Wednesday, December 31, 2003

feeling like i want to hump ryoga (still) and kick sorin in the head
listening to the silence of everyone sleeping
currently addicted to ryoga | kicking sorin's perverted ass

All right. It's almost 2004 (it's already the first in other parts of the world but who cares) and I don't really give a crap. Everyone in my house is asleep except me, probably because I took a short nap out of pure exhaustion (kofflazinesskoff) just a little while back. So I'm just sitting here in the dark, typing this out of boredom....
And I will kill Sorin Ciel for eating all of my precious chocolate. Even if he, erm, is a... y'know... vampire and everything. Die, Sorin, die! Choke on blood! Or better yet, choke on chocolate, you French-Transylvanian-Count-Dracula-wanna-be!
And is it just me, or are holidays becoming somewhat muted?
It seems like "Oh wow. It's New Year's. Yay. Whoopie. [pause] *cough* Yay." But oh well. Holidays were destined to suck because of their horrible cheesiness factor, I guess.

[hugs ryoga] charlotte!

feeling like i want to hump ryoga hibiki
listening to the same thing as yesterday (i tell you, the cure is a drug)
currently addicted to this song | the cure | ryoga

I started on a Ranma 1/2 pic yesterday. It took me a good two or so hours to actually draw something on the paper, and even then it was freaking hard to get the picture to look half right.... Grr... But Mousse turned out just fine and Ryoga did too. Now I just need to finish up Shampoo and drop Kuno, Ranma, and maybe some other people into the pic too. Nabiki Tendo, maybe, cause I adore her (she's the coolest Tendo sister).
I have no idea what I'm going to do now. Maybe I'll just finish up the picture? But then, my hand is a bit sore from drawing endlessly last night.
Oh no! I've gone blind in my right eye! Oh... heheh... wait, that's just my hair. Oops.
And only today did I notice it was almost 2004, thanks to Sasha (aka Washy-chan... hehe).... I'm so moronic it hurts sometimes; I mean, how can you not know it's the New Year? Kinda like forgetting your birthday, which I also do sometimes.... Kill me now and put me out of my misery. *sigh*

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

feeling floopy ryoga-y
listening to "why can't i be you?" ~ the cure

damn. no matter how much i love my mousse, today i'm kinda in a ryoga mood....

You are Mousse. The near-sighted Mousse is madly in
love with Shampoo, but as always is rejected by
her. Mousse like many other characters is
cursed and turns into a goose. He hangs around
Shampoo a lot, almost too much.

Which Ranma character are you? Pics!!!
brought to you by Quizilla

oh well. i love mousse! well, i noticed i forgot to mention that i also got fire emblem for gba. i've been wanting that for a while, so that's cool. it gives me something to play on gba.
okay. i'm gonna go now. i... yeah.

Friday, December 26, 2003

feeling sad
listening to thomas singing "lovesong" ~ the cure

Tom's playing Lovesong on the piano and singing. I've been listening to The Cure a lot lately, since I got a CD for xmas yesterday. Well... here's what I got, and this will not explain why I'm sad:

  • CD - The Cure "Galore", Gackt "Mars" and "Moon"
  • New boots (Jewstompers j/k)
  • The Sims: Bustin Out on GC and GBA
  • Shirt - "Fignuts" Captain Murphy from Sealab 2021
  • Finally, my damned Beauty and the Beast plat. edition which I could never find

Methinks that is it.... I'm even watching the Ranma 1/2 DVD season box set thingee my brother got, and I'm still sad because I can't do anything with my hair. It costs so much to get it relaxed, so that's out of the picture, and I can't really do anything with it cos it's too thick and wavy and gross.
I'm thinking of just getting it cut so short I'll look like pinhead from hellraiser. How's that? Yet another stupid boy haircut for Xy? Sure, why not; I'm practically a guy anyway.
[glares at tom] He's more of a chick than I am....

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

feeling happy and marthy
listening to "vanilla (night version)" ~ gackt

Tom inspired me to blog today (and with actual capital letters in the blog too!). I finished this kick-ass picture of the "Marth" trio - that is, my Marth-mallow, Rinku Link the skirty Kokiri slut-boy, and Boytoy Roy. I wasn't really paying much attention to it while I was drawing it, but after I finished, I stood back and was all like, "Wow, that actually looks pretty good." Plus, it was semi-photo-ref (which means specifically that I probably came up with 98% of the picture in my head while the other 2% was taken from the pictures), with Gackt being Marth's model ^o^. Link and Roy had some unknown magazine models, and I practically imagined those two boys up. So, if you looked closely, you could probably tell that Gackt was used for Marth ('cause they're both synonymous in my head and both very sexy hehehe).
I'll probably scan it today and get the coloring started... I was going to do another picture next, but this picture is too good to be delayed.
Hey... Gackt and Marth together make Garth. Or Mackt.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

feeling itchy-throaty
listening to "last night a dj saved my life" ~ indeep

[coughs involuntarily]
i think i'm finally getting better, thanks to that disgusting medicine that's giving me these horrid, massive stomachaches. everything hurts right now. i feel like my torso's just gonna explode into a million pieces if i move even slightly. [curses being female]
damned cramps!
anyway... i still haven't done my overdue bio homework. i'm beginning to slack like it's sophomore year all over again. woo hoo! and it's so much fun making your teachers think you're a good student during the first grading period then suddenly doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the semester....
currently coloring a picture of my dear marus (marth for you nutholes), and i'll probably finish that up real quick and dandy, since vacation's coming up. plus, i scanned about five other pictures into the program, so i'll get around to coloring all of them as well.... ahh... so much work, pete yorn. when will it end, dude? tell me, yornster! tell meeeeee!

expose yourself to pete yorn.

Saturday, December 13, 2003

feeling bronchitis-y
listening to "new year's day" ~ u2

stupid bronchitis. i get it every single year. grrrr... i feel like crap! [points to tom] it's all his fault!
i think i'm just gonna go kick myself in the head. i don't feel too well... i don't even think i'm capable of kicking myself in the head; not while i'm in this condition, anyway.
flexibility is so fun!
[kicks self in head]

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

feeling clean
listening to "a girl like you" ~ edwyn collins

wow. haven't blogged since sunday. aiiiieeee. i haven't been online for a while, either, i guess.... hm... i should be coloring my tom pic or doing my already late lab write-up for biology. but i'm not, obviously. i'm just sitting here typing this like the procrastinator that i am.
eh, oh well.
i did my french project. that was late too, but i still got an A on it. but i'd be surprised if anyone got an F in that class. you could do absolutely nothing and still get a good grade. i still do something, for my own benefit, but still... i don't really have to.
i'm getting a cramp in my side. ow.... [holds side like pussy leon kennedy] i think i'll just go now and check on certain other things while i'm online. and if tom calls me a cow ever again, i'm going to kick him where it matters. yeah. kick him in the udder. cowboy.
he's been a real jerkhole these past days, and i think he needs to learn a lesson! grrrr! don't make me grab marth, tom! 'cause he'll beat you up! unless you beat him up first, which you probably will.... grr... i hate you, tom. no, i detest you.

Sunday, December 7, 2003

feeling ouchtified
listening to "newfound mass 2000" ~ the get up kids
drinking coke, in a glass that makes it look like an alcoholic beverage... o_O

:: being smart sucks major ass ::
i told myself that i was going to work on my project for french today... even if it did look crappy, and i also told myself i'd start coloring the picture of thomas.
and i suppose you know what i went and did. uh-huh. that's right.
absolutely none of it.
[puts imaginary gun to head and pulls trigger] shows what good i'm for, eh? tom tells me i'm smarter than i make myself out to be and that he laughs at how lazy i am. i don't like being smart. i know from numerous official and unofficial, IQ and non-IQ tests that i am "gifted" (oh jeez, no one was supposed to know that, and now i feel like some sort of special ed kid) and i do not enjoy it like everyone seems to think i do. it's not fun having to finish your test early, and then having your stupid teacher make you pass out graded papers 'cause he thinks you're smart and would enjoy helping out your school, which has "educated you generously for the benefit of the future generation." it's not fun having to understand the material when other people in your class don't, and then having the ignorant-yet-again teacher make you help everyone else get it when you don't even want to help them. (let me sit and draw in my post-test free time, dammit!)
[screams] make the smart-people abuse stop! i'm a big, lazy moron who really doesn't like reading steinbeck and shakespeare and hobbes & locke and all that other boring crap like everyone thinks! get off my ass and let me play video games and lounge, you assholes!

Friday, December 5, 2003

feeling peachy (which is a coverup for sick and feverish)
listening to "zen" ~ resurrection eve

i don't have much to say cos i'm pretty effed up right now... although i am feeling a lot better than i did yesterday. tom was nice enough to bring me some cake he made. damn, that was some good cake.... too bad it's gone.... [sobs]
i think i'm gonna go draw or something and just try to keep my my mind off of this pain in my neck. ouchie.
ohhh.... i feel sooo crappy it's not even funny.

Wednesday, December 3, 2003

feeling headachey
listening to "drive" ~ incubus

i hate it when i try to update my settings or comment on deviant art, 'cause it doesn't update until, like literally, the next day or two. they must hate me over at deviant.
ewww... i hate it when i get out of the shower and feel just as dirty as before i went in. grrrr! my throat is itchy, i have a slight headache, and my lungs hurt like crazy.
and tom is a big fat mailboxhead!
...with horribly luscious, pouty lips. [sighs helplessly]

Tuesday, December 2, 2003

feeling coughy yet clean
listening to "bodyrock" ~ moby

ahem. sorry about that. my lip hurts. just took a hot shower. tired. oddly, haven't seen tom all day. getting slightly worried that some woman might have tied him to a bed and left him that way.
where are you?

Sunday, November 30, 2003

feeling warm and fuzzy
listening to "no, not now" ~ hot hot heat

awww. tom's such a sweetie. he just gave me a hug. and now he needs to get himself a haircut. i've never seen his hair quite this long.
[hugs tom too and drools over his current shirtless hotness]
mmm... smells like gardenia.

feeling post-church boredom
listening to "torpedoes" ~ mdfmk
eating cake with nasty white frosting

"god damn the torpedoes!"
ahhh.... songs with "god damn" in the lyrics are so much fun to sing along to. anyway, church was sort of long today... and i'm so pissed that they keep letting more and more girls into the choir. soon, it's going to be an all-girl choir. it practically already is, because you can't even hear the guys singing when the girls drown them out. there are literally about four girls to every guy in the choir, and that, to me, is just horribly sad. you know people, it's not a sin to say no to the girls who want in. just remember those days way back when girls weren't even allowed to sing in choirs. and now they're taking advantage of the feminist times. damn.
i'm semi-anti-feminist. and i'm not even a man. or a lesbian, for that matter.
and so i sit here, staring at this transformers autobot mouse pad and wonder why people keep putting this revolting white frosting on birthday cakes. [vomits]

Saturday, November 29, 2003

feeling like tom wearing leather--schway
listening to "ares" into "asrun dream" ~ gackt
drinking orange juice, which i'm beginning to have a taste for

okee-dokee. i sort of woke up just an hour ago after a night of restless sleep, all thanks to my wormy, moving chihuahua who kept trying to bury herself under my arse last night. [grumbles] i played ninja turtles last night after my brother and i kept losing at mario kart... but it was the creepy mirror mode, so you can't blame us. i played as michelangelo instead of the usual leonardo (dicaprio! ^o^), and contrary to what you might be thinking:
just because i might be a geekoid like donatello; because he carries a kickass stick (bo) and whacks people over the head with it; because he wears one of my favorite colors; and because i might be named, oh i don't know, dawn, doesn't mean he's my favorite ninja turtle.
....okay, just a little.
hey... leonardo dicaprio played arnie grape in "what's eating gilbert grape?" damn, johnny depp's hair looked good in that movie. better than tom's. or not.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

feeling tired and achy. it's all school's fault.
listening to "writing to reach you" ~ travis
eating pizza rolls

yay... tomorrow is thanksgiving, so there's no school, thank god. hehe...
i guess i'd better start scanning and coloring some pictures this long weekend. i've been slacking my arse off for the last month or two, and i strangely don't like it; i feel... slacky.
i think i might sleep in tomorrow. i've only just rediscovered the beauty of it.
and someone tell sorin to get away from my gallon of chocolate milk.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

feeling post-shower sweaty and disgusting
listening to "the scientist" ~ coldplay

is it a mere coincidence that my initials are DM and so are daria morgendorffer's? if i ever hear anyone chant the daria theme song while i'm walking around campus ever again (and that means you, marco, wherever you are right now), i might just go insane.
daria morgendorffer. pah. am i really that much like daria?
....but trent rocks. "heeeeey daria...."

Monday, November 24, 2003

feeling a bit better
listening to "lu:na" ~ gackt

i suck at mario kart for gamecube so badly. bowser and baby bowser are a good combination but i still got in last place all the time with them. so i switched to birdo and toadette. better. i actually got in first a couple of times.
well enough of that bs.... i'm going to school tomorrow 'cause taking a nice long walk around sdsu today kind of aired me out and made me feel fluffy and stuff like that. hopefully i didn't have any of those stealth tests today that i didn't know about. i know that i have tests tomorrow and wednesday though, so i'll be there for those. i'm going to get some more orange juice, dude.

Sunday, November 23, 2003

feeling sick
listening to nothing

Okay. For real now. I'm so bored I actually went and made a blog. It's not like I'll have anything to put here, but I suppose that's what Tom's blog is for, eh? I'm about to head off to sleep. I might go to school tomorrow if I feel better, might not if I don't. Sooo... yeah. Nighty-night.