Saturday, June 25, 2005

Feeling your mom.
Listening to your mom.
Currently addicted to your mom.
Currently irritated by your mom.

Anyway. If you ever wanted to know what totally makes Xy go "HOLY SHIT" out loud and practically piss her pants in happiness (which you probably did not), here you are.

Look over to the right of Mr. Prime there...

It's this!!!

I was getting unsure they'd actually be MAKING the movie since it's going through so much the fact that I can actually SEE a poster is very, very, VERY relieving. But 2007?!?! I can't wait that long. [whines]

And they had better not take the whole religious aspect out of it just to please the Jesus-freak-Bush-Americans. It would completely ruin it. If they do completely f--k up the movies, at least us HDM fans can all go, "Well, there are always the books." In fact, I think Pullman said something like that himself, which is probably why he doesn't give a crap as to what they do with the movie adaptation.

But then again, this brilliant mind who gave us HDM in the first place also says he pictures the awesomeness that is Lee Scoresby as Samuel L. Jackson. Whoa. Now there's...definitely something WAY different from what I pictured. [laughs]

Anyway...YAY! [dances]

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