Thursday, December 7, 2006

omg I want this movie now.

Mood: Excited

I wish The Golden Compass would just come out already. It's looking greater and greater with every new picture I see.

My hopes for this movie weren't THAT high before, but now that the cast is together and pictures are starting to surface, I'm thinking that it's going to be damned good. God, I just hope they don't butcher it. [crosses fingers] But...


Daniel Craig wasn't even in my head when people were discussing possible choices for Lord Asriel but I think he looks damned good for the part. I'm not a Nicole Kidman fan but even she's growing on me for Mrs. Coulter. And the girl they picked to play Lyra so far looks just about right. Daaaaamn, I'm excited. >< !!!!

Today was such a good day. [squeaks happily] How will I sleep now?!


Rosiel said...


the prince of mansmut said...

Oooh, ooh! I didn't know Daniel Craig was in it..!
You: I've said that many times.
Me: Oh, well, I guess I forgot..!

Hmmmm, he looks good in a vest, too..! [laughs] <3

What was so great about your day, huh?! D: All that random internet stuff?!

Calix said...

Me: [has said so many times] :\

He AND stupid Eva Green. Maybe he'll get a gun out and go Bond on some Christians. D:

What was so great?! YOU, of course. [laughs] That was super-nice. <3

Anonymous said...

-is ressurected from total apathy-

Waow, I've missed quite abit. I might as well comment about two posts in one.

1. Waow, Universal Studios looks different. Probably because they got around to making improvments over the past -counts- seven years since I last went. You look like you had a really awesome time though. -nods approvingly- And Back to the Future is still the best ride there...unless they added something new that I don't know about.

2. The Golden Compass is coming out...eventually. Yay! -angrily demands that this movie is not a really fucked up version of the book- Daniel Craig will play his part well. He was brilliant in Casino Royale. Yes, I finally got around to seeing that. No wait, I actually saw Happy Feet instead. I was babysitting my 2 1/2 year old niece and had to see something PG. I did not in anyway force her to see something about Bond. Nope. -hides incriminating evidence-

Anyway, I'd better go now. I've already won the award for longest comment ever. D:

Calix said...

Wow, it's you! Where've you been off to?

1. Back to the Future is still teh sexxx, indeed. I tried my best not to hit my head this time (because I did the last time I went and I was miserable the entire day), and I succeeded. Yesss. xD But then I went on the stupid Revenge of the Mummy ride and ended up hitting my nose. :\

2. It should be coming out next year, though probably late, from what I've heard. Bleh. I can't wait anymore, but the fact that they're finally filming is somewhat comforting, I guess.

Anonymous said...

In response to your question...

I've been very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, -inhales- busy. You know, taking over the world, terrorizing innocents, having a 20 lb. payload of snow drop from the roof onto my head, midterm exams, that sorta thing. Plus, what with your new Xanga, I kinda forgot this thing existed. I'll be around alot more often since its almost the holidays though. -nods-

And the Revenge of the Mummy ride is annoying that way, from what I remember. I like the movie more.

Calix said...

Ah, I see, I see. I sometimes forget other people have exams...! xD

And my xanga is only going to be for surveys. My actual stuff is...still here. [laughs, nods]

I thought that was the best ride.... >>

the prince of mansmut said...

I don't know who Eva Green is. [laughs] Like I said, I do not know my actresses..! [looks her up] Well, still don't know her, but god..! Women are disgusting. D: You look one up and all you find are slutty pictures!

"Eva Green wore a strapless nude-colored brassiere and seawater-colored pants to blend into the ocean as she filmed an in-the-water experience for Daniel Craig that he will never forget. Smooches all around!"

Oooh, yes! I want me some seawater-colored pants!

Ah, you're going to have to wait a long time for your movie to come out. [laughs] December. Waow..! I'll probably have to wait longer for Burnt by the Sun 2. :\ But I'm not even liek..THAT SUPER excited about it. I just wanna seee it! [laughs]

Yeah, sure. I bet the random internet stuff was even better!
And yeah, that was super-nice. [laughs, rolls around with you]

Calix said...

Eva Green is an ugly whorebag, that's who she is! [throws rocks at her head] Is it a rule that they all have to pose like sluts at some point in their careers...?! Ew. [cries]

"Smooches all around!"? What the fuck. [laughs, shakes head]

I heard it was December 2007 buuuut some part of me is hoping for sooner but expecting later. :\ What if Burnt by the Sun 2 doesn't EVER come out...?!?!! WHAT WILL YOU DO! [laughs]

Checking forums is...liek. It doesn't even compare. [slaps you about]

...[then rolls around with you] <3

the prince of mansmut said...

Yes. Yes, I think they do..! Stupid sluts. D:

Yeeaah, I don't think movies often get released earlier than the....release date. [laughs] And Burnt by the Sun 2 probably WON'T ever come out...! Then I'll be sad, and will forever wonder what could have been..! [checks on its status] He'll probably end up playing a really small part, and it won't even be worth it..! Okay, it would always be worth it, but yeah..! [laughs]

Ehm...anyway. Checking forums BETTER not compare, bitch. D:
[takes you away to the magical internet room..!]

Calix said...

Well, I'm sure it WILL. You will see it, damn it! YOU WILL! [shakes you] Why would he play a really small part, anyway? D:

[is taken away to the magical internet room]

You: [doesn't even bother reading this piece of shit]

the prince of mansmut said...

Yes, I WILL see it...! Even if I must travel to Russia and get mugged and kidnapped by the Russian Mob..!
I dunno. Menshikov cameo?!?! Then everyone'd be liek, "Oh ho ho! Eta Menshikov! Harashoh!!" But he DIED in Burnt by the Sun, sooo...but then so did creepy Milkalhov. D:

Anyway..! [rapes you in the magical internet room]
[but meaningfully!]

Me: [always reads!]

Calix said...

He DIED?! Oops. [laughs] Please don't get kidnapped. Is it liiiek, a prequel?!

Is there a such thing as meaningful rape? [laughs] You crazeh. Crazy woman! D: