Saturday, February 3, 2007

I am never taking xopenex again.

Mood: Panicky
Listening to my heart beating way too fast for my liking.
Watching Anchorman
Drinking water

Well, panic attacks are no fun. :\

I took my fast-acting inhaler, which usually makes me shaky, but this time my heart started beating a little fast, too. Well, I thought I was gonna die, and I still kind of do, but now I think it's just anxiety. [sighs]

I called my mom and asked her if it makes her shake and her heart beat faster, and she told me it does, so I guess I just need to try and calm down. Kind of hard to calm down when you're already freaking out, though. [sighs]

Ugh, god, I feel so shaky and weak and I feel like I just want to vomit. Ah, my chest.... [cries] I hate this, I hate this, I hate this. I'm trying to reassure myself by reading the anxiety symptom page I always look at, and true, a lot of them work out.... Not to mention side effects for Xopenex include trembling, rapid heartbeat (though it says that's a rare but serious one...gaah), and anxiety. I tend to have panic attacks when I take it, so I'm going to finally listen to my mom and stop using it unless I really, REALLY need it. She said that since I've started on prednisone, too, that I shouldn't take it. Bleh, it's like I'm just freaking out even more. ):

Urrrgh. [puts head down and cries]


the prince of mansmut said...

I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you. Did you see the doctor about this? I'm sorry, I can't keep all your visits straight. :\ You are trying to get ahold of the doctor for your anxiety, though, right? I think once you get that taken care of, a lot of things will clear up. But the therapy probably doesn't sound too great...but I'm sure it won't be as horrible as you might think it is.
My sister loves it, and says that it's something everyone should try. She was trying to get me to go, but I still don't want to. [laughs] But if it's going to help you, you should definitely give it a try. Then again, it's quite expensive. :\ Well, I'm sure it'll all work out, and once you get that taken care of, you'll start to feel a lot better.

Calix said...

It's okay...! You just have very terrible timing sometimes. [laughs, pets]

I WANT therapy. I don't have anything against it. [laughs] If I could, I'd drop the medication portion and just do the therapy part. It seems like it'd help, with all my problems...bleh.

Oh well. :\