Feeling blah. just plain blah.
Listening to «Ecstasy» ATB
Currently addicted to my Eiryun, ze book I'm reading, reading in general, something that I just thought of but forgot...
Currently irritated by having to work on my portfolio this week
Randomness: "to my living room and beyong..." XD
Coloring a pic of Eiryun right now... it's turning out real nice. For a guy who was never supposed to be much of a big character, he's probably my favorite guy right now. Yay for my weirdo character-favoritism uh.. thing. XD Especially when it's with one of my own characters.... hm. XD
I dunno what it is with Eiryun. XD He's just... cool.
He knows kung fu. [laughs] And he has red eyes. XD
Oh, and by the way... is it just me or is Santa Claus one of the creepiest characters of all time?
I mean, come on. Some fat old guy in a red suit breaks into your house for heaven's sake! Then you end up feeding him milk and cookies. FEEDING HIM! And he watches the little children while they're sleeping. And KNOWS if you're good or bad. STALKER!!! And worse, he's at the mall too. Then he makes the kids sit on his lap. HIS LAP. I could go on and on. He's just creepy. The mere mention of Santa gives me the shivers. [shudders]
...ahem. XD [runs off]
Friday, December 3, 2004
Monday, November 22, 2004
Feeling okie. mad cause I have to do this. again. -_-;
Listening to «Auf Achse» Franz Ferdinand
Currently addicted to The Coldfire Trilogy by CS Friedman. Soooo good. x_x
Currently irritated by skool. i dunno y we gotzta go 2 skool 4. im allredy smrat.
Randomness: miau. miyaw. mæow. me-ow.
Okay, starting over. -_-;
I finished Black Sun Rising last night!!! Eeeee, so good. Hesseth is coming along in the second one (When True Night Falls) and that makes me very happyful. [giggles] She rocks. I'm glad Ciani isn't going to be in this next one. I hated hate her. Damien Vryce must be the most awesome priest in history and Gerald Tarrant... Tarrant is just the best. Mwahaha. I'm kinda sad that Zen died. He was actually all right. Ah well. He killed himself, in a way. XD
I had to present something in French today and I SUCKED. Hard. I do just fine when I'm speaking to myself or when I'm not thinking about what I'm saying too hard, but presenting just killed me today. Didn't help that I had no idea what I was going to say. Ah well. It didn't count against me anyway. I'll redeem myself next time. Bwahaha.
In Stagecraft, Angela wasn't around. [sad face] Eugene let Chad and me read this story he was writing. We were reading it out loud and getting waaay confused. We were seriously straining to be nice about it. Well maybe not NICE, but not mean, anyway. It was soooo bad. Bad story, badly written... we had even flipped forward and saw some really nasty detailed sex-type parts and we were like «ooookaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...... . .. ..» and since Eugene wasn't with us when we were walking down the hill to go home we were all talking about how bad it was. It was terrible! Note: If you're going to write a sex scene, make it tasteful (or at least somewhat tasteful) for Christ's sake. XD I don't think my virgin eyes can take any more of «He let out a load of [beep] all over her [beep]... etc., etc....» I was forced to read one of his stories last year. Now I read this and I lost all hope in young writers of today. XD Am I the only semi-decent one left?! [laughs] I have a right to brag about my writing. It's actually intelligible and has a storyline as well as two teensy-weensy, itty-bitty little things called grammar and spelling. Can you say that with me? Grammmmm-mar. Spellllll-ing. Do I need to go slower? Seriously now, kids. -_-;
[breathes, sighs]
Uhm. I think that's it for now. Eeee, can't wait to start When True Night Falls. I haven't gotten a chance to read yet. And I just noticed I used a crapload of italics and even threw some boldface print in there. Must be EMPHASIS DAY!!!
Posted by Calix at 18:43 1 comments
Friday, November 19, 2004
Feeling slightly nauseous... kettle corn is BADful.
Listening to «The Sacrament» HIM
Currently addicted to Black Sun Rising [clings to book]
Currently irritated by my tummy
Randomness: «Now go food yourself.»
Hmm... haven't blogged in a while. Don't really have very much to say, I guess.
Uhm... that reminded me of this picture on Mrs. MacConnel's desk. XD There's this picture of a orange stripy kitten with its front paws up in the air and making this little cute face and the caption reads: THE MOUSE WAS THIS FREAKEN BIG, I TELL YOU!
So cute. XD
Anywaaaaay... I still don't have a scanner and that bugs me. :P I reeeeally need to get started on my Senior Portfolio too, argh... x_x I have like, 2 more weeks to work on it, basically and I haven't even started. -_-;; Procrastination is a cruel, cruel keeper. XD [shakes fist at it]
Ah well. I'll kick Procrastination's fat stupid arse tomorrow and get working. :P
For now... it's reading time... [clings to book] Sooooo good. XD Senzei died though, which kinda sucks. Just when I was actually starting to like the guy, too. :P I left off on the part where Gerald Tarrant gets screwed over big time in a cave tunnel. Whoops. [says no more, in case some person actually decides to read it, which is doubtful] :P
Anyway... au revoir. [bows and walks off gracefully, or attempts to, anyway]
Posted by Calix at 18:11 0 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Feeling» purrty
Listening to» "all is full of love" ~ björk
Currently addicted to» orange soda :P
Currently irritated by» uh... ants...?
Randomness» qwertyuiop to you!
..oh yeh. In case you didn't know, this is my Tom (yes, he's mine, I made him up, whatever). XD
[clicky meeee]
[and meeee]
[and one in color :P]
And yeh, go look through my gallery for more. He's in there everywhere. XD
Posted by Calix at 21:09 0 comments
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Feeling» icky
Listening to» "Pagan Poetry" ~ Bjork.. well, I have that in my head anyway. What's really playing is crap music from all the other students. -_-;;;
Currently addicted to» nothing
Currently irritated by» feeling icky
Randomness» Swirling... black lilies... totally ripe....
[Don't read this if you don't want to be bored. :P]
Uhm.. short day today, la. It's still only second period though, pooh. Just have another.. oh... 3 hours to go. x_x
I thought it was shorter, but guess not, argh... Well hmmm.. I wanna go home already. My legs are all cramped up and my head is all light... Grawr. Uhm... I dunno what to say or why I even got on to blog in the first place. :P
Swirling... black lilies.. totally ripe... [giggles] I have that line looping in my head, argh. Blah, I was planning on taking a nap when I got home. I'm not sure if I will or not, though. I'll probably be home alone and I have this issue with sleeping while no one else is around. I don't think Chicky counts as a someone. XD
La, I feel like visiting Kel at school. XD Just showing up and following her around. Oooh, awesomeness. Now I just need a car and a couple of hours to get there. :P
Gotta go in 10 minutes, moop.
Obviously, this is a useless post and I'm just here because I'm bored, but I dunno what else to do. I want to do something and I forgot what it was. Blah. It's taken me, like, 5 whole minutes to type those last 2 sentences. XD Just because I'm sitting here and thinking.... Moomoo. I'm just gonna go.
À tout à l'heure. n_n
Posted by Calix at 08:47 0 comments
Tuesday, November 9, 2004
Feeling» blah
Listening to» "Wicked Game" ~ HIM
Currently addicted to» who the hell knows...
Currently irritated by» I don't know... the fact that it's not tomorrow, I suppose...
Randomness» tortimer
Uhm... once again in French... bored out of my mind.
We'll be in here tomorrow too so I dunno... moop. I dunno if changing everything was such a good idea, cause my blog looks all sorts of kcufed up on this comp. If it's like this on my computer when I get home, I'll have to do something about it, I guess. BLAH. I hate messing with this thing. XD
Hrmmmmmm... I don't think I'll be doing anything in any of my classes today anyway... I was drawing a picture of Ryoko in a different style... sans the huge-ass stupido anime-looking eyes.. although the way I did hers are okay in any style. She tends to look the same no matter what, so I guess that's a plus. Even though she has nothing to make her stand out, really. So I dunno what's up with that. I drew her at a weird angle too and kinda blocked myself from continuing. I tend to do that a lot. :P
Umm... well I suppose I'm less angry than I was last night. Still don't have anyone to talk to. Guess I have to wait until I get home and wait for Kel.
Better get going now. [runs off]
Posted by Calix at 09:17 0 comments
Feeling» ready to get my arse into bed
Listening to» "Jóga" ~ Björk
Currently addicted to» soda... soda...
Currently irritated by» not much, actually
Randomness» This blog is now inverted and perverted. Enjoy.
Uhm, obviously I changed shiitake. It's practically the same, but I got bored and changed some colors. The end.
(The title is from the song Jóga, by Björk. I've been listening to it a lot today for some reason.)
Posted by Calix at 01:23 0 comments
Monday, November 8, 2004
feeling» grr. arr. [breathes into a paper bag] I'm breathing, Lizzie, I'm breathing....
listening to» "play dead" ~ bjork... changing to "razorblade kiss" ~ him
currently addicted to» soda... brushing my teeth
currently irritated by» stupid-ass motherfucking posers
randomness» your love is a razorblade kiss
Well I'm doing this over since fucking Blogger lost my post, making me even angrier than I was the first time around.
Why was I angry? Because of people who copy me. I dunno why they do it, but they do. And continually. I just needed to let out how much it irritates me. And if there's one thing that irritates me and pisses me off the most, it's that. I mean, it's okay to pick up a few things here and there, but don't go too far, jeez. Especially when you steal personality from another person and tote it around as your own? That's just wrong. Especially when they get credit for it. Like, «Oh, you know so-and-so? That one dude/chick who does this and that? Yeah, so-and-so.» And it was you who orignally did «this and that».
Yeah, I'm using the little « » quotes now. :P
I figure that I'll most likely have to use them down the line so I better get used to them now. Blah, I've been so out of it lately. Probably just the hormones and the fact that I have no one to talk to about stuff. So yay for Farrin and yay for Kel for being around to talk to. Thanks thanks thanks a million. n_n
Posted by Calix at 22:25 0 comments
Tuesday, November 2, 2004
feeling» eh.
listening to» "don't close your heart" ~ him
currently addicted to» peanut m&m's. XD
currently irritated by» all the stupid people in this class [throws pencils at them]
randomness» twix
Hrm... doing project for and in French right now... la. I'm tired of researching for now. No more Switzerland, aaaaugh! Hrm... I'm tired. Stayed up late watching Pride and Prejudice, and even though it wasn't the right version, it was true to the book and it was alright. Although I think Mr. Darcy's actor had a stick up his arse the whole movie. Yeh, I know he's supposed to be an asshole and all, but sheesh. Overacting there, dude. :P Also, the chick that played Elizabeth... I dunno. She irritated me, then I liked her, then she irritated me again, then... you know. I ended up being more irritated by her than anything else. XD
Anyway. XD
Played San Andreas last night too. Needed a break from the comp, jeez. I hate it I hate it I hate it. Nate was around since it's his game. XD He jacked an airplane then jumped out headfirst. XD
Didn't open the parachute either. Ouchie. XD
Class is almost over. I'm bored out of my head. Going to art next, blah. I dunno what to do in that class, rawr. I'll probably just draw Aeriel's character designs. I had a dream I made a graphic novel out of The Darkangel and it was awesome. I might just do that one day when I'm bored and in a drawing mood. Sounds awesomeful. n_n d
Well I'm out of here. A tout a l'heure. [waves and runs off]
Posted by Calix at 09:21 0 comments
Monday, November 1, 2004
feeling» like i'm gonna buuuuuurst...
listening to» annoying kids
currently addicted to» bathroom... bathroom...
currently irritated by» bladder... bladder...
randomness» bok.. bok bok bok.. bok bok.. BOK!
I gotta go to the bathroom soooooo freaking bad. Of course, you needed to know that. Also, you should need to know that the bathrooms at this whack ass school are icky and filled with people and I can't go when people are arooooouuuuund. GAH, I'm gonna die!
Ahem. Anyway... I need to work on some art homework or something... I was thinking of drawing a miniature portraity thingy of Prince Irrylath in vampyre form from The Darkangel... and then later doing a portrait of Aeriel... and then another one of something. Maybe the Lorelei... [thinketh and stoppeth]
That was useless info, but if it comes out nicely, I might post something on Dev... If I find a working scanner, rawr.
Also have to work on French project... we have to make some travel brochure about a Francophone country. I chose Switzerland. Nice place.
[leaves to find a bathroom]
[comes back, mad]
This really blows. :(
I need to go really bad and if I don't go, I'm going to explode. All the bathrooms are so dirty and people are sitting there talking on their stupid phones and I need to go, aaaaagh. [just dies]
[sniffles] Pooh... I dun wanna go to school anymore cause of this.... It's so stupid but it sucks really badly too... This hurts, graaaawr... [stops complaining]
Pooh. It's going to be like this on Saturday too, rawr. I hate traveling places because of this. Stupid dirty, crowded public restrooms. With the way they look, it's easy to see that people dun even know how to clean up after themselves. Fucking barbarians.
[finally explodes]
Posted by Calix at 12:32 0 comments
Saturday, October 30, 2004
feeling» kinda full.. what a miracle! XD
listening to» "beautiful" ~ him
currently addicted to» this damned sandwich... so... good... and cold, ew. XD
currently irritated by» this damned sandwich... so... good... and cold, ew. XD
randomness» http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=idontnotlovetom. Yeah, I remembered. XD
Hmmm... Nothing really happened lately. FOR ONCE, my mom actually says I can get something for getting good grades. XD My brother was all pouting and going "Hey, I never got a 4.0...." I was like, "Well I have easy classes, sheesh.." XD
RIGHTLY-EARNED 4.0s are for squares anyway. [shakes fist at them] Get a life, you guys. Especially you dudes with that whole 4.0+ GPA thing going on. What is wrong with you?! (Just kidding... or am I? DUN DUN DUN.)
Hmmm... I went to sleep at sometime in the afternoon yesterday cause I felt like shit... then my mom came home and we went to go look for a movie (I wanted Pride and Prejudice, but the asshole that Blockbuster is, they didn't have it. I hope they burn in hell. [insert evil demonic laughter here]). And then when we got back home, I went back to bed. And then my mom woke me up to help her clean the bathroom... [sighs] AND THEN I finally got to sleep. Slept until 10 something at night.. figured that was around my normal sleepy-time anyway, went right back to sleep and woke up about an hour or so ago. Wowwee. XD
I gotta stop doing that...
Hmmm... well I dunno what else to say/what other useless information I can pound into your mortal brains, bwaha. Seeya. n_n d
Posted by Calix at 10:28 2 comments
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
feeling» assez merdeuse, argh x_x
listening to» "heartache every moment" ~ him
currently addicted to» him, lol (i'm sad i never got into them sooner [sad face] XD)
currently irritated by» my throat, the rain
randomness» "fettered ferrets fumbling to fuck on fun fences."
Uh... Dunno what to say... Just blogging cause I've got nothing better to do. Finished my art project/picture/whatever. XD
It's real nice; wish I could scan it.. :( Whenever I get it back, I shall, whee. :D Uhm... still in ze process of coloring a niiiiice pic (or what everyone tells me is a nice pic). :P
Euh.. ouais. C'est tout. :P
"men kanskle bak en stien eller bak en gammel busk sitter fortsatt, hm, og vender? XD XD"
Posted by Calix at 21:34 0 comments
Sunday, October 10, 2004
feeling» chickish XD (aka better than good)
listening to» "nocturna" ~ moonspell
currently addicted to» ...stuff. XD
currently irritated by» my face.. rar, i'm breaking out like mad
randomness» "if something doesn't happen soon I'll just have to punch her to death. XD"
Whee, xy feels like a girl today. I'm all prettyful and stuffers, whee. :P Ummmm... tomorrow is school, rar. Dun wanna goooooo... I finished my art picture but it sucks. XD I think it's due tomorrow... [shrugs]
I'm having a tough time with my essay for World Lit... I think it's due tomorrow... I think.. XD I dun think it'll be finished tomorrow though. XD I'm seriously stuck on what to say. Maybe if I just told her what the differences were, I'd be better off. But writing essays kills me. XD
...in the eeeeeeeeyyyyyeeeeeesss.... XD
That line inspired me to draw a picture. XD I've been meaning to draw something... never have the time to in school anymore though (aww)... I wish my scanner worked too [sobs]... I can't scan anything I draw. XD
It suuuucks. Oh well. -_-;
Umm.. I totally sucked ass on the SAT! XD WOOOOOO!!!
Posted by Calix at 20:15 0 comments
Thursday, October 7, 2004
feeling» okie dokie
listening to» "nothing" ~ dwight yoakam
currently addicted to» jane eyre, writing
currently irritated by» this little pinch inside of me making me want to draw
randomness» randomness
Eeeeek... Jane Eyre is getting so gooooood. More than halfway through now... can't seem to stop reading, eek. Ummm.. I dunno what else to say really... I think I'm going to bed now. Maybe I'll actually draw something, wow. XD
...Really. XD
Posted by Calix at 22:00 0 comments
Wednesday, October 6, 2004
feeling» eh
listening to» "the genuine pulse" ~ borknagar
currently addicted to» see above
currently irritated by» people
randomness» "schleisisjeuehedjesyuhshssen02373737216"
Um.. nothing going on. Apparently my blog will never publish ever. XD
So I'm writing this to see if it finally wants to.
Piece of crap. -_-;;
Posted by Calix at 20:46 0 comments
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
feeling» bleh and a bit nauseous from all the damn food i just stuffed into myself... damn you, swedish fish! XD
listening to» "over bleknede blaner til dommedag" ~ dimmu borgir
currently addicted to» froot loops!
currently irritated by» loud stupid people in loud stupid classrooms
randomness» "Let's use our thinking caps, everyone! [makes some stupid gesture of putting an invisible helmet on]"
Well... since SOMEONE begged me to update... here it is.
Nothing happened. The end. XD
Just kidding. Ummmmmm... I'm 1/3 of the leaders for the design crew for stagecraft, whee! XD I'm a shitty leader but oh well, there's two more. XD Ummmmmm... my scanner is NOT working, and I am NOT drawing much of anything, so if you're reading this expecting a picture, it's not gonna happen any time soon. :P
Not that anyone is, so oh well.
Hmmmmmmmm... still trying to switch out of sewing! XD I got $100 (or 100 points) extra for helping the new guy in class with all his work and stuffs. Everyone calls him stuff cause he dresses differently (Elysa, you know who I be talking about :P) but he's nice. We just got really confused cause I had to explain some of the papers to him and he was all "What's this?" and I was like "...." XD and we were just laughing cause we were confused. And then the teacher had to come over and explain it to both of us. XD I was like "I dunno why I'm even helping you cause I dunno what the fuck I'm talking about" and he was all "Well you got a hundred points for it." Then I remembered I was getting out and I'm like "Well that's nice. I'm not going to be here for long anyway." XD
In Stagecraft we went through all the paints and took an inventory of everything in the paint room. We didn't finish cause it was a short day, but we got a lot done in the short period of time. Tomorrow we need to look through the paints and see what colors we have and which ones are good, so on, blah blah. Ummm... we're going to get paint all over ourselves real soon, so I gotta find a bleh shirt to take the damage for my regular clothes. XD
Reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë now, on my own (amazingly XD). I was all "I need to read something different for a change... eh... this looks kinda interesting...." It is pretty good so far. To other people, it might be a sleep inducing piece of work, but I cling to things set in that kinda time. XD So I just read that in my free time... not drawing... just reading. Wow. XD
So anyway... sorry this was so long. Felt kinda compelled to actually write something for a change. :P Umm.. the end?
Posted by Calix at 14:52 0 comments
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
feeling» itchy
listening to» my fan
currently addicted to» french XD
currently irritated by» my right eye
randomness» l'ornithorynque
Rar... haven't posted in a while.... With school and all, I'm way too lazy to. XD Plus, I hate sitting here anyway, posting useless crap that no one reads anyway.
I'm all sneezy today. I think it's because of Stagecraft; the entire room was so dusty and spidery. Ummm.. and the air was sorta dry too.
Uhhh... I seriously need to post something on DeviantArt. I haven't drawn anything good since school started and it's beginning to worry me. XD I'll at least color some old pictures if I have the time. Reminding me, gotta scan pictuuuuuuuuuure for someone.
Ummm.. I dunno what else to say... [sneezes]
Posted by Calix at 21:12 0 comments
Friday, September 10, 2004
feeling» hot, argh... [melts]
listening to» "letting the cables sleep" ~ bush
currently addicted to» wanting to go swimming XD
currently irritated by» my english class. rargh.
randomness» "in your face, berkohoff."
Well, school started on Tuesday. Nothing much happened. I got put in AP English Lit with all these smart... er... "smart" people. They just do their homework and get good grades and that somehow makes them smart even though they can't spell worth a damn and don't know much of anything, really.
I hate them all. Simply put, they're worthless. Someone bomb them or hit them with sticks. Very big, spiked sticks. That shoot bullets and send out electricity. Exploding bullets, better yet.
Urrrgh. Here are my classes:
1st - economics/government
2nd - french 3/4
3rd - drawing/painting
4th - clothing design (wtf :P)
6th - stagecraft
Pretty Easy classes. Yay. All I have to worry about is my econ class and
getting out of AP English lit. French is... soooo easy. So that goes in with all
the other weirdo non-classes. XD
Posted by Calix at 20:35 0 comments
Monday, August 30, 2004
feeling» okay, i guess
listening to» "unknown (sub rosa mix)" ~ iris
currently addicted to» this song (woooo sooo goood), golden cupcakes (cept for ze stuff in the middle, ew) XD
currently irritated by» my face.. rar. stupid hormones.
randomness» beer bear.
Hmmm... not quite September, but almost there. I've actually been drawing a bit, but it's taking me a lot of effort to do simple things. I guess it's because I'm not used to it after not drawing for such a long time.
Umm... lately I've been drawing my anime-ish character Ryoko. Umm, I dunno what else to say cause I dun want to get into details... she's a Sailor Moon ripoff. XD Just more awesome (and a whole lot less cheesy). n_n d
Rar, my brother is trying to make me take the SATs or whatever. I dun really care. I'm not studying for it or anything if he signs me up. If I take it, I'm just going in very blindly. Yay for Mistress Luck, who tends to be on my side a lot. But I know I'm going to fail miserably anyway because, well, I'm stupid. :P
[insert angry friends screaming at me now]
"But you always say that!"
"You never fail!"
Anyway. I don't care. I just want to take it and get it over with. And if I actually score decently, then my brother will be happy and make me go to SDSU with him during his last year. Which I don't mind, even though it would be weird (we've only been in the same school like... for one year, ever.)
Posted by Calix at 12:46 0 comments
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
feeling» okay
listening to» some japanese song XD
currently addicted to» chocolate covered peanut cluster thingies
currently irritated by» my tummy
randomness» "you sick, sick children. how can you live with yourselves!?"
And clothes and stuff, yeah... and... yeah.... mmm... yeah...
Posted by Calix at 23:38 0 comments
Thursday, August 12, 2004
feeling» righty-tighty!
listening to» "maria" ~ gackt
currently addicted to» being weird..? [shrugs]
currently irritated by» my boobs are the size of watermelons. ack.
randomness» "[throws the chair through the window, jumps on the chair, slips on it, falls.]"
Just came back from seeing Collateral. Oh my, that has got to be my favorite movie now. Soooooo good. I dunno how to explain it. I mean, it was serious and stuff, but a lot of parts just made me laugh. It's... just such a good movie. [cries]
Anyway... I just had to get that out. Tom Cruise is such a badass in that movie. He was like the freaking terminator and shiitake. Moo, I dunno about everyone else, but wow. That movie just rocked.
And a note to all: Thong = Very very bad. Please, don't wear them for everyone's safety and well-being.
Posted by Calix at 22:40 0 comments
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
feeling» okie dokie i guess
listening to» "dybbuk" ~ gackt
currently irritated by» i won't even get into that
currently addicted to» uh.. corset tops. i need to find one.
randomness» "Bloorgle."
[eats cake]
Posted by Calix at 23:07 0 comments
feeling» like a cow
listening to» "gardenia" ~ malice mizer
currently irritated by» myself cause i say stupid stuff
currently addicted to» sleeping..?
randomness» "it's a killer kangaroo!"
Hmmm.. I dunno what to say. Just want to update or something.
I'm going to go visit Kel (my little sister if you didn't know) on Saturday... never met before so this should be all wheeee and yay and stuffers like that. Hopefully we get there as early as possible. I dun want to be there for like, 3 hours and then go home.
And since I've managed to get everyone upset with me... remind me to get a journal, Kel. Seriously. You're the only one who isn't upset with me, seemingly. I need to go write a bunch of crap down so I dun keep upsetting people. I've even managed to get someone mad at me or something and she hasn't said anything in days.... So I'm obviously being really stupid.
[sighs] And some people say I'm not a horrible person.
Posted by Calix at 13:41 0 comments
Saturday, August 7, 2004
feeling» bored. bored. bored. board.
listening to» "sora to umi to niji no yume" ~ akiko sugawara
currently irritated by» being so damn bored, my own whiny self
currently addicted to» bust a groove (even if i can't play it), castlevania
randomness» "...bugs the monkeys outta my ass..."
Nothing. To. Do.
I'm so bored I could shoot myself.
I want to doooo something before school starts.
But nooooooo.
I have to stay bored forever.
Why does everyone else get to have fun while I'm stuck here wishing I could?
I mean, it's all well and good if I didn't want to do anything.
But unfortunately, I actually want to do something.
And Kel, I'm whining so I dun want to spill it all out on you.
(just in case you cared about where I was, which you probably didn't.)
So moo.
Moo moo moo.
Posted by Calix at 11:45 0 comments
Friday, July 9, 2004
feeling» good n_n
listening to» "fernsehapparat" ~ and one
currently irritated by» My lack of bilingualness! x_x
currently addicted to» AND ONE, DAMMIT! GERMAN ROY'S VOICE! XD
randomness» "mr speaker, i love you"
I dunno what to write... so I just say....
(that was so lame.)
Anyway, I tink I type whole post like dis. I dun wan people tink I dumb, but I just boring. So I do dis. I need life. This useless post. Sorry for you reading.
Have cookie. [feeds cookies to you]
Posted by Calix at 15:27 0 comments
Saturday, July 3, 2004
feeling» "SOOOOO GOOOD!"
listening to» "take a chance on me" ~ abba
currently irritated by» uhh... mad and angry people!
currently addicted to» rugby! need more rugbyyyyyyyy.....
randomness» "How do I look? Sexy enough to be Jesus?"
Umm.. dunno what to write really... I'm just doing this because I'm bored, as always.
Moo, I cleaned my room earlier... most of all, I finally cleaned out my drawers and tossed out all my old clothes. Damn, I really was a lot fatter! XD All of my old shirts were so huge... wow. That, and those old videos my brother was watching the other night just showed me how fat I used to be compared to now.
We were in Arizona in that video... and my brother and Nate (yes, Nate) were a lot skinnier. XD But I was like, FAT. [laughs] I mean, FAT. Even my face was fatter, and I didn't even notice I got skinnier.... XD No wonder everyone keeps telling me, "Wow, you got skinny" and I'm all, "Euh?"
Moo, so I'm not such a fat cow after all. Not anymore, anyway. XD
My lips feel bleh... [puts some lip balm on] Ahh... tingly and soft. Yay! n_n I'm a bit hyperish, obviously. I dunno. Moooo. My teeth ARE straighter. It's weird. My teeth don't have the same umm... imprinty marky thingy on food like it used to. [shrugs] Fine with me! :D
...I'm so spoiled. I hate it.
Oooh, football's on... and not that American shit. "Soccer" is on. Yep. WOO! [cries for rugby]
Posted by Calix at 14:48 0 comments
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
feeling» umm... kay, i guess
listening to» "drive" ~ incubus
currently irritated by» my stupid crazy tummy
currently addicted to» talking about weird stuff, it looks like
randomness» "fuckin' chuck norris."
| e d i t |
Apparently this was my 100th post. What a shitty 100 post, eh?!
| / e d i t |
Moo, I'm a bored sheepycow. I just watched Dodgeball with my brother, and it was pretty hilarious. I love watching purposely stupid-ass stuff for some reason. Makes me crack up, I guess. Kinda makes me want to play dodgeball now, even though I know I'd suck majorly. Looks fun though.
Some of my nails are getting pretty long... I'd better do something about them before they get broken somehow. I hear that can be pretty painful. But then again, what do those chicks know? Breaking nails can't hurt THAT much, can it? ("Ow, I lyke, broke a nail OMG")
Hmmm... I'm getting a strange urge to dress like a sailor scout. XD
Sailorstupid. That's me. I wonder what my costume-thingy would look like....
Aaaaaanywaaaaaay. Uhh.. yeah. I guess that's it. Nothing real interesting, as usual. I'm just... boring. n_n Nice to meet you.
Posted by Calix at 13:19 0 comments
Saturday, June 26, 2004
feeling» like me! n_n
listening to» "brüder" ~ melotron ... i listen to this a lot... it's so badass
currently irritated by» not much, thankfully
currently addicted to» stupid mexican candy. grrr, it's so good.
randomness» moo, je suis une vache stupide.
Moo, since a grand total of two people have called me cute... well, maybe more than that... okay, yes, more than that... I now feel like I'm not as ugly or fat or stupid as I say I am. So yay for that! [dances]
Woo! I'm pretty! (not!)
Anyway. FINALLY talked to Sonya for the first time in forever. (Where the hell have you been?!) And here I am, still eating this stupid lollipop. Damn it for being so yummy. Grrr! [licks it] GRRR!! [licks it again]
Dammit. No more candy for xy-xy.
Posted by Calix at 17:29 0 comments
feeling» sorta.. ehh... nice?
listening to» "anything, anything" ~ dramarama
currently irritated by» stupid cameras
currently addicted to» makeup, apparently
randomness» "i'll give you anything you want... hundred dollar bills!"
Hmm.. I need to do my nails... they look bleh.
[looks up] Oh yeah. Blog. Riiiight. Umm... I guess I'm not as blah-depressed-leave-me-alone-you-happy-asses as I was yesterday; in fact, I'm just dandy. I think. Unless that's just hunger I'm feeling. [shrugs]
I tried to take some pictures of myself just now, but they were al coming out badly, even though I think I look kinda nice today... so I have concluded that cameras just distort me and make me look uglier than usual, and that I officially hate them all. That, or I really just am very ugly and I'm too blind to notice. The camera is just showing me the truth, yes. -_-;
Ugh. Anyway... I just... grr....
Senior pictures? I'm not taking any stupid senior pictures. I'm not doing any of that crap. GRRRR!! Prom? Whaaa? No kcufing way.
Moo. Now I've gone and put myself into a "grrr!" mood. Bad... [sighs and tries to go back to "ehh.." mood]
Posted by Calix at 13:44 0 comments
Thursday, June 24, 2004
feeling» merdeuse...
listening to» "so much work" ~ pete yorn
currently irritated by» stupid people and slutty goth bitches who make me feel like shit (big grr, you 15 year old child porn slut-whore)
currently addicted to» pizza. fattening pizza.
randomness» i'm a nerd
I need braces soon... my teeth are being pushed in about 50 different directions... [whimpers] I don't want my mouth to be a train wreck... it's, like, the only thing I actually get complimented on, and now that's going to be gone too... God really hates me. "Hey, I think I'll make that stupid cow ugly and miserable just because I find it horribly hilarious! Woo!"
Grr... I'm going to kill my eyebrows either tonight or tomorrow if I don't wimp out again. I'm tired of them looking like a boy's... they're okay shape-wise, but they need to be a bit thinner for me to actually be satisfied. Being a chick sucks. Having to try to look all pretty and stuffers... blah. Boys can just look fat and stupid and ugly and everything's just fine. But girls... noooo....
Psshah. Sorry about that slut-whore comment up there. But she's a girl who is just asking to get raped. Anywaaaaay. Byeeee! That sounded so cheerful. How deceiving.
Posted by Calix at 19:05 0 comments
feeling» pretty n_n
listening to» "no cigar" ~ millencollin
currently irritated by» my stupid blah tummy
currently addicted to» mmm... water
randomness» AISHWARYA!!!
Moo, Aishwarya. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman... blah, I wish I looked like Aishwarya Rai. [sniffles] She so purrty. But I'm purrtier!! Mwaahahahhahaha! Okay, not really, but I can dream. *snf*
Ummm... I have to go to church today.... I'm not really in the mood to, because I feel all bleh and crampy still, but... I have to. I also played AC for the first time in about 6 months yesterday... I made a boy this time and named him Yun Yun. XD I'm going to give him a bunch of money and let him go wild while writing mean and crude letters to the village townsfolk-animal-dudes. Go Yun Yun! Kill them with your uber-deceiving cuteness! XD I'm such a moron.
Aaaaaah! I weighed myself on the scales at Ikea and I'm 120!!! Aaaaack! I'm not supposed to be that light, especially not on one of my fat days!! That means... I'm like, normally (un-fat-day) 118-ish.... I've dropped below my "I'm way too skinny" mark, but I still look the same!! Something's wrong! But oh well, I'm staying here anyway. I'm tired of being a fat cow. Yay! Now I can be a semi-fat sheepy instead!
Ahem. Anyway... uhh uhh.... uhm.... AISHWARYA!!! ICE CREEEEEEAAAAM!!! AAAAAHHHH!!!
Posted by Calix at 15:07 0 comments
Monday, June 7, 2004
current obsession» a yak from the himalayas, yep
feeling» silly
listening to» "knowing me, knowing you" ~ abba (i swear, this song is yum)
currently irritated by» the whole "desperate" thing down there... am not!!!
currently addicted to» being a dumb-ass
randomness» gaaaaaaaaaa-ckt
Boredom, yet again. Please, shoot me now.
D | Desperate |
A | Astounding |
W | Weird |
N | Naughty |
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
Desperate? I think not.
Astounding? More like boring.
Weird? At least they got one right. *sigh*
And naughty? [laughs] This thing is bogus... or is it? Dun-dun-DUN!
Posted by Calix at 18:04 0 comments
Monday, May 31, 2004
current obsession» nothing
feeling» like crying some more and throwing up my insides
listening to» "all of this" ~ blink 182, robert smith
currently irritated by» everything
currently addicted to» absolutely nothing
randomness» nothing is random about fate
I don't even know why I'm even like this right now. The first thing I did when I woke up was cry my sorry little eyes out. I'm tired of everything... and I'm so lonely. I just don't know why I'm getting this way again. I have this sick feeling in my stomach... like something's not quite right, and I just keep crying.
I can't even eat. I don't want anything. I don't want to do anything except go somewhere and breathe in some fresh air. I never go anywhere. I never do anything. I want to just go somewhere and sit by my lonesome little self and be stupid and just cry, cry, cry until I get this sick feeling to go away.
Too many bad dreams, all about the same thing, all repeating, all making me cry. Too many of these feelings. I know something's wrong. And if nothing's wrong, then something is going to go wrong; I just know it.
Posted by Calix at 11:21 2 comments
Sunday, May 30, 2004
current obsession» food... mwahahaha
feeling» kinda prettyfull but more silly than anything else n_n
listening to» "rainbow" ~ spektralized
currently irritated by» ugly plants
currently addicted to» the notion of getting a nose job
randomness» "ist alles okay...?"
I look quite Middle Eastern today. But it's all right because my hair is decent and my eyes are unusually bright. Woo! I feel pretty. n_n
I don't really know what to say... I'm kind of just really bored. I'm begging my mum to let me get my nose fixed. I want a pointier, longer nose because mine is really ugly and makes the rest of my face look even uglier than it is.
And I look Middle Eastern!!!
Oh well, I'm not moving to Iran, not after watching that movie in Mr. A's class. [laughs] Hilarious movie. Teaches women never to get married to Iranian men. XD
Anyway. I'm out of here. Have fun with yourselves (don't be vulgar).
Posted by Calix at 12:55 0 comments
Friday, May 28, 2004
current obsession» too worried to obsess
feeling» WORRIED... and crampy and blaaaaah. [shakes fist at being a chick]
listening to» "reich aus glas" ~ melotron
currently irritated by» ignorant people, cramps [shakes fist]
currently addicted to» mechanical horizon, melotron (still!), flossing more than usual
randomness» Farrin and I be worried... XD
xylael: [cries]
M0ti0ncItySndtrk: [sighs]
xylael: [whines]
M0ti0ncItySndtrk: [whimpers]
xylael: [sniffles] Hold meeeeee.... XD
El chupacabra... hehehe....
I can't even smile or open my mouth to talk because someone will inevitably say something on the lines of, "Wow, you have white teeth...."
They are not! Not not not! You people just... just... don't know how to brush your teeth! [hides mouth with a fan] GRRRR!!!!
*huffhuff* Okay. I think I'm all done with that. It just gets really irritating after a while. Sure, it might be a compliment or whatever, but I swear, my teeth are not glow-in-the-dark white or anything. They're crooked and ugly and grrraaaaaa.... [stops]
I want to be a dude right now very badly... my tummy is hurting and I'm taking it like a sissy boy. *whimperwhinecry*
Okay, I done blog. I go now.
[stares at her doggie above]
Nuuu... ugly chupacabra chihuahua.
Posted by Calix at 20:38 0 comments
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
current obsession» james duval (nyahaahaha)
feeling» pissy-pissy and tummy-achey
listening to» "gottes vergessenes kind" ~ mechanical horizon
currently irritated by» myself
currently addicted to» melotron, mechanical horizon
randomness» "spell F-U-N... spell fun...."
Ah, this freaking song is sooo good right now. The guy's kind of mumbling, but whatever. Hmm... I've got a tummyache. [cries] When will I ever be 100%?
I need to work on French homework soon, but I'm too lazy to go the three steps to my bed and take it out. I want to wear a paper bag over my head too. I'm mad at my reflection. It's ugly.
I want to stop being pissy too. I'm getting mad at everything and that makes me mad that I'm getting so mad at everything that shouldn't be making me mad. hehehe...
Hmm... I'm bored. So bored I'm making another whack-ass quiz. [laughs] I'm a pathetic dork. I even took freaking surveys, I was that bored. I want to go to sleep but I'm not tired enough to. Bleh, I feel really shitty.
Reading The Catcher in the Rye is so freaking boring. Don't read that book. It sucks major arse. People said it was good, but... nah. The only good/funny/whatever part was near the end when that drunken teacher dude started petting Holden. Nyaahahahahaha....
Moo, I've been drawing a bunch of these really cutesy chibi-ish stuff lately and I hate it. Even if they are just doodles, it makes me sick. That's not what I do. Well I guess they're decent, but still! That's not the point! I just... would rather draw in my usual style. XD
"hey 'murrey'... that kid ain't mine!"
Posted by Calix at 17:02 0 comments
Saturday, May 22, 2004
current obsession» darth vader... not.
feeling» like a moron (yay!)
listening to» "fashion fight pause" ~ hot hot heat
currently irritated by» this guy's voice
currently addicted to» this song, even if the guy's voice is annoying
randomness» "uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh" <--- that's how the song goes
As if I didn't already know this? XD
You Should Date An Italian!You love for old fashioned romance, with an old fashioned guy
Hopefully I don't have to date that guy in the picture. He looks kind of slow and his haircut is atrocious.... Looks like a nice dresser though. :P
Stuff happened but I'm too lazy to go over it. Have a nice day.
Posted by Calix at 13:04 0 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
current obsession» gackt
feeling» kinda naughty... eeep.
listening to» "days of the phoenix" ~ afi
currently irritated by» pretty people (well, some of them)
currently addicted to» pretty people XD
randomness» bear in grass! woo!
Gackt. Looking pretty as usual. (I just wanted to test the new image thing they've got going here... apparently it works. Woo!)
Not much happened today. Kel and I (mostly Kel) somehow came up with this "Bear in grass" concept and so I'll be drawing a pic for it; she already wrote the accompanying poem. :P
My brother was showing us a tape of Raw and sure enough, there he was up front jumping around like a moron in his bright red shirt... heheh being on TV more than once in a lifetime thanks to wrestling must be so fun. n_n He always manages to get on TV during shows....
I drew pictures of Sailorvenus and Sailormars today; I'll probably draw the others soon... maybe only the main five though. Tuxedo Mask is a no-no because I absolutely hated... er, hate... that guy, and the same goes for Chibi-moon. But Venus and Mars turned out looking all right, so I'm happy. I think Sailormoon fanart must be one of the most fun things to colour. Don't ask why; it just sounds real interesting to me. Maybe it's their different colours, I don't know.
Which reminds me... I've still got that Ryoga fanart piece to work on. And those two pretty Navi pics I never got around to colouring. [dies] I hate this. I rush myself like this is some stupid job, and in a way, it is.
I'm getting a tan. Kcuf! I want to be pale... not... icky and dark.
Damn my genes to Iowa. I seem to not have anything I admire. My hair sucks, my eyes suck, my body sucks, and now my skin even sucks.
Also, I feel a sudden urge to learn fencing. It's really homo, I know, but I think it'd be really fun... sounds like a good hobby (yay! stabbing people! XD). Now I'm thinking of dolls. My friend Marvie and I were discussing how much we loved paper dolls, and now I'm considering making them. I also want to look for some real (as in three-dimensional) dolls to mess around with. I loooooove dolls so much it's unbelievable. I'm the last person people expect to like dolls, but I do.
[laughs] The one time I say "not much happened today" I write my whole freaking life story. :P Sorry this was so long and useless... I tend to do that sort of thing.
Posted by Calix at 22:00 0 comments
Thursday, April 29, 2004
current obsession» marth
feeling» 50% - hmmm... coughy and sniffly and crampy
listening to» "sick" ~ sneakerpimps
currently irritated by» coughing all the time, guys staring at me o_o
currently addicted to» sleeping, making quizzes (god, i'm an official nerdette), paying attention to myself
randomness» christian bale will still kick your ass.
I need to stop making quizzes. And as I said that, I knew I wouldn't. So here's my own result to an overdone and common quiz:
You are Marth.
You're known for your blue hair, your tiara, and
your pretty voice.
You are also quick with that sword of yours,
Guys tend to find you to be the gayest character in
Your tiara doesn't help, either.
But they're just jealous.
We all know you get all the fangirls.
Are you Marth, Link, or Roy?
brought to you by Quizilla
Dumb, I know. But I'm extremely bored these days and it's giving me some extreme urge to make pointless quizzes. Oh well. No one will take them, but damn, I'm bored!!! [dies]
And I'm Marth too!
[dies again]
Posted by Calix at 22:23 0 comments
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
current obsession» ian somerhalder
feeling» 70% - okay, sniffly
listening to» "permanent for now" ~ no knife
currently irritated by» my sniffly-ness
currently addicted to» fruit juice, sleeping, ill mitch (support russian rap, dammit!)
randomness» rest in peace ~kirby the bunny~
I still don't have those Melotron CDs, but my brother's at work; hopefully he'll come home with them. [crosses fingers]
Meh, everyone just left. Oh well... I took a nice nap today and I wanto to go back to sleep out of pure boredom. Oh well, I'd better stay awake and occupy myself with absolutely anything that comes to mind... which is absolutely nothing. [sighs]
Other than that, I'm all out of words for tonight.
Posted by Calix at 22:30 0 comments
Monday, April 26, 2004
current obsession» ian. ian. ian ian ian.
feeling» maybe 37% now
listening to» "tsuki no uta" ~ gackt
currently irritated by» this dumb headache!!!!
currently addicted to» the same shit as below
Posted by Calix at 19:44 0 comments
current obsession» ian somerhalder (pure yum)
feeling» if 75% is my norm, i'm at about 38% (i feel like shit!)
listening to» "manchmal" ~ melotron
currently irritated by» my major canadia-sized headache, walking home, this stupid heat
currently addicted to» melotron, wildboyz (yay for 2nd season-ness yet again!), drawing sailormoon shiitake and my pocket fairy-marth, the color blue, trying to scavenger-hunt for steve burns's (yes, the original blue's clues guy) CD
randomness» ugh, steve-o is giving himself a face-piercing. [turns away in horror and listens to him scream]
YAY! Hopefully when my brother gets home I'll finally have my Melotron CDs... WOOOOOO!!!
Okay. *huffhuff*
Added Kel's new blog to the side, so if we's wants to takes a looksies, we can... n_n Go Kel, you Jun-whore!
Wildboyz was slightly painful to watch last night but also painfully funny. Hehe... Steve-O's so stupid sometimes. Well, all the time, actually. Anyway,I'm just posting because I'm bored.
Posted by Calix at 19:30 0 comments
Monday, April 19, 2004
current obsession» don henrie... still.
feeling» coughy... still.
listening to» "lose in wanting (lovett's solar eclipse mix)" ~ iris
currently irritated by» annoying people at school... as always.
currently addicted to» iris, drawing pictures of lucy, speaking french to myself (it's practicing, i guess), procrastination... as usual. oh, and putting those endings on my sentences (ex. "... as usual." and "... still.")
randomness» tommy vercetti is a genius.
Alors, I just keep tweaking this stupid page. I think I won't be messing with it for a while, so it'll probably be this way forever. (ha, yeah right)
Hover over links and info will pop up usually, so I did that because I like talking about useless shit. Haven't you noticed? (that was addressed to the one and a half other people that actually see this page)
Also, umm... yeah, I think that's all I did, actually.... [lost]
For all you curious Tom-stalkers out there (that means you, the one other person that visits this place), he's doing alright but I think there's something wrong with him... [worried] I haven't seen him with a girl (or a man) in ages... I wonder if this is permanent....
Naps are bad. Now I'm not very tired and I should have been asleep already.
[points to lucy] It's all his fault!!!
... YEAH!!!
Posted by Calix at 23:43 0 comments
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
current obsession» haruna masaki, better known as "klaha" (ridiculous name)
feeling» all loved and in a coloury mood
listening to» "lay all your love on me" ~ abba
currently addicted to» abba (yeah, they rock. got a problem with it?), klaha, love (awww... how cute; let's vomit), apoptygma berzerk, colouring pics, spelling things the euro way (like my new behaviour?), mascara, kitties
Righty tighty. Last entry for Mars, so... here comes pretty springy Avril...
I'm such a mascara addict. I think it's because I've always liked my eyelashes and eyebrows... Kind of thought my eyes needed to stand out a little more, so I mess with 'em a bit these days. I've been doing this for a couple of months, but in this past week or two, I've been going completely crazy.
So addicted to Abba right now.... I've been listening to Abba for hours on end. I don't think I can stop... *whimper* I dunno what people's problems with them are. They're so good.... [shrugs] Makes no sense to me. They have some of the catchiest songs; karaoke-type songs.... Never ever ever ever talk about Abba!!! Or I will defenestrate you! (gah, i love that word)
I'm feeling rather feminine lately... I hope this doesn't last too long or get any worse. [crosses fingers] I just... ack. It's scary to think I'm finally turning into a girl! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Okay... Think that's it for now. Nighty night. Have a nice April.
Posted by Calix at 21:21 0 comments
Saturday, February 21, 2004
«current obsession» leon kennedy (resident evil 2, 4)
feeling» hoppy for leon
listening to» "fragrance" ~ gackt
currently addicted to» waiting for re4 to come out, fire emblem, worrying about nothing
I am soooooo in love with Leon Kennedy.
(After all, I did name this stupid blog after him, right?)
Well anyway, I can't wait for RE4 to come out later this year... instead of zombies, pretty Leon is being chased by a bunch of creepy South American villagers with sharp objects and chainsaws. (God that creepy Leatherface-lookin dude freaks me out... especially in that pic where he's cutting into Leon with the God-awful device...) Let's hope he makes it out of this one alive, shall we? The gameplay also seems different and much easier, thank God. I wanna play this one like I wanna fu-- uhm. Never mind.
And whatever happened to Claire Redfield dammit?! She was in two games and they better not have discarded her. Come on, Capcom, put her in this one too, even if only for a two-second cutscene.
[cries for claire]
Posted by Calix at 13:49 2 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
current obsession» i won't even put his picture here cos you know who it is. still.
feeling» fruity (not in that kind of way)
listening to» "rollergirl" ~ apoptygma berzerk
currently addicted to» apb, seymour, tom and his leather pants, sobbing over beth's site of marth... why did you have to die?!
Okay... here's a quizamabobber. I'm bored. I'm making Tom and Sorin do it too.
Not in that way.
The Creator
Your Jobs: You need a job where you can put your
creative resources to good use. You can be a
teacher , manager, counselor, spiritual leader,
journalist, or designer.
You need someone who can accept your moodiness and
learn to deal. You cannot have someone who will
constantly put you down, order you around, or
ignore you. You need a listener who cares about
your rapidly changing feelings. You may set
your standards too high.
Your dream guy= Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Your dream girl= Rinoa from Final Fantasy 8, Alyssa
from Chasing Amy
Most Likely...
You most likely...
Are a Gemini, Cancer, or Taurus
Like arty movies and dramas
Dont play any sports
Have two sides to you
Like movies that make you think
Follow a religion
Best Friends: Dreamers, Social Butterflies
Love Interests:Dreamers and other Creators
Enemies:Villians and Kings
COMPLETE~~With Text Images~~The Super Ultimate Personality Quiz: Who are you? (With long answers!) All answers available, including your ideal job, ideal love interest, and more all in one answer!
brought to you by Quizilla
Enemies: Villains?? I sure don't think so... [drools over seymour yet again] And I'm not cocky; I'm modest. This isn't super-accurate. But it's almost there.
Posted by Calix at 19:47 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2004
«current obsession» still seymour *girly sigh*
feeling» slow
listening to» "unicorn" ~ apoptygma berzerk
currently addicted to» the darkness, seymour, seymour, tom's cute shirts, seymour, coloring stuff, seymour....
I've been in a bit of a color-color-i-must-color mood lately. I ended up coloring my Seymour pic (toldya I'd color it)... so if you want to see it go click here:
God, his eyes are so pretty... I'm surprised I did them that way. His eyes are supposed to be straight-out blue, but I'm so tired of blue-eyed characters. Stupid anime and their blue-eyed Japanese people. Japanese people don't have blue eyes.
Unless they're Gackt.
Anyway... I seriously thought there was school today until my mom told me last night that it was a holiday. Tells you how slow I am. Oh well... gives me yet more time to finish my French project... it was due last Wednesday. Oopsie...
Aww... I hope there'll be some more new JCA episodes. Probably not, since the whole "finale-type" episode aired last Saturday. Oh well... there's always reruns. And Will & Grace. And Queer Eye.
And Seymour... [drools]
Posted by Calix at 17:25 0 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
feeling» slightly depressed but quite pissed (sounds like PMS to me...)
listening to» "re-offender" ~ travis
currently addicted to» hitting myself over and over in the head, destroying all cameras everywhere, flipping people off
Today has probably been one of the worst and most miserable days ever. I have probably been called ugly in some form or another quite possibly more times than I ever have in only this last 24-hour period. And then the stupid yearbook picture we had to take for English just threw me over the edge and really pissed me the fuck off.
» Last night I sent Kellie a picture of myself and she insinuated many times that I was really, really ugly. At least people are truthful these days. What are friends for? [groans]
» In English, the teacher made us take a yearbook pic that no one ever agreed to take, and also she's making every student pay $2.00 for it even though no one agreed to those terms either. We took the picture, and I covered my face. Then the stupid girl taking the picture was all like, "Hey... um you... Can you like... [fades off]" So I uncovered my face and as she counted to three, I covered my face again. Then when they were passing around the paper to put our name (in order) on, I just walked back to class. Some people just don't understand that not everyone likes taking pictures. [flips off those two yearbook bitches]
» Leaving English class to go to History, Melanie walked out of her room and passed by and I could see in her eyes that she was thinking "loser" as I walked past. Well at least I'm not a poser, fat-ass-jigglypuff wannabe-plus-size-model. [flips her off too]
» After school, I was walking downhill and these guys behind me were all, "Is that a dude or a chick?"...."I think it's a chick".... "No, maybe it is a guy".... and since that bastard-ass white (does that sound racist of me?) fucker Daniel was there, I knew he started it. Lucky for him I didn't turn around and beat him to death right there and then. [flips his ugly fat-ass off too]
» And one other thing, people who copy art and sell it off as their own idea are bastards. Especially when they barrage you with it and then when you try to show them what you've done, they ignore you. Go to Hell, you person who I won't even mention because I find you too low to mention. [flips anonymous *koffartistwannabekoff* off too]
Ahem. Now that that's out I feel much better. But now I am resolved that I will save up money so I can get some plastic surgery, first and foremost, a nose job. Then I'll do my eyes and my lips. Whatever makes me feel better about myself because my self-esteem has officially dropped so far into the negative that it's never coming back from the dead.
Sorry this was so long and boring.
Posted by Calix at 14:31 0 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2004
feeling» a bit chilled
listening to» "play dead" ~ björk but switching to "peace the fuck out" ~ travis
drinking» yoohoo
currently addicted to» imitating the brit accents on prince of persia, hating school (they gave me pe again but i don't need it anymore), holding back from coloring a picture i really need to color
I have to finish coloring the seraphim art trade I'm doing with Celestial-SeraphiMan, a devart buddy... I really am not in the mood to color until I finally get myself a tablet. But I will color this picture eventually to finish off my half of the art-trade because it's my obligation of sorts, I suppose. So now I must continue working on it, I suppose.
Hopefully I can go bowling later, because although I suck at it, I like it and it gives me something to do.
hahaha... Sorin's thinking of doing a blog too. Now wouldn't that just be cute? A man who can't speak English worth a damn (well okay, he's pretty fluent, but he's got a cute Euro accent to go along with it) with his own little journal? I don't know. If he decides to do it though, I'll tell you about it.
Heehee... this Yoohoo is getting to me... x |
Posted by Calix at 15:24 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2004
feeling» clean and ready to color something
listening to» "the beautiful occupation" ~ travis and "i believe in a thing called love" ~ the darkness... all simultaneously. don't ask how that's possible.
eating» fudge brownies
drinking» milk
currently addicted to» singing along to the darkness, laughing at the word "boobies", the sims: bustin' out (hey, i made tom! cool me!)
I went to sleep reluctantly at five this morning, not feeling tired at all from that little 3-4 hour nap I had the evening before, finding myself awake finally at noon today. Made some brownies for no reason. The last post, I said I was going to color my Pocket Marth pic... well guess what?
I still haven't started on it. But that's what I will do right about now. (really, i will! sans déconner! no shit!)
I found a pretty Wacom tablet at Fry's, so I'll be getting one of those soon as a veeeerry early birthday present for myself (and partly from my dad "thanks dad!") My doggie (chihuahua) is barking at the vacuum cleaner as always, but whenever you push it towards her then she runs off scared. She's stupid sometimes, but what can you do, I guess. My ther doggie (pomeranian) is just running around in circles as always....
Well, I also finally got my Björk Greatest Hits CD and just yesterday I found out that the new Travis CD was out. I'd been waiting for that one; I didn't know it was already out.
Posted by Calix at 14:21 0 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
feeling busy and tired
listening to "oasis" ~ gackt
currently addicted to editing devart site, drawing (omg! that's a first), thomas (my honeybear)
I'm sooooo tired. I've been online all day just editing my DevArt site... I guess I feel strangely obligated to do it. Tomorrow I'll finish up there and (possibly) get started on coloring my Pocket Marth picture. I'd better go soon before my doofy brother starts complaining about me being an "online freak" even though I'm just here to edit my damn crapola... shhhhhiitake!
[calms down]
Okay. I'm calm now. *inhale* calm. *exhale* anger.
[has asthma attack]
Posted by Calix at 18:13 0 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2004
feeling utterly stuffy and bored
listening to "solaar pleure" ~ mc solaar
drinking peach iced tea
currently addicted to gackt, the gba version of the sims: bustin' out, kouyu shurei, bowling
Home now... and really bored.
I finally bowled for the first time ever, so I'm semi-happy now, I suppose. I'd better get started on coloring some pictures of mine, because I feel sorta picture-empty right now. I need something new to look at!!!
Oh well. [to uncolored picture] Here I come, Marth. Link. Roy.
*long sigh*
Posted by Calix at 19:04 0 comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2004
feeling semi-toasty
currently addicted to snow, my doggie slippers
We're at Big Bear now, after a really long ride here... Umm... Not really much to say except that it's real nice and there's snow on the ground. Maybe tomorrow we can throw some snow at each other and fun stuff like that. We got a pretty nice cabin, and it's purr-ty warm as well. I think we're going to watch Return of the King at the theater up here on Friday, as well, so... lots to do I guess.
Well, I'd better haul ass now and get settled in. Nighty night. Have fun at school everyone.
sorry. [feels homesick for thomas] my tom. wonder what he's doing right now. oh well. bye for now.
Posted by Calix at 19:36 0 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2004
feeling slightly apprehensive about this week
eating fortune cookies
currently addicted to gackt, kouyu shurei
So... I'll be gone until Saturday, which I suppose is good for me--getting out of the house and all, which I never do. I'll tell you the details of whatever happens whenever I get back.
Umm... I strangely have nothing to say, so... 'til we meet again?
Posted by Calix at 18:47 0 comments
Friday, January 2, 2004
feeling ranma-withdrawn
listening to "orange juice" ~ guitar wolf
currently addicted to finding more ranma 1/2 dvd season box sets
Ack... my brother and I already finished the season 1 & 2 dvds of Ranma. *sob* But oh well. I think I can hold out until we get the others. For now, I'll occupy myself with Fire Emblem, which I just started last night (and is as much of a drug as The Cure is), which I like lots. The animation is so good and the dudes so far are prettyfull, like Erk and Sain. Yep. Now I know what Kellie was talking about all those times....
I also think I'd better finish my Ranma fanart and start on a Fire Emblem fanart maybe? Or do another Ranma fanart, maybe of my dear Mousse all by himself.... Oh whatever. As long as my hand is still alive and twitching in painful arthritis-y spasms (hehe it's not really that bad), I'm sure I'll be able to fit all those in.
And maybe a little cute comic-that-makes-no-sense, which I so specialize in. I really wish I could do one of Marth, Link, and Roy... but I really just suck horribly at little comics. I'm so mediocre, but oh well. ^_^
Must get to work now on that Ranma fanart, I guess. 'Til we meet again... muahahaha!
Posted by Calix at 14:00 0 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2004
feeling hungry and lonely
listening to "fade away" ~ by some dude whose name i forgot
currently addicted to food, if i can find any first....
it's new year's. big whoop.
all that means is that i have to change the 3 to a 4 in my signature.
and a 4 is much more work than a 3.
but all i can say is that i do like january.
Posted by Calix at 00:17 0 comments