Saturday, November 18, 2006

an actual post...! wow!

Okay. I'm going to try and put more than surveys here,'ll still be mostly surveys, I suppose. Nothing ever happens to me, and well, I need a place to put my surveys. :\

Uhm, I don't think we're going to get that house. I overheard my brother talking to someone about it, saying that they were going to go look at other places. This is...I don't know. [just sighs] I really would've liked it. My dad said he couldn't see why we couldn't get it. Liar. (I just asked my mom about it and she said we just needed to get a loan and something mumble-y. Yeah, right. Whatever.)

I should probably call the B. Dalton back but I have a feeling it's much too late. If you didn't know, I'm trying to find myself a damned job. I didn't want to take the B. Dalton job because it was only seasonal and I didn't want that. So I read tarot to get my thoughts organized about it, and I kept seeing a feminine figure, most notably the Queen of Pentacles. I took that as waiting for the Barnes & Noble job rather than jumping for the B. Dalton one. Stupid fucking tarot reading. I knew I shouldn't have listened to my intuition. I probably just told myself what I wanted to hear. Stupid, stupid girl. [grumbles]

Hmm, while making a sexy Klaha icon for myself, I happened to notice it looked a lot like a Leon Kennedy icon I'd made I took the two original images and compared them, and there are differences, but good god...! It makes me wonder if one of the RE4 artists is a Klaha fan. [laughs]

[click for large version; opens in new window]

I suppose it's just coincidence, though. [laughs] It's a pretty common pose. It just struck me as amusing. [shrugs]

Hmmm, nothing much going on around the forums I frequent. I'm dying to write, and since I RP on only one forum and no one is posting right now, I ended up inquiring about an RP on the small BSSM forum I go to. I usually don't like RPs, They get my creativity going, so maybe this'll help me out. [nods] And just in case you're wondering, I don't think it's a Sailormoon RP, even if it's on a Sailormoon forum. I'm not that geeky...! [is]

Well, I should finish this off. I'm going to try to make more posts. And not get any comments. [cries] I wonder if I should try to reinstall my Haloscan comment system. I just don't think it'd work very well on this new Blogger. Bye, Merigood! ):

...the end! >>

I ended up giving the header a little Klaha-Märchen-pretty factor, and if you scroll down the page...! :3

I wish there was a way to make him stay in place (so I could make the image smaller and neater), but I don't know html very well...if anyone can help, that'd be sexy. I just wanted to customize things...I like the simplicity of the templates, but I don't want it to be the same as everyone else's.

I also updated the links, and I might add more and organize them better. Also, there's a current obsession thingamajig there...yay! :3


Calix said...

Testing comments...!

Rosiel said...

Testing! That'd be/look awesome if you could get 'im to stay put. ><
Hm, it seems I've forgotten what else I was going to say. ><
[sobs] I've lost everyone to the Wii. TT Well, not Rodolfo but let's not open that can of worms again. [snickers]
Yay, word verification!

the prince of mansmut said...

Hey, I leave comments, bitch. D: Surveys are just hard to comment on...and you do so many. D:

Why didn't you tell me? [pets] I'm sorry about the house...and you should call the B. Dalton back. You don't know if it's too late. It'll definitely be too late if you wait any longer, though..!

And yes, those pictures are quite similar...straange.

Rawr, damn comment thingies. D: I can't see the eeeentry...! [complains] D:
Maaan, damn you and your html!

Calix said...

You CAN see the original post. It's right there. Under the post title. "SHOW ORIGINAL POST". Go on, click it. D:

Surveys are hard to comment on, I suppose. Which is why I'm writing actual posts now...! [laughs]

I should call the B. Dalton back but it'd be embarrassing if I called back this late. :\

Html?! What about it...? I barely did anything htmlwise. Blogger beta makes it easy to customize...I just made minor other changes with the template but it didn't take much work.... D: