Thursday, October 20, 2005

Feeling so freaking sleepy
Listening to MXC on TV
Currently addicted to drawing. AHH.
Currently irritated by my throat...
Randomness: "isn't she the one that killed herself to death?"

AHH! I need to stop making new characters.
Character of today, who has been swimming around in my mind-idea-soup for years now...he/she's finally got a name. [laughs] Yes, he/she. He changes gender at will. But it tires him out. [will call him a he because he's usually a guy anyway]

His name is Sadriel and he's named after one of my sexeh sith guardians, Adriel. And I was drawing him in bio lab...he's way pretty. In his own way. Once I draw a good pic of him, I'll show him to people. Via deviantART. of course. [laughs]

He is...consuming me right now. [tempted to draw him again] I'm not really sure WHAT story he's in but he's definitely magical. I'm not sure whether he's evil or good....

Anyway. I'll probably draw a pretty picture tonight. <3

p.s. must thank Adrienne. [cries happy tears] X3

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