormars, haha
Currently addicted to selendrile: can you say sexxxeh? cillian murphy; waverace; and I'm feeling a sudden strong longing for my Marth-mallow....
Currently irritated by waverace...well, it's more of a ryota hayami problem, the stupid cheating fuck; my medication (damn it to hell!)
Randomness: hot damn these cheez-its are salty.

Nothing much to say, really. Just felt like blogging. I read Look for me by Moonlight again...I haven't read it in a very long time. I love it. Damn those addictive young adult books! [shakes fist] Vincent Morthanos is a very sexy character (of course, he's a vampire) but strangely I'm not obsessing over him right now. Weird.

But Selendrile on the other hand....

I'd never read Dragon's Bait by Vivian Vande Velde (same talent responsible for the awesomeness that is Companions of the Night) until yesterday morning and god, I fell in love with it right away. It's nothing remarkable, and I still like CotN better, but the interaction between Alys and the dragon-boy Selendrile totally made me fall in love with it.

And Selendrile's got violet eyes. Nothing rocks harder than that. [laughs]

Reminding me: I got a new SN for AIM just because of the bastard. AND I DON'T EVEN LIKE DRAGONS, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! Anyway, it's GoldenSelendrile. So yep.

I like waaaaaay too many characters, it's unbelievable. Is Marth still #1? Unfortunately...yes. XD

And because I'm bored, I think I'll list all--well, all that I can think of right now because there are just TOO many--the characters I don't just like, but LOVE to death because they are awesome. My cookies go to:

~ Marth/Mars/Marusu/Marus/Whateverthefuckyournameis. Why? Because. He's Marth/Mars/Marusu/Marus/Whateverthefuckhisnameis.

~ Claire Redfield and Leon S. Kennedy (Biohazard series). Why the both of them? Because they rock, that's why. And may they still get married and make lots of babies together and may Claire blow Ada's brains out if she even tries to THINK about touching Leon's hot ass.

~ Selendrile (Dragon's Bait) and Ethan Bryne (Companions of the Night). One hot dragon, one hot vampire. Both VVV's characters. They're both very secretive and we don't know anything about them and they've got similar fatal weaknesses--a date with the dawn. Better turn back into a dragon before sunrise, Selendrile. Better get out of the sun completely, Ethan. Or shall we call you...Michel? ;)

~ Aeriel and Prince Irrylath (The Darkangel). Irrylath is hot (although I liked him better in his vampyre form...he was such a bastard) and Aeriel's one of the best heroines out there. She fought for his love through all three books and at the end, when he finally was able to love her, she couldn't stay with him. Dammit, Meredith Ann Pierce!!! That left me heartbroken. Why don't they EVER get to stay together. Probably why I liked the ending to Dragon's Bait so much. XD So wonderfully open. Ahh.

~ Gerald Tarrant and Damien Vryce (Coldfire trilogy). The best hetero pair since...since...Batman and Robin. Although...I'm not entirely sure those two weren't homo, so I take that back. Tarrant and Vryce; the best hetero duo. Period.

~ Batman/Bruce Wayne. Why I've never listed Batman is beyond me. Guess I never noticed until my long thirst for Batman Begins was sated. XD

~ Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter series). Yes. The little bitch still holds a place in my "I-Love-Villains" heart.

~ Seymour Guado (FFX, which I hated). Couldn't leave him out either.

~ Vega/Balrog (Street Fighter series). Or him. [pokes his perfect bum]

~ Kurow Kirishima (Project Justice). Speaking of perfect asses....

~ Kalas (Baten Kaitos). What's there not to love about Kalas? Well, a lot, really. But I think he's a pretty sexy dude without even trying to be. Deep down in that "I-Try-Too-Hard-To-Be-A-Bad-Ass" heart of his, he's a fairly decent chap. n_n d Good job, Kalas. And Lyude doesn't get any cookies because he's a sissy.

~ Siegfried Schtauffen (SoulCal). He's got a big fucking sword. He's not a very big fucking guy. And he's pretty. And German. Bonus cookies for that.

~ Talim and Yunsung (SoulCal). Since we're on the subject of SoulCal. Talim is cute and pretty and she doesn't have huge tits like all the other chicks in the game. She's normal. And she can beat you up. Which makes her my favorite in the game. Although Siggy up above comes in very close second. And I list Yunsung as well...he's just too adorable to leave out. And I think the two of them would be strangely cute in a way. Hmm.

~ Maxi (SoulCal). Yes, from the same game. He gets cookies just 'cause he's got the coolest eyebrows EVER.

~ James Bond. I just thought of this one too. Who DOESN'T like James Bond in one way or another. He can do anything, man.

~ Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice). P&P would have been a very, very, VERY dull story if it weren't for handsome Mr. Darcy. GO COLIN FIRTH!

~ Artemis and Apollo. Yes, mythology. I'm getting into the mythology section of this list, I guess. Apollo rocks my socks hard and Artemis is everything I'd wish to be. And even though they are twins they're so opposite I find them perfect for one another. Ick.

~ Krishna. Everything about this god Go look up Hindu mythology for Krishna.

~ Sydney Savage and the rest of the Danger Girl group. Sydney's my favorite. She's sexy and she knows it, but she's a down-to-earth gal from down under and wow does she kick major ass. XD

~ Dimitri (Anastasia). He's pretty and yet not pretty at the same time. The broken nose makes him all the more adorable. Witty and sarcastic but very sweet deep down...he's your perfect guy. :)

~ Heath (Fire Emblem). He has green hair and a pretty wyvern. Go Heath.

~ Princess Peach (anything with Mario in it :P). One of my favorite chick characters, believe it or not.

~ Sailor Uranus/Tenou Haruka (Sailor Moon). My favorite of the sailor senshi, yes, she is a complete lesbian. But she's still very kick-ass, so who gives a fig if she's gay or not?

~ Sailor Venus/Aino Minako and Sailor Star Healer/Kou Yaten (Sailor Moon). Just because I like them lots too. :P

~ Ryouko (Alichino). Oh my god. Have you EVER seen pictures of this man?

~ Yui (Alichino). Since we're on the subject of Alichino...have you EVER seen pictures of this man? XD

~ Ryoga Hibiki (Ranma 1/2). Oh come on, who doesn't like him? My cookies also go to the rest of the Ranma 1/2 boys as well as both forms of Ranma. The other girls all suck. Especially Akane. :P

~ Jareth the Goblin King (Labyrinth). Give it up for that glittery rocker hair and of course, the codpiece. [claps]

~ Eric Draven (The Crow). No comment needed.

~ Boromir and Faramir (LotR). Only the movie versions here because the books are a super snoooooooore-fest. And well, come on. Boromir is 006!!! AHHH!!!

~ Ken Masters (Street Fighter series). I almost left him out!

~ Imawano Hyo (Rival Schools series). Play Rival Schools and you will know the evil awesomeness that is Hyo Imawano. ...and then wonder how little gay loser Kyosuke (yes, I do play as him too) is his twin brother.

~ King Ladekahn of Diadem (Baten Kaitos). Whoops, almost left him out too. His voice is TO DIE FOR. Well, at least in the English version. And he looks fancy. And Diadem is a very pretty island. XD

~ Iorek Byrnison (His Dark Materials). The coolest panserbjørne on Svalbard...or anywhere! [cheesy music plays]

~ Vincent (Collateral). If you have ever watched the movie, you will understand that Vincent is a god.

~ Vincent Morthanos (Look for me by Moonlight). Read the book, it's fairly short. He's pretty hot vampire stuff. XD

~ Vincent DeVilbiss (The Book of Common Dread). DAMN! How many Vincents are there on this list?! And he's a vampire too!!!

~ The Vampire/Wagner (The Blood of the Covenant). He isn't the only ugly person on this list, but he may be the ugliest. And yet, he's my only--well, not counting DeVilbiss--favorite character from the series because, well, he's just so damn evil.

~ Gigolo Joe (AI). Gigolo Joe, whattaya know?

~ The Thin Man (Charlie's Angels). Since we're talking about men with plastered hair and heavy makeup....

~ Captain Jack Sparrow (PotC). lol.

~ Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. They're just too cute. Come on, admit it. You know you watch Kim Possible. Don't deny it any longer.

GAH!! Enough. I can't think of anymore, my head's about to explode, and I really only wrote this list for myself because I wanted to see the extent of my obsessions. Well, there it is, Xy. Are you happy? XD

Until next time. [bows]

You're lucky I didn't get into my own character favorites. Ooooh boy. Maybe next time. ;P

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