Wednesday, January 28, 2004

feeling» slightly depressed but quite pissed (sounds like PMS to me...)
listening to» "re-offender" ~ travis
currently addicted to» hitting myself over and over in the head, destroying all cameras everywhere, flipping people off

Today has probably been one of the worst and most miserable days ever. I have probably been called ugly in some form or another quite possibly more times than I ever have in only this last 24-hour period. And then the stupid yearbook picture we had to take for English just threw me over the edge and really pissed me the fuck off.
» Last night I sent Kellie a picture of myself and she insinuated many times that I was really, really ugly. At least people are truthful these days. What are friends for? [groans]
» In English, the teacher made us take a yearbook pic that no one ever agreed to take, and also she's making every student pay $2.00 for it even though no one agreed to those terms either. We took the picture, and I covered my face. Then the stupid girl taking the picture was all like, "Hey... um you... Can you like... [fades off]" So I uncovered my face and as she counted to three, I covered my face again. Then when they were passing around the paper to put our name (in order) on, I just walked back to class. Some people just don't understand that not everyone likes taking pictures. [flips off those two yearbook bitches]
» Leaving English class to go to History, Melanie walked out of her room and passed by and I could see in her eyes that she was thinking "loser" as I walked past. Well at least I'm not a poser, fat-ass-jigglypuff wannabe-plus-size-model. [flips her off too]
» After school, I was walking downhill and these guys behind me were all, "Is that a dude or a chick?"...."I think it's a chick".... "No, maybe it is a guy".... and since that bastard-ass white (does that sound racist of me?) fucker Daniel was there, I knew he started it. Lucky for him I didn't turn around and beat him to death right there and then. [flips his ugly fat-ass off too]
» And one other thing, people who copy art and sell it off as their own idea are bastards. Especially when they barrage you with it and then when you try to show them what you've done, they ignore you. Go to Hell, you person who I won't even mention because I find you too low to mention. [flips anonymous *koffartistwannabekoff* off too]

Ahem. Now that that's out I feel much better. But now I am resolved that I will save up money so I can get some plastic surgery, first and foremost, a nose job. Then I'll do my eyes and my lips. Whatever makes me feel better about myself because my self-esteem has officially dropped so far into the negative that it's never coming back from the dead.
Sorry this was so long and boring.

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