Friday, November 17, 2006

comments are allllll gone!

After I switched to this new Blogger thing, my comments all died. [cries] No fair. I would try installing the comment thingy again, but honestly, I'm much too lazy. Oh well, besides that, everything seems to be sexier and more user-friendly, so I'm glad. [nods]

Unusual Lasts
To whom did you last give the finger?:some bitch on the freeway.
Who was the last person you told to go f*ck themselves?:I can't remember.
What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?:Hawaiian Punch! :3
What song was last stuck in your head?:a Zemfira song...alternated with something Klaha.
On whose blog did you last comment?:my own. [laughs] I can't comment on anyone else's!
What was the last photograph you took?:some ugly one of myself, most likely.
Where did you last sign your name?:a visitor form, and then I said, "god my name is so boring."
What was the last object you lost?:Golden Sun map. :3
How many hours did you last sleep?:eleven. First time I've slept so long in a whiiiile. n_n
Who was the last person to whom you spoke on the phone for over an hour?:Adrienne. Damn, that was a looong time ago.
What was the last ringtone you downloaded for your cell phone?:None, I don't care about that stuff.
How was the last egg you ate prepared?:scrambled.
Where did you last wear sunglasses?:I can't remember.
Where was the last road construction through which you drove?:on the 54 freeway where it meets the 125.
Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence?:my dad. ><
In what kind of car did you last have an accident?:I don't remember.
What animal did you last pet or hold?:Chikko! My chihuahua. [laughs]
What was the last law you broke?:stolen cable, back in the non-digital days. :3
What was the last thing you stole?:see above answer. It was...a long time ago. XD
What was the last item you photocopied?:a house floor plan.
What was the last newspaper you read or skimmed?:god, maybe the local one back in senior year for government class. xD;;
What was the last word written on your hand?:probably a reminder I wrote myself in church. Something on the lines of "8:30" or "buy milk". [laughs]
What was the last hair product you used? conditioner counts, I guess.
What was the last medication (Rx or OTC) you took?:besides my vitamins... [laughs] I took my asthma medication. Flovent or summat.
Who was the last person to make you really laugh?:Adrienne! I couldn't stop during that ridiculous pictionary thing. [laughs]
To what song did you last sing along?:Klaha's Taiyou no Ori! MY NAAAAM IS APOLLONIUUUUS! Nam, Klaha? NAM?!
What was the last musical instrument played in your presence?:Flamenco guitar. [drools] So, so sexy. They were playing in the Barnes & Noble...really loudly. But it was so sexy.
What was the last superstitious thing you did?:I read tarot about my job and a woman kept showing up, and I interpreted it as waiting for the B&N job, because a woman is in charge there. [so screwed, probably]
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