Sunday, December 24, 2006

I want to change my calendar already.

Mood: PMS-y
Watching The First 48, Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Drinking water

I hate how my internet never works when I most want it to. Jerk. ><

Hmmm, I'm really bored and I'm not in the mood to do much of anything. I'd draw more lineart for Adrienne to color but I'm not even in the mood for drawing. Still. I think that maybe I'll write a little. It's relaxing and doesn't take much effort once I get going, and it boosts my creativity, so maybe it'll help me in the drawing department, too.

I'm currently at some lame dinner scene in this story I'm writing for Adrienne. Ooh, ahh. [laughs] This is going to take a while to end, at this rate. Usually I have a set idea of where a story is going, but for this one all I've got is a vague and basic outline, so I'm pretty much making it all up as I go along. Highly unusual for me. That is, unless I'm doing something that isn't completely serious, and this is just for fun, really. Usually I run into dead ends when I make things up as I go along, but RPing seems to have helped me with this sort of thing. Yay. <3

I finally got a new mattress yesterday. I actually woke up pain-free today, and I slept faster too. Yesss, comfortable smut. D: Except now I'm in pain everywhere, and I've got a headache, and cramps, and everything...arrrgh. On top of that, I've got an annoying cold that won't go away. I could really use a nice back rub. [laughs] And extra-cheese pizza, and peanut butter cookies, and some scrambled eggs. Mmm.... D:

New surveys posted.


Anonymous said...

It does seem like drawing and writing feed into each other. When I'm writing, I can draw more intense or nuanced moods and expressions. When I'm drawing, I gain more of a sense of imaginative description. Am I making sense?

I'm sorry about your discomfort. In any case, may the Christ-Child richly bless you and yours.

the prince of mansmut said...

I want more lineaaart! [wails, waits]

Lame dinner scene?! That sounds excellent! D: I wanna read it. [laughs, cries] When will you be done?! D:

I'm so happy you got a new mattress. [nods] But apparently it's 'JUST a mattress'...! Mmmhmm, right.
I think...I was getting a back rub AS you wrote this...hahahahaha. D: I'm always sore afterward, though.

Anyway, you still have that cold? [pets you] I hope you're feeling better, though. It seems like I'm always sick on holidays. No fair. :\

Calix said...

Let me FIX it. [laughs] Maybe I'll just do that now.... I suppose erasing a person won't take too long.

[is still at the lame dinner scene] Why would that sound excellent? It's just people eating. [laughs] Plus, there was already a dinner scene. Like, one chapter ago. [writing REALLY short chapters in this story] Except it was you--er, the princess being attracted to the foreign prince man...! And this time it'll be the princess being attracted to the foreign prince man, with her silly maid to witness it. Oh, joy...! D:

It is JUST a mattress. [laughs] Definitely not as good as a back rub. :\

And like I said, I think it's going away. I keep coughing and my nose is still runny every now and then, but it's not as bad as it was before. You're not sick, are you? [pets you]


the prince of mansmut said...

I tried coloring him, and lied when I said I wasn't, but it doesn't look very good. :\ I'll keep trying!

It sounds excellent because it means you're writing. OKAY?! Hahahahaha, but see? That DOES sound excellent! [laughs]

Well, you will have your backrub someday. D: Someday...!

Hmm! Well, it's good it's going away. [pets] And no, I'm not sick..! I was just crampy on Christmaaas!

...[shakes head]

Calix said...

It probably doesn't look good because the lineart SUCKS! Just...throw it away and forget it exists...! Please. [sobs]

My writing is not excellent. D:

It's good that you're not sick...! And I hope you're not still crampy. [pets you]

the prince of mansmut said...

Nooo, he's pretty. He's just not a fan of purple hair. He looks like that damn woman from Ghost in the Shell....:\ I'll change it, don't worry! [laughs]

Mmmhmm, it is!

I'm nooot! But thank you for reminding me..[marks calendar] Damn it, I need a new calendaaaar!

Calix said...

He isn't pretty. I hate it, and I wish you'd just DELETE IT. Seriously. PLEASE! D:

No. D:

You mark it on your calendar...? [laughs] I'm too afraid to write on my new one. I hate writing on calendars. ):

the prince of mansmut said...

Well, too bad. I am NOT going to. D:


And yes, I also mark when I get migraines because then if it gets bad I'll be able to tell my doctor how often I get them! [laughs] They always ask, and I'm liek, "Uuuuuhhhhmmmmmmmm..." My answer is always, "Once every two months." For everything.
Er, anyway. I like writing on calendars. And I mark IT on my calendar so I can judge how long it's supposed to last or when I'm to expect it. Though it's so...unpredictable. Maybe I'm malnourished! That would explain the hair loss. Yeeep. [shuts up] D: Sorry. [laughs]

Calix said...

I mark IT on my calendar too. But it doesn't seem to do anything helpful so I wonder why I still bother. It's supposed to be what, 28 days? Mine always goes to liek, 30-something days or 24 or something. D:

Now I've just come to expect it when there's no moon. D:

....[end of useless information you really didn't need to know]